The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1912: Su Tian was kicked a few meters out of his heart

   "Plack" with a heavy and crisp sound.

  Bae Jun’s slap in the face slapped her face——

  The girl was slapped and dizzy, and her thin body fell to the ground.

  Su Tian put his arms on the carpet and tried to straighten up.

  However, she hasn't settled down yet, and the man's slap like a fan fell on her face again.

  The two slap fans are both on the right face.

   With such a heavy force, her right cheek quickly swelled up and high—

   is red and hot.

  She opened her eyes wide, and her fear of him seemed to be dissipated at the moment of repeated beatings.

  What fear, fear, dignity.

   is all broken up.

  She now only has a breakdown.

  Unable to continue to aggravate myself to survive the collapse.

  She raised her chin, staring at him with big red eyes.

  Bae Jun is aloft, handsome and compelling.

  Pushing thin lips tightly, Jun's face can't see any drunkenness.

  It seems that the person who was drunk and hugged her on the bed, kissed and touched her, was not him at all.

  There is a volcano about to erupt in his eyes.

   He squinted his eyes, his low voice contained disdain and sarcasm, and asked coldly, "Where are you going to escape?"

  Su Tian opened his eyes wide, and slapped him fiercely.

  This is probably because she was put under house arrest by him in this castle, forbearing restraint for a long time.

  For the first time, he had the courage to stare at him with hatred.

  She did not answer Bae Jun’s question.

   But suddenly tears came out, and she cried.

  The thin girl clenched her hands into fists, crying with excitement and collapse.

She screamed: "You... nasty bird-beast, you deserve to die! You should have died long ago! After so many years, why don't you die? If it weren't for you, my father wouldn't need it. Escape, our family of four is fine, you ruined my home, ruined my life, it’s not enough! Isn’t it enough?"

   "You still have to train me to be a slave of your surname..."

   "Jun Bae, you damned bastard! You will get retribution!"

  Bae Joon listened to her collapsed screams and accusations.

  He just pulled the corners of his lips, chuckles incredibly.

   "I have treated you very well, Su Tian, ​​I still have your life, why are you so ungrateful."

  Su Tian was more and more mentally broken by his frenzied appearance.

She screamed: "Are you a lunatic? Your mind is not normal. You treat me like a slave of your surname, **** me to death, and treat me as Jiang Xi. I suspect that you are really mentally ill, you go Take medicine, Jun Bae, I beg you to take medicine, let me go, let me go, I don’t owe you anything at all, my whole family doesn’t owe you anything, you let me go, I just want to live That's it..."

  Su Tian is not usually a courageous person.

  It's just that her premeditated escape failed without even being able to get out.

  The feeling of being imprisoned in a cage forever made her desperate.

  All the light and colors in life are dimmed at this moment.

  If Bae Jun doesn’t let go, she is afraid that she will never escape.

  Bae Jun squinted his eyes.

  His fading eyes show that his patience is being consumed by this reckless woman bit by bit.

  When Su Tian was crying.

  He lifted his foot without warning and kicked her chest fiercely.

   gave her a heavy heart.

  Su Tian was kicked out for a few meters, crawling on the carpet, and vomiting blood.

  【2 more. The next chapter is still noon or afternoon, depending on when I wake up 2333~]

  Ding Dong. Your stepmother sweet brother is online~(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

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