The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1979: "Your Excellency, Miss Jiang is overjoyed."

  If so...

  Then she has been depressed and not talkative in the past half a month, which should be explained as a normal physiological reaction.

  Zhan Muqian took her to the bathroom for a little cleaning.

  Mianmian has always been very slow to respond. She is unprepared for the current situation...

  Zhan Mu Qian happily kissed her forehead, and he could see what he was expecting at the moment.


  The special doctor in the Presidential Palace lived in the annex building, and soon he was fully equipped and rushed to your bedroom.

  After a simple and quick diagnosis, the female doctor smiled and came to a conclusion.

   "Your Excellency, Miss Jiang is happy."

  The smile on Zhan Mu Qian's face could not be controlled at all.

  He calmly asked: "How long has it been?"

  “The precise time cannot be measured for the time being. Calculated from the time of Ms. Jiang’s last official holiday, the pregnancy period is between 23-28 days.”

  Almost a month...

  Mianmian’s face was pale, her lips lost their blood, she leaned stiffly against the head of the bed, and almost forgot to breathe.

  Zhan Muqian couldn't pay attention to her face for the time being, but talked to the doctor a lot of precautions.

The doctor reminded that because Ms. Jiang had a miscarriage, although it has been more than half a year and the impact is not significant, it is better to be cautious. If you want to save the child, you must be careful in everything, otherwise if you develop a habitual abortion Problems, it will be more difficult to want children in the future.

  Besides, what communication between Zhan Muqian and the doctor, she couldn't hear a word.

  Buzzing in my head is full of noise.

  In this huge bedroom.

  In addition to her bad face, Aunt Qiao's face is also full of worry.

  Aunt Qiao’s worries came from the sadness of his wife without surprise on her face.

  And she deeply understands the reason why her wife is not only unhappy, but also full of negative emotions...

  This kind of thing, even ordinary people, is a big taboo.

  Not to mention this is the presidential palace.

  Your Excellency, as the head of a country, his bloodline is absolutely impossible to have a handicap.

  Aunt Qiao never got a real answer from Mianmian's mouth, so she couldn't be sure what was going on now.

  She only asked in her heart, never to be in the worst kind of situation.


  Mianmian is pregnant again, and Mr. President is in a good mood.

  After arranging the regular problems of taking care of her during pregnancy, the doctor was sent out, and the bedroom was quiet and empty.

  While fighting Mu Qian was pleased, he didn't forget what they were doing just now and was forced to stop.

  He sat on the edge of the bed and touched the girl’s soft hair.

  "Are you feeling okay now? We are all too careless. It took almost a month to find out. Fortunately, you just..."

  Mianmian looked a little embarrassed and his face was very stiff.

  He just thought she was shy, so he didn't go on.

"Mianmian, I will take care of you very carefully for the remaining nine months, and you must also take good care of yourself. In the past few months, you have not done anything, don't think about it, just tell me what you need. "

  Mianmian was so confused that he didn't even want to prevaricate him.

  It's not that she is not afraid of showing her flaws in a panic, but that she really doesn't know what to say.

  She just kept silent until Zhan Muqian held her little hand suspiciously.

  It was found that her hands were abnormally cold, and she looked shocked.

  He was puzzled and asked patiently: "What's wrong, is it uncomfortable, or, I'm very confused and can't accept it for a while? But we talked about this before, and you agreed to have a baby."

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