The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1861: You humiliated me like this, and have another with Zhan Muqian

  He even pinched her inner thigh with his hand.

  Such tender meat, it hurts her almost cramp...


  Zhan Muqian said: "Then I will wait for you, take your time and don't worry."

  The call was closed in an extremely tormenting environment.

   Jiang Xi's entire face was flushed.

  Her eyes were shy and angry, and she was trembling slightly.

  I have to admit that she is a little scared of Bae Joon like this.

  Because she can't control what he wants to do next.

  Her facial expression is tight, but in Bae Jun's eyes, she feels that her eyes are full of ecstatic colors.

  He wanted to tear her apart.

  I don’t even understand what I am still putting up with now.

  The prey close at hand, the locked car door.

  She simply cannot escape.


   Jiang Xi was silent for a long time before reluctantly regaining his consciousness.

  The pressure of extreme fear just now made her hardly relieved.

Too dangerous……

   Pei Jun unexpectedly attacked Zhan Muqian by picking up beans when she called Zhan Muqian——

  She was so afraid that she would not be under self-control for a while to make noises that shouldn't be made, which caused Zhan Muqian's suspicion. Even if she didn't lose her virginity today, she couldn't argue.

  She lost her earrings since the last time she hit it.

  Zhan Mu Qian obviously has doubts.

  Not to mention that she can see clearly that if you want to argue against Mu Qian's most grudged man, it can only be Pei Jun in all likelihood.

  Because he once put the cotton into Bae Jun's hands by himself.

   Put her in a tiger's mouth.

  This is probably the most humiliating stain in Zhan Muqian's life.

   He chose voluntarily.

   is ironic and sad.

After Jiang Xi confirmed that he was not gasping, he gritted his teeth and said directly sarcastically: "I have never seen a shameless protégé like you! You answered the phone deliberately, you are really alive. I'm tired, and want to kill me..."

   Pei Jun looked at her with her upper body half-luo disheveled appearance, which was always bloody.

  It happened that he was still restraining himself like a fool.

   Jiang Xi's disgusting attitude probably stimulated him a little.

  The hand he had left sinks deep again--

   He squinted his eyes, and although he smiled a little wickedly, he looked like a wicked bandit leader.

  He attacked with his hands, and smiled and asked: "Didn’t you tell him that you saw bugs? I think you are not afraid of bugs at all, but want the bugs to get into your terrible body..."

   Jiang Xi finally let out a low growl intolerably.

  She didn't do anything, but instinctively pinched her legs, avoided him, and stuck her face on the back of the seat.

  There was a humiliating look between her eyebrows and eyes.

   His lips were pale, and he quivered calmly: "Jun Pei, if you are a person who is greedy for a moment, but you don't really want to conspire with me, then we should disband as soon as possible, just as I haven't looked for you!"

  Bae Jun's face changed slightly.

   is about to get angry.

  But saw the woman's face collapsed slightly.

  She bit her lip, her eye circles seemed to be flushed.

She said word by word: "You insult me ​​in this way, what is the difference in essence from Zhan Muqian, but you treat me as a plaything of you nobles, and spoil me when you have some interest in me, Xinggu If you owe it, you will force me, if you are tired of using it, you will give it up, and you can even use it as a bargaining chip to give to others..."

  【Four more】

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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