The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1974: There are all traces of me, what are you going to do

   "Is there a difference, wasn't it you who begged me to be heavier under me last night?"

  Mianmian's complexion is particularly ugly, but she can't say anything hard to refute.

after all……

  She can't even control her body.

  Not to mention consciousness.

  She really didn’t want to waste her tongue talking with him.

  She just wants to leave quickly.

  But Bae Jun stubbornly pushed her against the wall and kissed her lovingly.

  He kissed her delicate cheek, and there was a kind of inseparable attachment.

  Mianmian just feels sick and wants to push him away.

  But you have to protect yourself again.

  How abnormal and crazy Bae Jun is.

  She still remembered that he once led a giant mastiff out to chase her.

  She was next to Bae Jun and almost lost her life.

   finally survived, not to irritate him for a short time.

  Mianmian forbeared silently, his face was very stiff.

  Bae Jun kissed so lingeringly, but when she stopped, she could not see any emotion on her face.

  The sudden change in personality was unexpected for Bae Jun.

  He has been accustomed to Jiang Xi's charm and seduction these days.

  As for **** cotton...

  Jiang Mianmian is more like Zhan Muqian’s wife to him.

  But this is the same face, the same person after all.

  Bae Jun is not annoyed by her indifferent attitude.

  She is cold, he doesn't mind.

  Even Hanbing, sooner or later he will be warmed by his enthusiasm.

  No matter how just a woman.

  Bae Jun has his own routines and skills for women.

  He is completely confident to completely subdue her little by little.

  Let her willingly follow him someday in the future.


  He slid down with his big hand, held her buttocks, picked her up, and hugged her back to the bed.

Mianmian struggled naturally, "Jun Pei, what do you want to do? Will you let me go? No matter what Jiang Xi is with you, you will let me go sooner or later. You can't keep me here forever. "

   Pei Jun also doesn’t know how much she knows about Jiang Xi’s situation.

  He smiled, and deliberately said in an ambiguous and gentle tone: "Jiang Xi is my woman. She loves me, and she keeps saying that she will marry me in the future."

  "..." Mianmian showed an unbearable nausea expression.

   Then she really got nauseated and retched.

  Bae Jun was not annoyed by her disrespect, but smiled.

   "As for, the reaction is so exaggerated?"

  Mianmian couldn't help but stretched out her hand and rubbed her chest.

  She is not acting, but it is really so uncomfortable.

  She only thought that what Bae Jun said made her too horrible and disgusting, and her nausea was normal.

But Jun Bae touched her face and smiled: "I will naturally let you go, but not now. You are all traces of me. At least you have to take a bath and then go back, otherwise... how are you going to follow? Zhan Muqian explained?"

  Mianmian never thought about this kind of problem.

  She never did anything she didn’t remember. How to explain?

  Seeing that she couldn't answer, Bae Jun became more and more proud.

"Relax, I won't kill you. Naturally, I don't want Zhan Muqian to catch the handle and hurt you, take a break, and then take a bath. Be more obedient, Jiang Xi will listen to me very much. If you have to provoke me Happy...Last night we did many times. I recorded all the various postures and saved them. If necessary, I will share them with Zhan Muqian so that he can see with his own eyes how his wife is being treated. I……"

  Mianmian suddenly reached out his hand to cover his mouth, and shook his head again and again.

  【Eight changes, the cotton and cotton fertilizer that you have been waiting for is coming. . . . 】

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