The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1874: Rong Yao lowered her voice: Taozi, you and me

After learning the truth that he and Chi Yu were not related, Rong Yao had to accept that his first child died of a genetic defect.

  This was an unexpected blow to her.

  The pain that had been buried in the bottom of my heart, the traces of fading, came to my heart again.

  She thinks day by day, and it hurts every night.

  As long as you think of that child, your eyes are wet.

  Fortunately, this time Chi Yu treated her patiently and patiently accompany her through this level.

  About half a month later, her mood finally improved day by day.

  After her emotions recovered, she began to contact Cheng Taozhi.

  Rong Yao did a lot of homework secretly in order to get close to this woman.

  Cheng Taozhi's reputation in and out of the circle is very good, and it is simply unattainable than Shen Xiang, whom everyone admired at the time.

  Rong Yao initially was a little worried about topics that would be difficult to establish communication with her.

  But after several contacts, she discovered that Cheng Taozhi was actually not as unattainable as external rumors.

  She has a lot of working capital, stocks, investments, she is all playing.

  But it doesn’t seem to be very playful, and many of them are handed over to the assistant.

  The most common thing she does every day is the same as the wealthy wife of the wealthy businessmen and dignitaries, drinking tea, doing beauty care, and meeting a few sisters to play cards.

  Rong Yao can also play cards, but not well.

  After she got acquainted with Cheng Taozhi, she and her friends made appointments a few times.

  Because of not playing well, he lost a lot of money.

  The sisters who lost Cheng Taozhi liked her very much.

  People are silly money for many years, and they are so foolish. Nowadays, people like to be friends with such a woman the most.

  Calculating that the fire was almost over, Rong Yao began to inquire what kind of business Chi Yu wanted to do.

  Cheng Taozhi's attitude seems to be very casual, since she asked euphemistically.

She smiled and said, "Ayao, you don't know yet. It seems that Chiyo doesn't like to talk to women about business affairs on weekdays. For that batch of goods, it's not that Rong Chen really doesn't want to help, but that Rong Chen really doesn't want to help. It's very strict. The new presidential seat is not yet hot, and scrutiny is being carried out everywhere. Our family, Rongchen, also has to act cautiously."

  Rong Yao frowned, and said with some worry: "Actually, I don't want him to do those risky businesses. The money is enough. I am really worried that he will usually be high-profile and easy to get into trouble."

Cheng Taozhi smiled and squeezed Rong Yao's face. "You can rest assured for the time being. Rong Chen did not agree. This transaction can only be put on hold for the time being. It is impossible to find other people to help in the short term, even Rong Chen. Things you dare not do, let alone others."

  Rong Yao's guessing clues became clearer.

  Sergeant Cheng gave her a hint before.

  Big money-making transactions, especially those with status like Chi Yu, dare to take risks.

  Usually there are no more than four.

  Yellow-gambling-drug is the third.

  But these three are things that the high-end clubs and private venues under the name of Chi Yu have been doing for a long time.

  And it was done by people below him, and if something went wrong, it wouldn’t be contaminated by him.

  He hasn't touched those things personally a long time ago.

  Only the same.

   plus what Cheng Taozhi said collided with each other.

Rong Yao bit her lip and lowered her voice, "Taozi, tell me something about it. If you don't tell me about some things, I can only do it in a hurry. What you said... only Chief Shen can help, after all is not it……"

  She was interrupted by Cheng Taozhi before she finished her voice.

  Cheng Taozhi smiled beautifully, like a fairy.

   "Arms, you guessed it well."

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