The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1910: He stuffed the black card into her bra: thinking about it later

  Bae Jun's alcohol volume is not bad, and the wine is good.

  It's rare to drink so drunk.

  This is the first time Su Tian chatted with him.

   said many, many things.

  Bae Jun seems to drink more the more he talks.

  How did Su Tian determine that he was really drunk?

  Because he was so drunk that he had started talking crazy.

  He touched her face, squinted his eyes, and looked at her seriously.

   Then he leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose.

   Touched her face, her voice was so soft that she was almost intoxicated.

   "Tian'er, your face... is so beautiful."

  Su Tian’s appearance has hardly changed from small to large.

  She has always been good-looking, but Bae Jun has never praised her in such a gentle tone.

  So she concluded that Bae Joon was drinking too high, so that she lost her mind and started talking nonsense.

  She is very stiff.

  I am afraid that when she has not found the right time to escape, Bae Jun has already used Jiujin to enter her body and wantonly abuse.

  The wound she tore is just healed.

  She felt that she could not stand another terrible experience.

  And Bae Joon is so excessive every time.

   made her unable to bear it anymore, and even felt terrified even to imagine it.


  Bae Jun touched her cheek, stroking her tender body.

  Continued to talk nonsense on her own.

"Tian'er, I really... like you more. You have to be good and stay with me. I will love you. As long as you are obedient enough, don't make me angry. You can do whatever you want. Even if I want to go back to the days when the chief daughter was rich and beautiful, I can give it to you."

  Su Tian did not dare to refute, and did not care about nonsense.

   responded vaguely.

  In fact, she only hoped that this drunk could pass out quickly.

  But the day was unsuccessful, Bae Joon who drank high was like a young boy.

  Sensitive and talkative.

  He leaned on her, talking endlessly and logically.

   even kissed her hair, "Tian'er, you are so fragrant."

  Su Tian tensed her body and did not dare to move.

  I'm afraid that his physical activities will unconsciously ignite his terrible sexual depression.

  I don’t know how long it has been.

  Bae Jun got up and got out of bed and took out the wallet from his jacket.

   Then, under her stunned gaze, he took out a black card from the wallet.

   Tucked the black card into her bra.

   patted her.

   smiled and said, "Swipe this card for whatever you want to buy in the future."

  Su Tian did not understand what he meant.

   was startled, although it didn’t make sense to ask.

   But still curious to get an answer.

  She asked carefully: "Mr. Pei, what do you mean, do you cover maintenance?"

Pei Jun tugged at the corners of his lips, "Whatever you want, including maintenance expenses, nutrition expenses? Medical expenses? You can buy whatever you like in the future. You don't need to save money for your funder. Buy more good things for maintenance. Look at you. She's not too young anymore, she's not a young girl, why is she so careless, eh?"

  Su Tian “hum” in his mind.

  Nausea rolled in her stomach and she wanted to vomit.

  But still pretend to smile.

  She smiled at him, took the black card, but said nothing.


  Bae Jun asked her if it hurts.

  She made a painful and nervous expression, and whispered: "It's still a little bit, can you wait two more days."

  Bae Jun didn't say a word, just told her to bring her thighs together.

  Probably it has nothing to do with drunkenness. The man quickly became tired and turned over and fell asleep.

  【Four changes are complete. Remember to vote. Sister Tian actually decided to run away when Bae Jun was ready to treat her better 2333]

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