The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1960: Miss Su Tian, ​​the owner is obviously a favorite

  This **** woman dared to hang up his phone.

  And still hung up his phone when he was furious.

  Guo is really a little **** who is not afraid of death!

  Bae Jun cursed in his heart, but his mood did not improve at all because of this vent.


  Bae Jun shut himself in the room for a whole afternoon.

  Until it gets dark and it’s time for dinner.

   Shao Pei was furious, because of what happened, the servants in the castle were not unheard of.

  Although the owner of my own house is not always a good-tempered person, he rarely makes such a big disturbance.

  Usually, if someone who seeks death provokes him, there will be no movement if he kills him.

  That really a special exception.

  It's getting late, and Bae Jun hasn't eaten much all day.

  The servant who was waiting couldn't help being a little worried, so she couldn't help knocking on the door to ask Su Tian for help.

  "Miss Su Tian, ​​it’s not a solution for the master to be so hungry. Can you persuade him? At least dinner should be used."

  Su Tian was a little bit astonished at first, and didn't know how to deal with it.

   She bit her lip, and whispered: "He... where can I persuade him."

This servant is also a young girl. The time she spends with Su Tian is not too short. Although there is almost no communication, the result of observation only thinks that Su Tian is a good-tempered soft girl, and she was once a scholar. Li's famous daughter, so these servants quite like her in their hearts.

The maid took her hand and said sincerely: "The master has a bad temper, but treats you... it's a very good one. It has been so long. The woman the master brought back is basically less than a week, you It's the most special thing, not to mention recently... Recently, the owner has obviously loved you very much. Although the castle is big and there are many people, only you are qualified to speak in front of the owner. I have not served the owner for a short time. Now, he is actually...very good. Sometimes he even has a childish temper. Go and say something nice."

  Su Tian's face was not relieved by the other's comfort and comfort, she was still very scared.

  She knew that Bae Jun was annoyed by Jiang Xi.

  But this is his anger towards another woman. If he came forward at this time, wouldn't he ask for trouble?

  And Bae Joon vented his anger towards others on her...this kind of thing is very common in the first place.

  Su Tian was too afraid of him, so the instinct was to protect himself.

  She bit her lip, wondering if there is a more suitable way to decline.

   Seeing her expression like this, the maid also estimated that she was reluctant to help.

  She couldn't help but become serious, and she had to express tension.

"Miss Su, to be honest, I can also see that you are also trembling around the master, but it is better than our servants. If it is not a last resort, I don't want to force you. The main reason is that we have been serving for many years. The experience sums up, the master’s temper can’t stand, he has to take advantage of it, the more silence accumulates, the more violent the eruption in the end, not only us, but you will also suffer..."

  Su Tian was also very worried when she said this.

  She hesitated for a while, and finally mustered up the courage to walk towards Bae Jun’s master bedroom.

  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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