The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1963: Jointly kill the enemy


Thousands of swords screamed together, and one hundred thousand sword auras shot out at the same time.

Such a powerful offensive, even if Lu Yi is physically strong, it is difficult to resist. The skin was also cracking, blood seeping out.


Lu Yi was cut and flew out.

"call out!"

Sword Qi is like a rainbow, piercing through the world, tens of thousands of ways fly out together, like a dazzling rainbow.

"Nine types of heavenly swords!"

Finally, Lu Yi used the nine forms of the sky sword.


A sword fell, smashing tens of thousands of sword energy on the spot.

Tuoba Samsara was surprised, and his eyes showed surprise.

"What kind of sword is this, why is it so terrible?"

Tuoba Samsara was born in the Tuoba family and was a disciple of the Sword God Temple. He had seen many masters' magic skills, but it was the first time that Lu Yi used the sword to recruit him.


Void shook, and a majestic aura of righteousness suppressed three thousand miles, and then Xuanyuan Sword turned into a huge and unmatched divine sword, smashing the remaining sword aura to pieces.


Tuoba's pupils shrank.

The golden light on Lu Yi's body became more vigorous, and his fighting spirit became stronger. He took the lead again, but he did not move forward.

Tuoba reincarnation stared at him tightly, without blinking.

"Do you want to fight?" Lu Yi shouted.

"The outcome is undecided, why not fight?" Tuoba reincarnation said loudly.

"Although I really want to share a win or lose with you, but now I'm bothered by others, I'm out of interest." Lu Yi said.

Tuoba Samsara turned his head, looked into the distance, and shouted: "Since it's already here, don't hide, come out!"

"What, someone is here again?" Lu Luo was shocked.

Looking up, two figures appeared, flashing from afar.

They are one man and one woman.

The man's middle-aged face was a little pale and looked a little feminine. The feminine charm still exists, with a big red flower in her ear.

There are signs of Kuzhuzhai on their clothes.

"As expected of the genius of the Sword God Temple, he discovered us, haha." The man laughed.

"Why do you hide in the dark and watch us discussing?" Tuoba Samsara said with a calm face.

"Young Master Tuoba made a mistake. We didn't take a peek. We just saw that you were in a good mood and couldn't bear to disturb you." The woman giggled.

"Are you here to kill me?" Lu Yi asked.

"Neither!" The man smiled: "We are ordered by the elders and brother Qitian to invite Master Cao back to Kuzhuzhai."

"A guest?" Lu Yi sneered: "The elder really looks up to me, and even sent two Dragon Gate masters to invite me."

"Young Master Cao was brave enough to kill the genius of the Sword Temple in the tomb of the saint. The elder is very optimistic about you, so he wants us to invite you back. Young Master Cao, please!" the woman smiled.

"Don't you see me discussing with people?" Lu Yi said.

"I think Young Master Tuoba wouldn't mind if we invite Young Master Cao to go?" the man said.

"I mind." Tuoba Samsara said with a cold face, "I really hate other people disturbing my interest, two, if you retreat at this moment, I won't care about you."

"What if we don't leave?" the woman smiled.

"If you don't know anything, then I can't be blamed." Tuoba Samsara's face appeared murderous.

"Why, doesn't Young Master Tuoba still want to fight with us?" A smirk appeared on the man's face, and said, "Although Young Master Tuoba is a genius of the Sword God Temple, he is still the heir of the Tuoba family, but don't forget, you After all, it's just transforming the mortal realm, a great realm lower than ours."

"So what!" Tuoba Samsara did not shrink back, and said: "I will ask you again, can you go?"

"If Mr. Cao goes back with us, we will leave now," the woman said.

"Sorry, I still have important things to do, and I won't go back with you." Lu Yi said. Going back is a dead end, he is not so stupid.

"If this is the case, don't blame Mr. Cao for being rude." After the woman said, she exchanged a glance with the man, and then the two approached Lu Yi together.

"Dead mop, it seems we can't divide the victory or defeat today, you go back first, as long as I am not dead, I will have the opportunity to discuss with you in the future." Lu Yi said.

"I don't like being disturbed. These two guys make me very unhappy." Tuoba Samsara said.

"Then what do you mean?" Lu Yi asked.

"We continue to learn from each other, but we just change the way." Tuoba reincarnation stared at the walking couple of men and women, and said: "They are two, and we are also two. We will deal with one of them. Whoever kills the opponent first wins? kind?"

"Good!" Lu Yi did not hesitate.

Originally, he dealt with two Dragon Gate masters alone, although he was not afraid, but the pressure was great. Now Tuoba Samsara is doing this, simply reducing the pressure for him.

"Let's start then!" Tuoba finished his reincarnation, with a high fighting spirit, stepped in the void, and walked towards the pair of men and women.

"Master Tuoba, do you really want to do it with us?" the man said.

"Damn, a big man, how can he be a sissy, I've long seen you upset." The long sword in Tuoba Samsara's hand slashed directly.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine sword qi appeared again.


The powerful killing intent was condensed together to form a desperate sea of ​​swords, every sword aura rang out loudly, very terrifying.

"Since Young Master Tuoba can think of me, I will play with Young Master Tuoba, and by the way see the genius of the Sword God Temple."

A cold light flashed in the man's eyes, and he took the initiative to fly towards Tuoba Samsara.

"The **** of war destroys the immortal!"

When Tuoba Samsara came up, he launched a big killer move, and the ten thousand swords vibrated, piercing the void, forming a terrible sword net, and drowning the man.

the other side.

Lu Yi carried Xuanyuanjian and walked towards the woman.

"Young Master Cao, you can kill the descendants of the ancestors of the sky. It's so extraordinary. I hope you will show mercy to the little girl."


Lu Yi didn't say a word, his hands were nine forms of Heavenly Sword, the magnificent sword intent spread, and he killed the woman with a terrifying killing intent.

"Oh my God, they started fighting." Lu Luo was surprised: "These are two masters in the Dragon Gate realm."

"These two Dragon Gate Realm guys are going to die here today." Huang Wu said, "They underestimated the power of Lu Yi and Tuoba's reincarnation."

A fierce battle broke out.


The woman who was at war with Lu Yi suddenly felt that her body was imprisoned. Before she could react, Xuanyuanjian smashed off her head.

The man who fought with Tuoba Samsara saw this scene, and was shocked, and turned around to support the woman. Suddenly, a brutal breath came from behind him.

He turned his head abruptly, and saw that the long sword in Tuoba's Samsara's hand suddenly turned jet black, with an icy luster shining on it, and his anger was sour.

"go to hell!"

Tuoba reincarnation slashed with a sword.


On the other side, the woman's head was chopped off, and her soul was destroyed.

Hearing her screams, the man panicked. He wanted to escape but was too late. He was split in half by the fierce sword of Tuoba's reincarnation, and his soul was destroyed.

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