The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1956: She pouted and complained: There is a kind of spirit by you

  Zhan Mu Qian couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hand and hooked her little nose.

   "Sleep in a daze, it's already afternoon, I'm off work, what else is there for a morning meeting."

  Jiang Xi twisted his eyebrows, and reached out to touch his mobile phone with some disbelief.

  I quickly touched it, and after looking at the time, it was really past three in the afternoon!

  She sighed, although she has almost recovered her physical strength for ten hours since she slept at five o'clock in the morning.

  But the legs are still very sore and sore, it is very difficult to even turn over and move.

She pursed her mouth and complained, "My health is not good. You have tried your best every time. Sooner or later, I will be exhausted by you. I feel that I am old. The feeling of soaking..."

  The man smiled.

  He spread his hands innocently: “Hong Kong Zhen, I really didn’t use my full strength, at most five or six points. If you don’t believe me, next time let you experience how exciting your husband spent waiting for you in bed...”

  Jiang Xi felt his legs soft and shivered just listening.

  She wrinkled her little nose, rubbing her waist while instructing him.

   "It's been ten hours, please help me take the medicine quickly, and take the medicine for 24 hours before 24 hours. It is said that the 48-hour medicine is even more harmful."

  Zhan Muqian said: "I said before you went to bed last night, don’t take medicine anymore, don’t take medicine in the future, don’t wear condoms, we should have a baby."

   Jiang Xi widened his eyes, "Are you serious?!"

  Zhan Muqian leaned over and kissed her forehead.

   "Naturally serious, I am 31, and you are almost 20. It's time to take it. Boys and girls don't care. I just want one child that we share."

   Jiang Xi looked at him blankly.

  He doesn't have too much flashy language, nor is he sensational.

  I just express my wish to be a father very sincerely.

  Jiang Xi was deeply surprised, but he still sorted out the matter in his mind as quickly as possible.

  First of all, if she can give birth to the child smoothly, it will be an excellent thing.

  Children will indeed deepen the feelings between husband and wife, and Zhan Muqian’s doubts about her, even jealousy and jealousy, will be reduced or even wiped out because of the birth of the child.

  Jiang Xi knew that Zhan Muqian really had love for Mianmian.

  But this love, as early as the beginning, is not a pure love between men and women.

  Half wind and moon, half use.

  Without Mianmian, Zhan Muqian would not be able to eradicate Jiang Xun so smoothly.

  So obviously, his feelings for women are not enough to occupy most of his life.

  After all, he is still a man who survives for power and profit.

  But with children, it will be different.

  He can be a passing husband, but he can also be an 80-point father.

  Especially a man like Zhan Muqian who came from the army and has a heavy sense of responsibility.

  Sixty points plus eighty points, which exceeds the full mark.

  If there is a child, she can hold him tighter.

   Regardless of what you do, you are more courageous.

  Zhan Muqian will deal with his lover.

   will also post to his wife.

  But the mother of his child...even if it is necessary to deal with it, the hesitation factor is dozens of times.

  The biological flesh and blood of the President.

   is a very good bargaining chip for Jiang Xi.

  Not to mention that he really wanted it, not that she insisted on staying.

   But it was too sudden...

  She was prepared to charge for Mianmian at all costs early in the morning.

  But I haven’t thought about giving birth to a child instead of Mianmian.

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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