The General’s Beloved Wife: Shame on You, Sweetheart

Chapter 1980: Beaded concealed knot, time bomb

Mianmian raised his eyes and explained in a flustered manner: "I know, it's just a sudden, I don't accept it, I'm just very distressed, if... if I am halfway pregnant, Miaoyu comes back, or...or another personality appears. , Then what should I do, I’m really scared, I think my current situation is still not suitable for having a child, don’t be angry, listen to me, my own body and will can’t be controlled by myself all the time, if It doesn’t matter if you’re not pregnant. Even if there is a sudden personality change one day, it doesn’t matter, but now that the child is involved, I’m really, I’m really scared..."

  Zhan Mu Qian had no signs of anger, and Mianmian couldn't understand his emotions at all now.

  After she said what she wanted to say, she could only wait cautiously for his reply.

  Zhan Mu Qian looked peaceful, without irritation, and no other complicated emotions.

He gently grasped the woman's small hand, and calmly explained: "Before preparing for pregnancy, I have consulted with experts and doctors. Your current situation is fairly stable. It has been stable for at least a few months. In the psychiatric case, There are many patients with split personality that have the possibility of self-healing. You are fine now, maybe in a few years, you will be fine, don’t worry about what will happen tomorrow, with me, I will take care of you and take care of any of your personalities. Mianmian, don't you believe me?"

  Mianmian looked at the persistence in his eyes, and his mood was getting worse and worse.

  If she is not pregnant, it will be fine.

  I was really pregnant, and Zhan Muqian was obviously ecstatic because of this.

  He will not give up.

  The child who was lost for the first time is also a kind of psychological trauma to him.

  He will never give up easily this time.

   Besides, even if there is no precedent for the first child.

  She is pregnant, how could Zhan Muqian let her go to abortion? !

  The more Mianmian knows that the possibility of persuading him is almost zero, the more depressed and frustrated.

  How should she confess to Zhan Muqian.

  11 confess that this kid... is half of it, isn’t it his?

  It’s Bae Joon’s pervert? !

  How does this make her speak...

  And after speaking out, what else can be saved.

  Zhan Mu Qian will not spare her.

  He might just shoot the **** who slept with other men on his back.

   may even anger others because of temporary shame.

  Mianmian can’t believe what he will do.

  She is just affirmative, 100% sure.

  Zhan Muqian will not keep her, and will hurt her.


  If this child is really Pei Jun.

  She cannot stay.

  Even if it is an innocent little life, it must be wiped out.

  Unless DNA is done and it is confirmed that this is Zhan Muqian's child, she will be able to raise a baby with peace of mind.

  But now she's only three weeks pregnant, and she can't do DNA.

  Not to mention.

  Even if this child has nothing to do with Bae Jun, and she has an affair with Bae Jun, it is still a certainty.

  What's more, Bae Jun may still have all kinds of explicit steal-love videos in his hands.

  This is a time bomb.

  Even if this flesh and blood is born to Zhan Muqian.

  In the future, it is likely to become a wild species that is suspected and excluded.


The two words    seemed to be stuck in her heart.

  She is not a wild species, but she has lived through her adolescence with her reputation as a wild species.

  She knows exactly what this reputation represents in a high school.

   Lowly, contrary to orthodoxy.

   is a character that even the servants are secretly despised


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