The Genius Doctor

Chapter 1964: Kamiko

After Lu Yi killed the female Dragon Gate master, he looked back and found that Tuoba Samsara also killed the male Dragon Gate master.

"I lost!" Tuoba Samsara said.

"You didn't lose." Lu Yi said: "We killed them at the same time."

"No." Tuoba Samsara shook his head and said: "I just discovered the power of the sword domain from your sword intent. Your talent in the sword is stronger than mine."

Lu Yi blushed a little. The reason why he was able to use the power of the sword domain was mainly because of Xuanyuan Sword, but he would not tell Tuoba Samsara, and smiled: "Your kendo talent is not bad."

Tuoba Samsara shook his head and said, "Today I am fighting with you. I see the gap between you and me. I know my shortcomings. I have been imitating and have never walked my own way."

"The reason why I worshipped the Sword God Temple was that I wanted to be a character like a sword god. My ancestors came forward and asked the sword **** to pass on the **** of war to me. I have been studying and practicing hard all these years. Imitating the sword god, never found his own way."

"But to fight with you today, I know how I should go in the future." Tuoba Lun retracted his sword and bowed to Lu Yi with his fists, "Thank you!"

"You are welcome!" Lu Yi replied.

"You seem to be in trouble again." Tuoba Samsara grinned.

Lu Yi turned his head, and saw a dozen figures swiftly approaching here, among them were four Dragon Gate masters, and the rest were the peaks of Transformation Realm.

Moreover, these people are all from the Sword God Temple.

"There is trouble, and the trouble is not small." Lu Yi had a faint smile on his face.

His calmness made Tuoba curious about reincarnation.

"You are not afraid?"

"What's so scary?" Lu Yi said: "There are more than a few people who want to kill me."

"Don't forget, they represent the Sword God Temple. Now you have offended both the Sword God Temple and Ku Zhuzhai. Are you really afraid?"

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?" Lu Yi said.

"The truth."

"The truth is... I'm afraid to die." Lu Yi frowned and said: "I don't want to offend the Sword God Temple and Kuzhuzhai, but they can't get along with me, what can I do."

Tuoba reincarnation laughed.

"Do you know how I found you?" Tuoba Samsara said suddenly.

"How did you find me?" Lu Yi was also curious.

In the past few days, people who chased him continued to appear, and more and more frequently, his whereabouts seemed to be known.

"Because your whereabouts have been leaked." Tuoba Samsara said.

it is as expected.

Lu Yi asked in a deep voice: "Who leaked it?"

"God fortune!" Tuoba Samsara said a name that Lu Yi had never heard of.

"Who is the fortune teller?" Lu Yi asked.

"The fortune-telling guy is a fortune-telling guy, and he is also known as a genius in the cultivation world. He is about the same age as me, and his strength is probably about the same as me. But he is the best fortune telling.

Tuoba reincarnation said: "The **** fortune teller is very proficient in feng shui gossip. This time you killed Ling Tian and the Ling family found the **** fortune teller."

"So he figured out my position?" Lu Yi asked.

Tuoba nodded in reincarnation and said, "Ancestor Volley made a promise that as long as the fortune teller can help Ancestor Volley find you, Ancestor Volley will pass on his sword intent to him."

"Unexpectedly, in order to kill me, the ancestor of the sky was really willing to pay for it." Lu Yi smiled.

"After all, Ling Tian is the younger generation most valued by the ancestors of the sky. How can he not be angry if you kill him?"

Lu Yi immediately defended, saying: "I can't blame me. The boy Ling Tian made a bet before he started with me. Whoever loses will become the other's servant. He even lied and didn't exchange his promises. I didn't want to kill him. He, didn't know that the Taoist body of the ancestor Lingkong appeared, and his attitude made me very unhappy, so I killed Ling Tian."

"Hahaha, refreshing!" Tuoba reincarnation laughed, and said, "Will you tell me that the Taoist body of the ancestor of the sky was also killed by you?"

Lu Yi smiled without saying a word.

"Damn, how did you do it?" Tuoba Samsara was curious.

"Used a little trick." Lu Yi said.

"I said why the ancestor of the sky was so angry, it turns out that you not only killed Ling Tian, ​​but also killed his Taoist body, so powerful."

Tuoba's reincarnation reminded Lu Yi: "I knew your position from the mouth of the fortune teller. Be careful. Many people from the Sword Temple and Kuzhuzhai will come to you."

"I know."

"Okay, I'm leaving." Tuoba was about to leave after the reincarnation, and suddenly said: "Dare you dare to compete with me?"

"Fighting? Didn't you see my enemy coming?"

"It's not against you. Let's continue to compare and see who kills the group of people first?" Tuoba Samsara said.

"You are crazy, that's a person from your Sword God Temple." Lu Yi said.

"What's the matter? As long as you kill them, there is no evidence, and I can tell the sect when I go back. You killed them all."

"Bi Bi Bi, you better be careful, this time there are four Dragon Gate masters." Lu Yi said.

The group of people is fast approaching.

"Owner, it's not good, someone is here again." Lu Luo said in surprise.

"I saw it." Huang Wu's face was solemn.

"What can I do?" Lu Luo said: "There are so many masters, Lu Gongzi can't handle it alone, I'll go help him."

"You still don't make trouble, your cultivation base is too low, not even a master of Transformation Realm, you can't help him."

"What should I do?"

"Let's take a look first!" Huang Wu's eyes flashed with a fierce expression. If she was in desperation, she would abandon herself to save Lu Yi.

The group of people in the Sword God Temple stopped a hundred meters away from Lu Yi. An old Longmen realm stood up and looked at Tuoba Samsara and said loudly, "Tuoba Samsara, the kid next to you is the murderer who killed Lingtian. You killed him."

"Good!" Tuoba Samsara nodded, and then shot.


Tuoba's reincarnation slashed out at the old man of Longmen Realm.

The powerful killing intent hit the sky.

"Tuoba Samsara, what are you doing?" The old man in the Longmen Realm jumped into thunder, his face was very ugly.

"Kill you!" Tuoba Samsara responded indifferently, and then said to Lu Yi: "I hope I can beat you this time."

After speaking, he rushed towards the crowd of Sword God Temple.

Lu Yi didn't dare to show weakness and rushed out with a sword in his hand.

The war broke out.


"Strange, Tuoba Samsara is a member of the Sword God Temple, how can he help Lu Gongzi kill their own sect people? Isn't he afraid of going back and being punished?" Luluo's big eyes were full of doubt.

"As long as they are all dead, who knows that Tuoba Samsara killed them?" Huang Wu smiled: "Tuoba Samsara is a very interesting person. Together with Lu Yi, the group of people in the Sword God Temple will also be broken."

The war only lasted twenty minutes before it came to an end.

All the people in the Sword Temple were killed.

More than a dozen corpses were piled up together, and blood flowed into rivers on the ground.

[Author's digression]: I’m taking a break today, I only wrote one chapter, please understand!

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