The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1965: He should make her in extreme shame and collapse

   Jiang Xi arrogantly said, "Who are you and what qualifications do you have to control me?"

  Bae Jun's eyes are almost instantaneously erupting.

  People like him.

  Before he was about five years old, he was still a young man of a family.

   He began to mutate after he was five years old.

  In addition, he later rebelled against country A, established his own country, and became the master of a country.

  His heart has almost developed to a height that can be used day by day.

  Be reasonable or something, he had forgotten it a long time ago.

  It happened that he had the most restrained mentality and the best temper tonight.

   suppressed her own fire, and made a special trip to find her to make sense.

  However, the "communication" has not yet begun, this woman not only has a bad attitude, but also directly splashed him with wine.

   Now dare to provoke him with this tone.

   Pei Jun squinted his eyes, and did not curse.

   but smiled strangely.

  In the next instant, Jiang Xi was lifted up by his hips.

  She later realized that she had been carried out several meters by him afterwards.

  She thumped desperately, lifting him with her legs.

  The brain is scared more sober.

  But it’s useless to be sober. She drank too much. At this moment, the balance of the cerebellum was out of control and she was weak.

  In addition to the head and blood flowing backwards in the posture of being carried by him, she couldn't even scream.

  Bae Joon carried her out of the bar, and slammed her into the car by pulling the door.

  The bulletproof car was locked with a double lock.

  Jiang Xi was completely imprisoned in a confined space by him.

  Jiang Xi was carried and thrown by him, but in just half a second, she was already dizzy.

   After finally sitting up straight, raising his eyes and staring at each other.

  Jiang Xi still saw the evil face on his face.

  And the upward curvature of the corners of the lips is still maintained.

  It's just in a dark and closed car.

  His smile looked gloomy.


  She had a headache and couldn't help but stretched out her hand and rubbed her temples to relieve her discomfort.

  In my heart, I can’t wait to scold him like a pig.

  It's only half a minute.

  She felt that she was about to be vomited by him, her headache continued, and her stomach was upset.

  But she probably didn't know.

  In just half a minute, Mr. Bae Jun had countless kinds of impulses in his heart.

  He wants to hit her.

  But reluctant.

  This woman not only fooled him in the dark, but stomped his dignity on the soles of her feet.

  In a place like a bar, he dared to make a fool of himself in front of the public.

  He had a very strong impulse for a moment. He wanted to carry her against the corner of the bar, find a reliable corner, and directly strip her C severely.

  He is crazy, it is really crazy to let a woman trample like this.

  She used him enough.

  Worth the price.

  She should have been stripped naked in public by him.

  But he didn't do it.

  Changed any woman, as long as it was someone other than Jiang Xi.

  He won't hesitate at all, he will definitely do it straight away.

  But he carried Jiang Xi, knowing that she was going out alone, and there was no one around him who could fight.

  He can completely conquer her in public and make her cry and scream.

  Enjoy his abuse in extreme shame and collapse.

  But he did nothing.

   I endured it all.

  Only carry her into the car.


   Jiang Xi rubbed his temples and relieved a little bit of discomfort for a while.

Then she stared at him furiously, and squeezed a word out of her mouth: "Asshole! Madman! Didn't you call me a shameless watch on the phone? You still come to me, are you cheap? Jun."

  Jun Pei narrowed his eyes and sneered.

   Immediately leaned forward and suppressed her without warning, tearing off all her clothes with big hands.

  From top to pants.

  He tore her up.

  [There is one more night at 10 o’clock]

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