The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1917: Thank him for bathing her, thank him for not killing

  The thermostat in the house made her so comfortable that she almost fainted.

   Her weak little hands weakly grasped the front of the man's nightgown, not daring to let go.

  Su Tian has never been so eager for Pei Jun's approach at any time.

Never had.

  The moment Bae Jun’s hand touched her and picked her up.

  She knew she was saved.

  That's why I cried with joy.


  I don’t know if it was her illusion.

   Bae Joon this morning turned out to be very gentle.

   is a kind of tenderness that is completely unexpected.

  Bae Joon hugged her naked body and went straight upstairs.

  He holds her and enters her biggest master bedroom.

   is not the house she lives in.

  He turned on the faucet of the bathtub and began to store water.

   even tried the water temperature personally.

  After the water slowly accumulated, he hugged Su Tian's light and fluttering body and put it in.

  Su Tian's weight is really light, as thin as a small animal.

  The touch of warm water made her seem to be rescued in an instant and hope to be reborn.

  She knew firsthand how comfortable it is to be able to touch the warm water temperature.

  Being alive is good after all.

  Su Tian's mood fluctuates violently, and she feels a bit unable to cry even if she wants to cry.

  Not only did he dare not cry, but he felt extremely uncomfortable in front of such gentle Bae Jun.


  She was blown by the wind outside for four hours.

   was curled up on the concrete floor again.

  There are many embarrassing stains on her body.

  Some dust and sand, and some minor scratches.

  Bae Jun chose a sponge with the softest touch.

   Wiped the shower gel on it, and wiped her skin inch by inch.

  When she gradually got used to the water temperature, he adjusted the constant temperature water temperature slightly higher.

  Extremely cold body is not suitable for being in too hot water for a moment.

  It’s better to adapt slowly.

  The warmer water temperature made Su Tian's body slow down little by little.

  There was even a little blood on her pale face.

  Bae Jun wiped her body very lightly, even avoiding every bruise on her body, and did not hurt her.

  He even washed her hair.

  Su Tian was very surprised.

   was so shocked that he hid in his stomach, he couldn't even speak.

  She never knew that Pei Jun would also serve people.

  Moreover, she was so gentle and restrained.

  As if she is really his beloved lover.

  But how well she knew that Bae Jun didn't like her at all.

  He just used her as a tool to vent his anger and hatred.

   even more inexplicably suspected that she was similar to her Jiang Xi.

  The one you can’t touch is the beloved wife of the President, who can’t be loved.

  In front of him is the daughter of the enemy who has no power to bind the chicken, and there is also a person who is a bit like the person in his heart, so naturally he has to be endlessly ravaged.

  A fact that originally felt disgusting for Su Tian.

  At this moment, she felt lucky.

  She was fortunate that she looked a bit like Jiang Xi in Pei Jun’s eyes.

  Otherwise, he was afraid that he didn't intend to keep her life at all.

  She had to be grateful to Jiang Xi.


  Bae Jun took her out of the bathtub, dried her body, and wrapped a warm bathrobe around her.

  Su Tian was held on the bed by him, somehow still a little cold.

  She shrank weakly, not daring to move.

  Bae Jun will generously cover her with the quilt.

   Increased the indoor temperature again.

  Su Tian's teeth trembled lightly, and tremblingly murmured, "Thank you."

  Thank him for helping her bathe.

  Thank him for not killing.

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