The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1962: She is so weak, she is in his hands

  He is upset and his stomach is angry.

  But still reluctantly closed a little, and didn't send it to her.

   It just seems that the anger has been distracted a bit.

  He looked at her distractedly.

  Slim woman in front of her, wearing light pink coral velvet home clothes.

  Hair and cheeks are all very cute.

  It's just that the eyes are a little red at the moment, and they look scared.

  It's a wronged innocent daughter-in-law.

  Bae Jun had many women.

  There have been various types.

  But in his memory, it seems that there is no such thing as Su Tian.

  Maybe it's really not there, maybe it was forgotten by him.

  In his heart, he actually admitted that he treated Su Tian a little special.

  In the beginning, he just wanted to retaliate, to make the old dog regret enough and regret what he had done.

  Let his darling daughter become the best daughter of a man.

  But Su Tian looked soft and weak, but she resisted but was unambiguous.

  She resisted being a female daughter, and when she resisted it made him feel a little bit interested in playing games.

  A weak and helpless little animal.

   Strive to resist and maintain dignity.

  But her strength is so small, like a little soft rabbit in his palm.

  As long as he frowns, he can easily pinch to death at any time.

   Just watching her resist, but resisting the feeling of powerlessness, he regarded it as a game.

  So he wants Su Tian to be his mistress.

  The so-called mistress is actually just a nice way of saying, he just wanted to raise her as a slave for him to vent.

  Play as you want.

  Play until you die.

  He has had many women, whether they like or dislike them, they almost always throw them away after playing.

  He never raises his mistress, he is not interested.

  In fact, the difference between a mistress and a girlfriend is very small. They are women who live together steadily, second only to their wives.

  Bae Jun never thought of marrying a wife, so the existence of a mistress is already very new to him.

  A woman who lives on his territory for a long time, like a half servant, half a master, takes care of his diet and daily life, and at the same time satisfies his lack of hope.

  When he wants, he can pass it on.

   And he will not share this woman with others, this is a fixed mistress.

but now……

  At this moment, he suddenly felt that Su Tian was by his side recently, like a little daughter-in-law.

  I feel wronged, dare not speak, and any dissatisfaction is broken teeth and blood pharynx.

  It's very interesting.


  Su Tian saw that he raised his slap but did not slap it down.

  Vaguely ignited in her heart, she bit her lip, trembling and said: "Really, you are hungry for a day, and you only drink pure coffee. It hurts your stomach. Somehow you can eat something..."

  Bae Jun looked at her innocent and watery eyes.

  Can't help but think of Jiang Mianmian's eyes.

  He tried to assault her several times.

  She did the same, looking at him pleadingly and innocently.

  He just keeps softening his heart for the look in her eyes again and again.

  Ghost obsessed with mind.

  It's really crazy.

  A lowly woman like her, it is better to play as early as possible, play as you like, and then throw it back to Zhan Muqian when it breaks.

  But at this moment, he looked at Su Tian, ​​but there was no attack.

  Instead, she bent her **** and pinched her face.

  It made her hurt and grinned.

   Then he asked: "Have you had dinner?"

  Su Tian was startled and shook his head.

   "Then what are you doing, wait for your master to go downstairs."

  【Moreover, vote. . . . 】

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