The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1957: Her cheeks flushed: Mu Qian, we want

   Jiang Xi was tangled in his heart, and the hesitation on his face did not hide.

  Zhan Muqian stroked her hair comfortingly.

   "Mianbao, are you not ready to give me a baby?"

   Jiang Xi's face was a little pale.

  Zhan Muqian only when she remembered the shed child before.

  The loss of that child is indeed suspicious.

  At the beginning, because of the testimony of the nutritionist, he believed that Mianmian managed to get rid of it.

  He was very angry, so angry that he lost his mind.

   But later, he saw Ruan Qingtong and Chi Yu teaming up to force Mianmian to jump into the river.

  He couldn't help but start to suspect that Mianmian's excuses at the time were true.

  But what the matter is, it doesn’t really matter anymore.

  Chi Yu and Ruan Qingtong were once important friends in his life.

   Now even if they broke off diplomatic relations, they had already decided to keep them alive.

  As long as they stay on their own feet in the future and stop being dead, they will be able to live in peace.

  But for him it has been appointed.

  Perhaps for Cotton, it is still a trauma.

He couldn’t help but stretched out his hand to caress the girl’s lower abdomen, "Relax, no one will affect us this time, you live the life you want, and do whatever you like. I will naturally protect you behind him. It was unpleasant before. The matter, whether it's right or wrong, is over after all, don't think about it anymore, look forward, our days are still long."

  Zhan Muqian’s worries are not actually her worries.

  And her worries are absolutely unspeakable.

  It's not just not sure whether or not to agree to him.

  She is not even sure if Mianmian is sure she wants a child.

  In order to take revenge, if the child is to fall as a bet, the price is a bit high.


   Jiang Xi hesitated for a long time, the balance in his heart finally tilted towards Zhan Muqian's side.

  She softened her throat and whispered: “I’m not unwilling to have a baby, it’s just too sudden. I’m not mentally prepared yet. Do you want to wait...”

  Zhan Mu Qian did not hesitate, and said categorically: "I don't want to wait. I really want a child of my own, as long as you give birth."

   "But you also know that my mental condition is problematic, and I may even have lesions at any time, so you are not afraid of... are you not afraid of inheritance?"

Zhan Muqian replied without hesitation: "I have consulted with experts. The acquired mental problems will not be inherited, and the personality split will not happen. What's more, your current situation is already very stable. If you don't have children, in the future... if you Disappeared, what should I do, it’s hard for me to face the days without you, but if you have a child, everything will be different, even if you leave me, I still have to take care of our baby, Mianmian, please understand me Painstakingly."

  Jiang Xi was silent, and there was no sound for a long time.

  The man sighed and said with some regret: "But you must agree to this matter. If you haven't thought about it, I will wait and will not force you."

  His regret and frustration are not concealed.

   sounds like it makes women feel soft.

   Jiang Xi only hesitated for a few seconds.

   quickly stretched out his hand and took his arm.

Her cheeks flushed, she whispered in a low voice: "I thought about it, and I agreed, Mu Qian, let's have a baby. Anyway, I don't have anything to do on weekdays. I have a baby, so I can spend some time. And... I also like babies very much."

  She is a bit clear, smiling sweetly.

   "Well, although I am really not ready yet, there are at least ten months before the baby is pregnant, and I have ten months to prepare."

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