The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1961: She shrank her shoulders: Master, I’m just afraid

  Not just for this group of innocent servants in the castle.

   Also, for her to avoid trouble as much as possible in the future, it is a little better.

  After all, it is impossible for her to leave here in the short term.

  Not only does she have to serve Bae Jun, she also has to get along with everyone in the castle.

  Helping others is also helping yourself.


  Su Tian knocked on the door cautiously, but received no response.

  She has never directly broken into Bae Jun’s bedroom.

  I even wished never to go in.

  But this time, she didn't get Bae Jun's response, so she pushed the door directly in.

  She moved very lightly, her eyes were very sensitive, and she carefully looked for Pee Jun's figure.

  Finally found him in the small study in the bedroom.

  Bae Jun has a large study room. If he is busy with office work, he will go to the big study room.

  As for the small study in the bedroom, she almost never saw Pei Jun stay in it.

  When Su Tian saw him, he quickly glanced at the table.

  He had a half-drinked cup of black coffee on his table, and he could smell the strong aroma of coffee that had not been completely diminished in his nose.

  Bae Joon did not drink, only coffee.

  She came to this conclusion.


   Bae Joon seems to drink when he is in a good mood. He drank heartily, regardless of whether he was drunk or not.

  Drinking such strong coffee now is naturally to stay awake and sensible.


  She moved so lightly that Bae Jun didn’t pay attention at all.

  When she looked up, Yu Guang caught a glimpse of her and was taken aback by her.

   "Who let you in, get out."

  The man was obviously in a bad mood, and his tone was full of gloomy and rude tone.

  Su Tian was yelled by him, and his shoulders trembled in fright.

  But she was still looking at him, some innocently defending: "I knocked on the door, it's been a long time, you may be busy, didn't you hear..."

   Pei Jun rubbed his eyebrows, and didn't look at her directly.

  Obviously, it doesn’t seem that she wants to vent her current bad mood on her.

  He just said rudely: "Get out, don't bother me."

  Su Tian did not expect that he did not anger himself.

   is just a very common irritability.

   didn't regard her as a slave to vent her anger, but as an insignificant servant.

She relaxed a little vigilance in her heart, and then softened her throat: "You haven't eaten in a day, and it's getting dark now, it's late, what do you want to eat, I'll let the kitchen make some appetizers for you. No matter what happens, it’s always wrong to be hungry."

  Bae Jun frowned without making a sound or raising his head.

  Su Tian wondered if he was also hungry, so he did not refute him.

   Then he continued: "If you don't particularly want to eat, I will go down to get the food. The servants don't dare to disturb you, I'm afraid of you..."

   Before she finished her voice, Bae Joon, who was silent, suddenly got up from the seat.

  Almost less than half a second has arrived in front of her.

   Then he raised his palm high, obviously he wanted to do it.

   "You can't understand people, right? They don't dare to disturb me, but you have the courage?!"

  Su Tian didn't think he would have a sudden attack, and couldn't help but shrink his shoulders, his big eyes were full of panic and innocence.

   "Master, I, I'm just afraid you are starving..."

  Bae Jun’s raised palm froze on top.

   did not fall.

   He frowned and closed his hand, realizing that he didn't seem to want to hit her in the first place.

  . . . . . . . . . . .

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