The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1975: Mianmian was shocked, the two dared to fight against Mu Qian

  Even she herself was surprised by this action.

  But she can't listen anymore.

  Every word Bae Jun said...

  It's all so...taboo, sin, and rebelliousness.

  What kind of contradiction does she have with Zhan Muqian is another matter. What does it look like when mixing with Pei Jun? !

  She can't listen to such words.

  And I can’t imagine if there is such a shooting video...

   was seen by Zhan Muqian.

  Zhan Mu Qian should directly strangle her to death.

  Even Gong Qiao, who was not ambiguous with her, was cut off by him.

  Not to mention another man who slept with her.

  Mianmian suddenly felt that the headache of the hangover became more severe.

  She shook her head helplessly.

He softened his throat and said weakly: "Please don't say okay, do you want to die, Pei Jun, do you want to die? I know you are arrogant and arrogant, but he is Zhan Muqian! You are against him. ...Unless you are prepared to lose both sides, why bother?"

  She is very tired and very helpless.

   "What Jiang Xi did, with my current situation, I can't control her, I will figure out what's going on as soon as possible..."

   "As for you, Jun Pei, please let me go, OK? The problem with Zhan Muqian and I can't be solved by a third person's forcible intervention. It's really not..."

  Bae Jun looked at her almost pleading, feeling uncomfortable.

  But he did not write his discomfort on his face.

   just reached out and squeezed her face.

"Well, you calm down first. It doesn't matter if you know the other details. You just need to remember that one day you will leave him and become my woman. And Zhan Muqian will eventually be my subordinate. I'm defeated. Just remember these two points, and go take a shower now."

  The cotton did not move at first.

  Later, I thought that I had done something like that with him...

  Leave his things...

   Nausea makes her want to vomit again.

   So she got out of bed and ran into the bathroom, and began to take a shower seriously.

   And Bae Joon went downstairs to get a good breakfast while she was taking a bath.

When Mianmian came out of the bathroom, he saw Bae Jun sitting at the small dining table, waiting for her with a table full of food.

  She became more and more helpless in an instant.

  In just a few months...How could the relationship between Pei Jun and her, to be precise, Pee Jun and Jiang Xi's development? !

   is like a couple in love.

  But what about Zhan Muqian...

Where is Zhan Muqian abandoned by them? !

  Did they dare to cheat under Zhan Muqian's nose?

  She believes that Bae Jun does have such courage.

  As for Jiang Xi...she doesn’t know enough yet.

  If Jiang Xi is really a woman who is addicted to sensuality, it is not surprising.

   But when she thought that Jiang Xihu was using her body, Mianmian felt a little irritated in her heart.


  She had to sit down and eat. If she is not obedient, Bae Jun still doesn’t know when she will let her go.

  The scent of milk in the cup in front of her made her nauseous.

  She couldn't help but retched twice, frowning uncomfortably.

   Bae Jun said, "Drinking some milk is good for your health."

  She frowned and shook her head, pushing the cup away.

  Bae Jun didn't force it, so he pushed the glass containing orange juice in front of her.

   "If you don't drink milk, drink some orange juice to add vitamins."

  Mianmian was very surprised.

  It's hard to connect the person who was frantic with her before and the gentle and caring Bae Joon in front of him.

  The taste in her mouth is bitter, and she feels thirsty when she sees orange juice.

  So she picked up the cup and took a few sips.

  But found that the orange juice turned out to be hot.

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