The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1966: Zhan Muqian uses her womb, and Pei Jun only

   Jiang Xi first tried his best to resist.

   Fight with him.

  It doesn’t matter how painful it hurts when his delicate small arms and legs collide with his hard body.

  She resisted thoroughly.

   But soon it was discovered that all resistance was in vain.

  Not to mention that she is now drunk.

  I can’t exert much effort on my body.

   Even if she is completely awake and normal, she is still playing for nothing at this moment.

  Because she felt how strong Bae Joon really was when she did it.

  His strength is not less than that of Zhan Muqian.

  Probably they have received quite professional special training since childhood, and they can easily subdue the opponent without brute force.

   Jiang Xi was desperate.

   Then she screamed and cried.

   cried very sadly.

   almost tore his throat and crying.

  Bae Jun tore all her coat, inner lining, and pants to pieces.

  She can hardly imagine how much hatred he and a pair of jeans have.

   Such a strong cloth was torn to pieces like silk by him.

  Conventional car space is limited after all.

  Bae Joon performs better.

   Fuck her into a kneeling position.

  Jiang Xi knew that he was going to be forced.

  She should have expected such a day.

  But she thought that she and Bae Jun... at least until she was willing.

  At least this man should do something for her.

  Wait until she has half the chance of winning, she will be willing to give her body to him.

  In addition to considering the virginity of Mianmian.

  She has to consider common sense in matters between men and women.

  A man like Bae Jun.

  The attraction she made to him was cumulative bit by bit.

When    accumulates to a certain level, he will feel that he is a little obsessed with this woman.

  He wants to conquer her.

   even wanted to hide her as a treasure and love her.


  But these are temporary psychological illusions.

  Before and after going to bed, men and women have completely different mental states for men.

  Jiang Xi didn't have the confidence at all after he got tired of playing with himself.

  Will you risk your life to save everything to help her.

  She has no such confidence.

  At least so far, not yet.

   But she obviously can't keep it now.

  She cried miserably.

  It’s not a pretending, but sadness and hopelessness from the heart.

  This road is still so long.

  Zhan Mu Qian wants to use her womb, Pei Jun just wants to play with her body.

  If she meets both parties.

   Let them get everything they want in just a few months.

  At that time, the two sides have a showdown.

  Will they join forces and kill her?

  Every step she took, she stepped on the boundary.

  Play with fire.

  Playing heart.

  Play strategy.

   Jiang Xi has full confidence in confirming that he is the leader among women.

  But Zhan Muqian and Bae Jun...

  She didn't have the confidence to win a big victory at all.

  Maybe she is not enough for them to play.


  Jiang Xi was knelt down on his waist, crying miserably.

  It's not just because of shame and fear.

  More, it is because of fatigue.

  She is tired of dealing with the two men.

  Zhan Mu Qian wants her to have a baby, and Pei Jun has never been worried.

  When Pei Jun was scolded on the phone today, she had already collapsed.


  Bae Jun was irritated by her crying.

  I was so annoyed that I wanted to kill people.

  He pinched Jiang Xi's slender neck.

   Hoarse voice: "Stop your voice, don't cry!"

   "If I cry again, I'll go outside the car to C you."

  【Moreover. This is the last chapter before the explosion. Ask for a monthly ticket recommendation. The 8th is limited to 24 hours, and the custom is not updated. On the 9th, at 0:00 am to see the maxed out update, the guarantee is forty chapters like this. Look at the number of monthly passes and rewards, etc. Skip booking. What a fuck~]

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