The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1976: Jiang Xi is a stunner, you are just a mindless

Mianmian couldn't help frowning, and asked suspiciously: "Do you drink hot orange juice for breakfast?"

   Pei Jun said indifferently, “Well, it’s autumn after all, so I feel sick in my stomach when I drink cold.”

  "..." She showed a very speechless expression.

  After having breakfast, Bae Jun gave her a set of clothes and asked her to change and let the driver send her back to the presidential palace.

   Pei Jun still reminded her intimately: “I wore a condom last night. You don’t need to take medicine after you go back. If you take too much medicine, the side effects will be great. You are still young, so you can raise yourself well.”

There are countless question marks in Mian Mian's heart.

  Where is Jiang Xi?

How capable is   ? !

   slept with Bae Jun more than ever, and taught a vicious pervert-into a man who pays great attention to health preservation and cares about her?

   To put it in an exaggeration, it is like a little milk dog.

  Before she left, she still couldn't stop worrying.

  The moment before getting into the car, he finally mustered up the courage to ask him.

   "Jun Pei, I beg you, don't let Zhan Muqian know, one will help me collect the body."

He pulled the corners of his lips and looked disdainful, "Don't worry, he can't kill you, it's still useful to keep you. Besides, I just want to enjoy the intimate scenes I filmed, as a last resort, I won't For him."

He paused for a while, and then smiled again: "It's just a cheating. It's not the first time. Your character is really not one-tenth as Jiang Xi. Jiang Xi is bold, hot and charming. Stunner, I love her so much. As for you... it's just an immature little thing. Go back. Yesterday there was a riot in the marginal state. The cabinet has been in meetings. Zhan Muqian is still working overtime. You just need to get the president. The housekeeper and servant, just don't show your stuff."

  It turned out that Zhan Muqian was working overtime...

  That’s why Bae Jun dared to leave her overnight.

  She was relieved to hear the news.

  Sure enough, Pei Jun and Jiang Xi have been going back and forth secretly.

  Just... Listening to his tone, Jiang Xi and him are really not once or twice.

  The depression and shame in Mianmian's heart can't happen here.

  She can only bear it, so she doesn't say anything after getting in the car.


  Mianmian returned to the presidential palace at about eight or nine in the morning.

  It’s still very early, and Aunt Qiao has just got up.

  She couldn't help being surprised when she saw his wife come back with a change of clothes.

  But Aunt Qiao kept quiet, and hurriedly pulled her upstairs to the room.

  Cotton looks very tired, and his face is not very good.

  Aunt Qiao had to ask: "Madam, you said you had a party with friends last night. I thought you had come back and fell asleep in the room long ago. I didn't expect you to come back all night? What did you do?!"

  If she hadn’t changed her clothes, Aunt Qiao wouldn’t ask.

  A young woman did not return all night. After returning in the morning, she changed a set of clothes, changing everything from head to toe! It is not difficult to think of what happened.

Mianmian just shook his head.

  Aunt Qiao became anxious: "Madam, don’t tell me, if you ask, I don’t know how to answer, you know I’m on your side, don’t even hide it from me anyway."

  Mianmian can only make up a random reason: “I drank at a friend’s house last night. I drank too much and vomited. My clothes were dirty. My friend borrowed my clothes and sent me back in the morning.”

  【10 more, please ask for votes. . . . . . . . 】

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