The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1909: Bae Jun touched her face and said softly: You

  Su Tian was hung on the bedpost, trying to open his mouth, but couldn't make a sound.

  Finally fainted silently.

  Su Tian has always known that although Pei Jun explained it in a physiological sense, he is a living person.

   But in fact, he has never been human.

  Many times, birds-beasts are inferior.

  This time she lost too much blood and fainted, and what Pei Jun did was just call someone to rescue her.

  After some rescue, Su Tian finally escaped from the ghost gate.

  She was lying on the soft bed in the room, although her consciousness was vague, she could still hear the doctor's conversation in the dimly.

  Doctor is a male, his tone is flat and without waves.

   seems to be accustomed to this situation.

   "The lower body is torn, I have three stitches, and I need to recuperate. It is not suitable for **** within half a month."

   Such a plain explanation is not an exaggeration, and there is not even any temperature.

  Su Tian soon realized why the doctor’s attitude was so indifferent.

  Probably because I have dealt with similar situations too many times on Bae Jun’s site.

  She felt chills at the thought of the **** and terrifying game room.

  The game room was not tailor-made for her.

  Bae Joon brought that room, maybe it was arranged for all the women he had slept with.

  Su Tian was in terrible pain.

  Although he was awake, he closed his eyes from beginning to end, pretending that he had never woken up.

   only half a month.

  She was so injured that she almost lost half of her life.

  It's just that Bae Jun can't touch her in exchange for half a month.

  In order to protect his family, Su Tian stayed silent for such a long time.

  At first, she felt that it would be okay to get through it, but she will always get over it.

  Bae Jun will get bored with her one day.

  How can a person like him sleep with the same woman for a long time.

  He can play as fresh as he wants, there is no need to waste energy on her all the time.

  But a few times by accident, she accidentally saw the WeChat message Jiang Xi sent to Pei Jun.

  Although it is just a few words scrolling on the phone screen.

  But she saw it clearly.

   also quickly understood what was going on.

  Jiang Xi and Pei Jun had an extramarital affair.

   Underground extramarital affairs.

   And every time Pei Jun can’t wait for Jiang Xi’s contact, he will show a clear irritable and impatient state.

  Her wound has not healed for half a month.

  A few times Bae Jun was very impatient.

  He played with her young and soft body, but did not enter.

  Su Tian didn't know if he could hold it back, or if he insisted on forbearing her injury.

  She trembled like sifting chaff under Pei Jun.

  Until he vented in abnormal ways many times.

  She stared and cried.

  Weeping hopelessly and helplessly.

   Bae Joon touched her face and couldn't put it down.

   Suddenly said gently and quietly: "You and her are really alike."

  Su Tian never felt that he was born a little like Jiang Xi.

  She didn’t know how Bae Jun had this illusion.

  This inexplicable sense of substitute.

   makes her more and more hopeless.

  Bae Joon seems to be crazy, inexplicably infatuated with the president's wife.

  As long as his impulse does not dissipate, it means that he will not let himself go.

  Until her wound is almost healed.

  Bae Jun asked the doctor to come and give her a final check-up.

  Then that night, Su Tian drank with him and got him drunk.

  She didn’t want to be patient anymore, she decided to flee.

  【3 more, pitiful as Tianmei 嘤嘤嘤o(╥﹏╥)o】

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