The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1955: Girls, don’t speak so rough

   Jiang Xi’s little face was full of bleak, panic and despair.

  In the end, he couldn't stretch himself, and cried with a whirr.

   "I don't want, I don't try! Don't force me, Zhan Muqian, don't force me!!!"

  Zhan Muqian seemed very satisfied with her reaction of such a panic and fear.

  He smiled like a black-bellied old fox.

   Then patted his thigh.

   "Hey, sit up by yourself."


  In the end, Jiang Xi lay on the big bed, hugging the pillow and crying silently.

  She is not angry or hurt.

  Because of tiredness.

  She is really tired, so tired that she can't move her fingers or speak.

  You can only use crying to vent your tiredness.

  Zhan Muqian, this old **** still feels a little pity for her after all.

  Although he is fierce, he can't wait to kill her directly.

  But in the end, I did it five times in total.

  Jiang Xi's original maximum endurance was four times.

   Now he was forced to become five times.

  It's the limit.

  If you continue, you will die.


  Zhan Muqian did not hug her to take a bath.

   Instead, he lay flat on the bed and rested for a while.

  She thought that Zhan Muqian was also very tired, so she didn't bother to move.

  But when she was tired of crying and fell asleep in a daze.

  Feel the man taking a warm towel to help her clean up.

   Jiang Xi was really tired.

  She likes to lose her temper when she is affected.

  Of course, it's just the little temper of a girl's family.

  Zhan Muqian helped her wipe, and she kicked her legs angrily.

  The man was in a good mood, and he lowered his posture to coax her, "Little boy, cooperate a little bit, wipe it clean and sleep comfortably, otherwise you will have nightmares."

   Jiang Xi has been woken up by him.

At this moment, I wrinkled my nose and whimpered sadly, "When you were dying, did you think about my uncomfortable feelings, something that is not serious! Do you know that, do you know that you are sometimes true? Too much, so annoying. I don’t want to care about you anymore. In the future, you want to make a woman make a move to brush the lower limit next to Pei Jun, find someone else, I don’t want to cooperate with you anymore!"

  The little woman is extremely sleepy.

  When she is sleepy, she talks a lot, even as if she is drinking too much, and she likes to chatter.

  Zhan Mu Qian did not refute her either.

   helped her clean up silently, and then tenderly pinched her little **** with love.

   "Girls, don't speak so vulgarly, behave."

Jiang Xi was angry, "Can I have you vulgar! What have you said? Think about how many vulgar things you say every time you do that kind of thing. I will record it for you next time. , Lest you deny it!"

  Zhan Muqian also really loves her.

   is not pretentious.

  He gently patted her on the back, coaxing her to sleep.

  Just humming a lullaby to her.

   "Hey, go to sleep, our cotton treasure is exhausted, go to bed, wake up if you have something to say."

   Jiang Xi turned over and muttered angrily.

   "You didn't wear a condom today, I have to take medicine..."

  Zhan Mu Qian said without hesitation: "Don't eat, we should have a baby, you are almost 20 years old, you should have it, give birth early, and recover quickly when you are young."

   Jiang Xi was so sleepy that his brain couldn't move.

  She frowned, and before she could tell whether the man was serious in saying this, she fell asleep.


   Jiang Xi fell asleep until he woke up naturally, it was already three o'clock in the afternoon.

   Seeing Zhan Muqian sitting beside the bed in a shirt, she was taken aback.

   said in a daze: "You are going out, go ahead, don't delay the morning meeting."

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