The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1873: The woman in her sleep mumbled vaguely: Bae

  He walked to the door, but suddenly turned his head, his eyes were smiling, meaningful: "Madam, this skirt is so beautiful tonight, it suits your skin color, don't throw it away, keep it, and show it to me next time."

  Jiang Xi's cheeks were slightly hot, and she lowered her eyelids shyly and stopped speaking.


  This was not a long night, but it was thrilling to Jiang Xi.

  After Zhan Muqian left the master bedroom, she went to the bathroom alone to do a simple rinse and put on a clean nightgown.

  When she returned to the bed and lay down, Zhan Muqian had not yet returned.

  He takes a bath very quickly on weekdays. When he thinks that he hasn't returned to the room for so long, what he should be doing...

  Jiang Xi felt that his legs were even more sore.

  Zhan Mu Qian’s physical strength is really too good...

  It’s no wonder that Mianmian’s originally strong body was emptied by him for a year.

  She closed her eyes and murmured to herself for not long, and soon lost consciousness and fell asleep.


When Zhan Muqian returned to the master bedroom, the woman on the bed had been asleep for a while.

  He leaned on the edge of the bed and drank half a cup of warm water, then swallowed a piece of tranquility with the warm water.

  It's already dawn.

  He can barely rest for two hours only by taking medicine.

  Otherwise, I am afraid that I have to open my eyes and drill the horns.

  He doesn’t want to delve into something.

   does not mean that he really knows nothing.

  Mianmian's performance tonight is very obedient and well-behaved.

  It can be seen that this woman has regrets.

  Zhan Muqian admitted that he had done things that hurt her before and was sorry for her.

  Now he is willing to forbear.

  He didn't want to pierce.

  Not to mention Mianmian's mental condition is not good.

  Once something is revealed, it may be endless quarrels and mutual torture.

  Mianmian’s condition became the root of his tenderness.

  He wants to heal her as soon as possible.

   but also knew that the illness was in a hurry.


   Jiang Xi was asleep very soundly.

  Zhan Muqian has taken the medicine, but he did not intend to sleep long, after all, he will get up around nine o'clock to be busy with official duties.

  So he used the smallest amount of stability.

  Perhaps the dose was too small, and he felt sleepy, but he woke up after a short sleep.

  She is exhausted tonight.

  Sleep very soundly.

  From time to time, there was a delicate breathing sound between the sniffles.

  Sleeping like a stupid little animal.

  Zhan Mu Qian was full of affection, and couldn't help reaching out and touching her slightly fleshy face.

  He moved very lightly and didn't want to wake her up.

   Jiang Xi felt itchy in his sleep.

  She habitually fiddled with her hair lightly.

  The man's palm was a little hot, and she quickly realized that it was not her hair that made her itchy.

  When she was dazed, she held a big hand belonging to a man.

  The palm is so thick, and the fingertips are so rough.

  It feels like the palm of a bandit leader.

  She frowned her nose and muttered vaguely: "Jun Bae, stop making trouble."

  She grabbed the big hand that disturbed her sleep.

  Closed her eyes tightly and did not open them.

  The hand held by her became more and more stiff.

  It seems to lose the temperature.

  She just went to bed without any reaction, but she let go of that hand, turned over, and continued to fall asleep.

  The man who was left behind by her.

   is like a cold wall.

  Breaking cold.

  He wanted to pretend that nothing happened.

  He wished that he knew nothing.

  But it's a pity.

  This woman refuses to give him a chance to play stupid.

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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