The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1913: I dared to flee since I put on clothes, it seems

  Su Tian was kicked out for a few meters, crawling on the carpet, and vomiting blood.


  Su Tian finally couldn't accuse him of his evil deeds.

  Because she was kicked by the man's cruel heart, she couldn't breathe.

  She lay on the carpet, watching the blood she vomited.

   suddenly realized that she might have really eaten leopard gall.

  Dare to confront the devil.

  I'm afraid I really can't make it tonight.

  Bae Jun will not let her go.

  He will play with her alive.

  He doesn’t need to do anything more excessive.

  Just drag her into that game room.

   Put her in those terrible instruments.

  She will die soon.

  She has red eyes.

  Too sad to accept the fate of being so young but dying miserably.


  She can't move.

   Bae Jun did not continue to fist her.

  He stood there and looked at her for a while.

  Then squatted down in front of her.

   With her hands, she shredded her cotton skirt severely.

   and all the fabric under the cotton skirt.

  He tore Su Tian naked.

   Then grabbed Su Tian's long hair.

   So brutally dragged her directly onto the carpet.

  Su Tian screamed in pain.

  Wai and scream all the way.

   has been dragged to the hallway by him.

  He suddenly opened the door.

   Half-drags and half-holds him and throws it out.

  At this time, autumn has gradually entered.

  The temperature is already very low at two or three in the morning.

   is only about ten degrees.

  The night breeze is also chilly.

  She was thrown on the cold concrete floor by Jun Pei.

  He is condescending.

   is like a cold weapon without emotion.

   Suddenly curled up the corners of his lips, smiling gently.

   "Su Tian, ​​if it weren't for your lewd body that would be out of the water at the touch of a touch, I would still have some interest."

   "You were killed by me a long time ago."

   "I really show your face, I even dress a bitch."

   "Wearing you clothes is not to cover your shame, but to save face to my mistress, otherwise you are just a beast, and everyone can watch your body."

   "Since I put clothes on you, you dare to run away. It seems that I was wrong."

   "Don't you want to escape? Get out, I'm really interested to see how far you can escape away from me."

  The severe pain of Su Tian's scalp being torn by him made her cry desperately out of physical instinct.

  I couldn’t speak for a long time.

   can only barely listen to him.

  Until Bae Joon lifted his foot to leave.

  She finally resisted the severe pain and reached out to grab his trousers.

   "Don't do this to me, please, I'm wrong, Bae Joon, I'm wrong, please..."

  She is not clothed, even a beggar.

  Not only is there no way to keep out the cold.

  And when it dawns, how many men in the castle will look around her body.

  She doesn’t care about pain or dignity now.

  I can't care about anything.

  Even if you have to live a life unclothed again in the future.

  She also prefers to be locked in the room by Pei Jun.

   instead of being exposed to everyone.

  She has tears all over her face.

  The little hand held his trousers helplessly.


  Bae Jun is indifferent to her pleading.

  The curvature of the corners of the lips is getting higher and higher.

  "Don’t you really want to escape? I'll give you a chance. I will let someone open the iron door at the door. Su Tian, ​​as long as you are low and shameless, you can climb out now."

  Su Tian refused to let go.

  Her thin fingers gripped his trousers fiercely.

"No, please give me clothes, don't do this to me, Bae Jun, I won't run away, I won't run away anymore, it's all my fault today, it's all right if you beat me and scold me, please... "

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