The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1920: Master, I love you, my safe word is

  She said in a very low and thin voice: "I love you."

  Bae Jun frowned slightly.

  The look becomes a little complicated.

   And Su Tian quickly realized that this sentence might contain some kind of almost weird ambiguity.

   So she quickly opened her mouth to explain, repeating in a low, thin voice: "I love you, I mean my safe word is I love you."

  Bae Joon quickly recovered, and his face didn't seem to be abnormal.

  He reached out and rubbed her hair.

  He was so angry last night that he was drunk again.

  I got a little drunk.

  He pulled her by the hair and dragged her out.

   is very rough.

   Terribly rough.

  Fortunately, Su Tian is young and has deep and thick hair.

   is very strong and has not been torn off.

  He touched her long soft hair.

   Touched for a while as if putting it down.

  Then the voice is still mild and authentic: "Okay, your safety word will be these three words in the future. If you can't stand it, call it out. No matter what I'm doing, I will stop."

  Su Tian is not sure if he can really do what he says.

  But with this layer of protection, she even felt that it was not worthless to be like that last night.

  At least, she won a little bit of the rights she deserves as a human being.

  It's okay no matter how Bae Jun abuses her.

  It’s just the feeling of being hung on it and being abused in a cruel and inhumane way.

  Really desperate.

  She didn’t want to be so miserable.

  I don’t want to really die in that game room.

  She is not sure if Bae Joon is really obsessed with the extraordinary way of surname love.

  But she could see that Bae Jun liked it.

  Every time he enters that room, he is obviously in high spirits.

  Bae Jun keeps her for a day, and she may face that place at any time.

  It is impossible to escape forever.

  Always face it.

  Since it must be accepted.

  She won at least a little bit for herself.

  I only hope that Bae Jun can really keep his promise.

  She wrapped his waist and said softly, "Thank you, Master, thank you."


  Bae Jun kissed the tip of her nose.

   Then suddenly asked: "Does it still hurt?"

  Su Tian was taken aback, not understanding where he was asking.

  Bae Jun rubbed her scalp.

   asked; "Does it hurt here?"

  Su Tian whispered: "Fortunately, it doesn't hurt very much."

  He lightly brushed the scratch on her knee again: "What about here?"

   "It's okay, it doesn't hurt too much."

  He covered her chest with a bathrobe through his palm.


  Su Tian nodded honestly, “It hurts, but I know that the master didn’t kick me with all his strength. It should be better soon.”

  She is so obedient, so obedient that makes Bae Joon's heart beating.

  Perhaps it is not only the heartbeat, but the body is moving.

  He was held by her.

  The body gradually stiffens uncomfortably.

  His gaze shifted downward, suggesting that he said very strongly, "What about here, is it still hurting?"

  Su Tian’s injury is actually almost healed.

  But she is not yet ready to accept Pee Joon's always relatively crude last name love.

  So she blushed slightly and lied: "It's getting better, but... it still hurts when you pee."

  Puff on the cheek.

  Big eyes are also filled with shy clarity.

   does not seem to be an exaggeration and a lie at all.

  Bae Jun has no doubts.

  He resisted his impulse, gentler than ever before.

  "Be lighter next time, eh?"

   [2 more, sister Tian 6666~ I really love Junjun, and two beautiful women are dealing with him. Vote to vote. 】

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