The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1916: Bae Joon hugged her, the warmth in the house made her

  In fact, Bae Jun is also looking at her.

   looked at every inch of her skin from the top of the head to the toes.

  Bae Jun thought he would still be angry after seeing her.

   But in fact he did not.

  He didn't feel very angry anymore.

  At least, I didn’t feel as angry as I was last night.

  Although this woman has committed a capital crime in his dictionary.

  But he just doesn't feel angry at the moment, which is really strange.


  Bae Jun made no sound.

  Su Tian just looked at him with his eyes wide open.

  There is more and more sad desire in his eyes.

  She knows what she desires.

  She longed for Pei Jun to take her back, allow her to go back to the room, and give her clothes.

  She didn’t want to live without dignity, let alone die without dignity.

  At this moment, no one can help her.

  Bae Jun is her only salvation.

  Only Bae Jun can save her.

  So there are undisguised surprises and hopes in her eyes.

  How hopeful that Bae Jun can take her back after his anger is gone.

   Bae Joon never made a sound.

  So that she did not dare to speak.

  She wasn’t that she was stupid and said the wrong thing to anger that Bae Joon would be kicked by him.

  I'm afraid that if you say the wrong thing, you will lose the opportunity to put on your clothes.

  Su Tian looked at him, the expectation in his eyes became stronger and stronger...


  In the end, Bae Joon did not take the initiative to speak.

  It was Su Tian who couldn't bear his emotions.

  She tremblingly put out her little hand that had been cold from the cold.

   caught the hem of his nightgown.

  Her small hands are getting tighter and tighter, even so tight that her knuckles become white.

  She just can’t give up on herself.

  Even if there is only a very small hope.

  She must also try.

  This may be her last life.


  Bae Jun is not always indifferent.

  In the end, he leaned down halfway, his eyes were clear and deep, and Su Tian's pale face was fixed.

  He opened his thin lips slowly, and asked unhurriedly, "Is it cold?"

  Su Tian's eyes widened, and her eyes suddenly became wet.

  The tip of the nose is also unbearable.

  She nodded hard, tears almost falling.

  But still didn't dare to cry, so she could only endure it with all her strength.

  Bae Jun bent his body lower.

  The voice is also low and intoxicating.

   "Are you still running?"

  Tears flickered in Su Tian's big eyes. Hearing the words, he shook his head desperately.

   Bae Joon seemed to smile.

  The curvature of the thin lips is very sexy.

  Maybe she didn't smile, it was just an illusion she had created in a daze.

  He commanded in a gentle voice, "Speak."

  Su Tian had to open his mouth, and replied seriously: "Don’t run, I was wrong! Never run again!"

  Bae Jun smiled, noncommittal.

  Su Tian did not relax his vigilance.

  She still doesn’t know if she has any hope of salvation.

  But Bae Jun’s next move caused the big rock in her heart to fall to the ground.

  Bae Jun held her back with one hand, and got into her knees with the other hand.

  He slammed Su Tian's body, which had been frozen for a full night.

  Su Tian couldn't help crying.

   was blown by the bleak autumn wind, her head and face were cold

  The hot teardrops on the face sting a little.

  She was crying with joy.

  Bae Joon hugged her and walked back to the hallway and entered the door.

  The thermostat in the house made her so comfortable that she almost fainted.

   Her weak little hands weakly grasped the front of the man's nightgown, not daring to let go.

  【2 more, asking for various tickets on Monday~】

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