The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1911: The man’s cold voice sounded behind him: Su

  Su Tian has not prepared a complete escape plan.

  But now it seems to be the best time she can grasp.

  Bae Jun is asleep.

  She had never seen him sleep so soundly.


  Bae Jun hardly sleeps beside her.

  Very rarely.

  After he almost used her body to vent, he went back to the room to rest by himself, and even went to the study to continue working.

  This time he was resting on her pillow and sleeping soundly.


  Su Tian looked at the time.

  Two o'clock in the morning.

  At this time, most of the bodyguards at the door should have rested too.

  Although it seems very risky.

  But if you don’t dare to take risks tonight, I don’t know how long to wait for the next opportunity.

  Su Tian hardly dared to hesitate, and left the room lightly after putting on his clothes.

  She observed the environment downstairs, it was very quiet and the light was dimmed.

  Presumably the servants and others have all gone to sleep.

  Walking to the hallway, Su Tian thought that the many levels waiting for her should be escaping from the guards at the outermost periphery of the castle building.

   never thought of it, she just reached out and touched the handrail of the main entrance downstairs.

  The face recognition system was triggered and alarmed.

  The entire castle was on alert instantly, and the deafening sirens screamed.


  Su Tian stood there in shock.

  The alarm sound was very violent, and she couldn't help blocking her ears with her hands deep inside.

  She raised her head, her mind was blank.

  It's like still not believing what happened.

  She reached out her right hand again and touched the gold-inlaid handle on the wooden door.

  The alarm was triggered again, ringing frequently and quickly.

  The door did not open.

  Su Tianle stepped back several steps, shaking his head in disbelief.

  Observed for a few more seconds, she looked at the closed door.

   suddenly realized that she was too stupid.

  How can there be someone as stupid as her.

  This is the gate to hell.

  How can it be easily opened.

  She suddenly fell into despair almost collapsed.

   also knew that there was no way to redeem the actions he made.

  Su Tian screamed in a low voice, and suddenly started running quickly.

  She ran aimlessly, trying to escape this terrible place.

  She was so scared that she ran away and lost the slippers on her feet in a panic.


  The girl in a white cotton skirt has a pale face, like a ghost who has died.

   Fleeing from east to west in the extremely magnificent castle in horror.

  Running made her tired.

   Legs are sore and out of breath.

  And the more you run, the more clearly you can be sure that you can’t escape anyway.

  Even if you put on your wings, you can’t fly out of the castle with copper walls and iron walls.

  So she was too tired to run anymore.

   Both calves trembled desperately.

  The place Bae Jun cruelly rubbed between his thighs still hurts fiercely.

  Su Tian looked out the window helplessly.

   just before she squatted down.

  Suddenly a man's clear and cold voice sounded behind him.

   "Su Tian, ​​have you played enough?"

  Su Tian closed his eyes in pain.

  She could not be more familiar with the voice of this devil.

  Such a clear voice, it does not sound too drunk.

  She didn't want to look back, let alone turn around.

  She wished it was a nightmare.

  If she wakes up from the dream, she never knows how good Bae Jun should be.

   But reality sent her into despair time and time again.

  The man squeezed her little arm vigorously, grabbed her body, and forced her to turn around.

   Su Tian was reluctant, but he finally faced the anger that he was able to consume people.

   "Plack" with a heavy and crisp sound.

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