The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1921: For Zhan Muqian, the master character is

  After a fierce fight, Su Tian's life is much better.

   Bae Joon doesn’t seem to be as mean to her before, and she adapts quickly.

  It’s no surprise to think about it. After all, people are not plants and sleep together more often, and it will be better than at first.

  Without feelings for hundreds of years, there will be some familiar feelings in it.

   Although Jiang Xi hadn’t met Chi Yu for a while, he was still doing everything he needed to do step by step.

  Of course, all in secret.

  Probably what bothered her more was that Zhan Muqian forced her to be treated.

  The doctor has not made any constructive progress on her condition for the time being, but treatment and observation have never been interrupted.

   Jiang Xi is still very vigilant.

  For Zhan Muqian, Mianmian's master character is still quite special after all.

  He also has feelings for Miaoyu, but in his heart he has a dependence on the original match.

  The reason why she made Zhan Muqian suspicious twice in a row, but she was tolerated by him in the end, a very important reason is that Zhan Muqian still regarded her as Mianmian.

   Jiang Xi is ready to be found out sooner or later.

  But for the sake of big things, the later this day comes, the better.

  The condition of patients with multiple personalities varies from person to person.

  And Jiang Xi learned through secret and constant observation that the experts Zhan Muqian invited from all over the world and gathered here to treat her were not only responsible for controlling and stabilizing her situation, but also for the continuous research and development of new therapies and new drugs.

  The speed of their research and development and experimentation is very fast. It is said that they will soon develop an experimental therapy that can specifically subdivide the individual differences of each personality and conduct personality fusion therapy.

Jiang Xi's contact with these doctors is relatively high. She has a good impression of the person in charge, Tina, and she knows that Tina was once a classmate of Zhan Muqian. She is an old friend and has a certain friendship. She is most trusted by Zhan Muqian. Doctors.

  And several other doctors of foreign nationality, some advocate using more radical therapies to eliminate the sub-personality.

  This is Jiang Xi's most resistance.

  She doesn’t know if she will be forced to disappear after receiving treatment.

  It is not that she cannot accept disappearing, but she must complete her mission before she can.

  So such a radical doctor cannot be kept.

  The experts who support Tina’s school tend to support slow and gentle treatment.

  After all, the patient is the wife of the president of country A. In case the treatment is too radical and any accidents occur, this is not something they can afford.

   Taking advantage of the differences between the two factions, Jiang Xi planned to make a move.


  In the evening of this day, the driver waited at the entrance of the hospital as usual and sent Ms. Jiang back to the house after the treatment.

  And when Jiang Xi got into the car, she sat silently without even playing with her mobile phone.

  The driver saw her eyes flushed in the rearview mirror, her face was also very bad, she looked gloomy, as if she was about to cry.

  The driver did not communicate much with Ms. Jiang, especially when she was in a bad mood, the driver did not dare to ask questions rashly.

  But you have specifically explained that because of Ms. Jiang’s mental problems, she needs to pay special attention to her every move, and prompt feedback if there is any abnormality or impropriety.

  So the driver directly reported the situation to your assistant Gao Qiang.

  Gao Chief truthfully recounted the situation.

  Zhan Muqian flipped through the documents on the table and said directly: “In this way, you can cancel the dinner meeting at 7:30 in the evening and change it to a video conference at 9 in the evening."

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