The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 296: Episode [296]: The strong rise of Yorkshire football

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At this time, the chairman of Sheffield United was showing up.

Previously, Gerald Krasner was busy with Sheffield United.

The chairman of Sheffield United is a Chinese. He is the representative of New Century Group, and his name is Xu Jianqiu. He officially appeared when he signed Scolari at the club!

To be honest, Xu Jianqiu is very young and handsome!

As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of all the young girls in the mainland of England, and became the best masonry king in the eyes of countless Cinderellas who wanted to climb the dragon and the Phoenix!

He really is too young and handsome.

When Xu Jianqiu signed with Scolari, he also brought two players, one is the Ukrainian nuclear warhead Shevchenko, and the other is Bayern Munich striker Podolski!

The two followed the footsteps of Scolari officially joined Sheffield United.

Sheffield United is really amazing this summer!

There is nothing in hand, it is more money!

It is said that the introduction of Shevchenko all cost 25 million pounds, and the introduction of Podolsky was cheaper, costing 12 million pounds.

Anyway, Sheffield United is really madly recruiting now, in order to easily upgrade next season, join the Premier League, and then go to Leeds United.

This next Yorkshire football is really worth watching, very beautiful.

There are even media reports that when she just won Sheffield United, Gerald Krasner also proposed to Xu Jianqiu to relocate Sheffield United to Leeds and then play at Elland Road Stadium for the home game Next season's game.

Obviously, this guy Gerald Krasner went to Zhong Cheng and Leeds.

However, later Xu Jianqiu and the Sheffield government rejected this proposal, and Sheffield United continued to stay in Sheffield.

This time, Sheffield is also hot, and the same city derby between Sheffield United and Sheffield Wednesday will be very hot. Of course, this derby may not be realized until next season, after all, Sheffield United is in the English League.

And now, Sheffield United is still digging players in the crazy re-transfer market.

Sheffield United also liked Arsenal's Senderos, Liverpool's Pennant, Inter Milan goalkeeper Viviano and others.

Now Sheffield United is digging crazy in the transfer market.

And Zhong Cheng was in his office at this time, staring at Xu Jianqiu on the computer screen, contemplating!

Zhong Cheng always had a feeling that this [New Era Group] had ulterior motives for him. Last season, this [New Era Group] wanted to acquire their Leeds United team and hired Gerald Krasner. Well now, knowing that Leeds United cannot be acquired, they bought Sheffield United. What is this for?

[New Era Group] Do you really want to play football, or did you come to Zhong Cheng?

If [New Era Group] is really directed at him, why is this? And will they have anything to do with those who assassinated him before?

Yes, Zhong Cheng thought a lot!

Zhong Cheng thinks this [New Era Group] is not easy. Why did they ask for Gerald Krasner? The purpose is already very clear, it was against him Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng touched his nose and said in his heart: "It seems we need another enemy!"

Zhong Cheng can be seen. Although everyone does not know what the New Century Group is doing, there is one thing that everyone knows very well, that is, they are rich and rich.

However, they are unlikely to be in such a mess, and they will all make the transfer market fall.

Now it seems that only Sheffield United is in trouble in Yorkshire football, and the other two clubs seem to have no major moves!

And at this time, a lot of media wondered whether Sheffield ’s Wednesday team had invested a lot in two seasons, but it had no substantial effect. Therefore, did Kramer have passed the passion period and would not want to invest again !

So so far, the Sheffield team didn't seem to have any big moves on Wednesday!

And at the beginning, just one day after they didn't think of it, the Sheffield trio started again on Wednesday.

On Wednesday, Sheffield's head coach Di Matteo officially announced that the team officially introduced the fascinated David Beckham from the Los Angeles Galaxy to the US for 12 million euros!

Although this price was considered drizzle this year, the name David Beckham still brought a very shocking effect!

Yes, David Beckham is really back in the Premier League!

David Beckham has just ended the loan and returned from AC Milan to Los Angeles Galaxy. AC Milan hasn't thought about it yet. Whether they will continue to renew David Beckham. To be honest, David Beckham performed very well last season.

However, at this time, the Sheffield team suddenly shot on Wednesday.

The three of Sheffield knew what David Beckham ’s ideal is now, that is to want to participate in next year ’s World Cup, he wants to stay in European football. Because when he went to the United States, he did not receive any attention at all, and no one would recruit him back to the national team.

Therefore, when the Sheffield team found him on Wednesday, David Beckham did not hesitate for too long, and he directly agreed to join the Sheffield Wednesday team.

Because this is really his last chance to participate in the World Cup, David Beckham does not want to miss such an opportunity. And he also learned from Di Matteo that in the new season he will get more opportunities and more important positions in Sheffield Wednesday.

In Sheffield Wednesday, David Beckham also had many old friends, such as Stam, Campbell, Robert Carlos, Rivaldo and Ronaldo, etc., are all old friends.

Speaking of which, Stam is retiring after the end of last season.

However, Di Matteo persuaded Stam, Stam did not retire. But now that Stam is staying in Sheffield on Wednesday as a player's part-time coach, he has become Di Matteo's assistant.

Yes, now Di Matteo is also starting to train his assistant.

David Beckham joined Sheffield on Wednesday, which caused a lot of sensation, because before David Beckham left Manchester United, he said that he would not return to the Premier League. Manchester United are the enemy.

But now David Beckham is really back in the Premier League, which surprised everyone.

When David Beckham faced the media reporters, he said this: "The reason why I return to the Premier League is that I have only one purpose, that is, to fight for the World Cup next year. Play the last World Cup. I know where it is the easiest to attract the attention of the national team, so I am back! "

David Beckham said: "And I didn't think so much at the time, I just thought about the World Cup!"

Both media reporters and fans understand David Beckham. This is indeed his last World Cup. David Beckham supports everyone in pursuit of his dream.

However, the Sheffield team made a lot of eyeballs on Wednesday!

These days, Sheffield football is very good. The two big clubs are pink and frantically spending money, and then there is a **** storm on the transfer market. It is really too good.

Now many English sports newspapers have added staff to work in Yorkshire and Sheffield, and now Sheffield and Yorkshire are occupying an increasingly important position in the English football map.

Look at which of these three clubs is short of money?

Let's talk about the Leeds United club. This season they haven't made a lot of moves in the transfer market. Now their club has earned a lot of money.

Yes, only half a month after the transfer market opened, Leeds United Club has now earned 195 million euros!

Yes, Leeds United has now earned 195 million euros!

This is considered to be the most profitable club in the transfer market this year, and it also confirms the reputation of European black shops. You see, this guy only sold a total of four people, which reached a turnover of 195 million euros. Is there a club that is darker than this club?

In front of Leeds United, the famous black shop like Porto is nothing.

Now, a lot of media are thinking, what are they going to do with Leeds United earning so much money this season? Is Leeds United holding back the big move?

At this time, a media in Italy and England reported at the same time, claiming that Leeds United was preparing to attack Inter Milan ’s Ibrahimovic. The team has prepared cash for Ibrahimovic.

Moreover, Zhong Cheng should have wanted to introduce Kaka before.

Unfortunately, Kaka was eventually pried away by Real Madrid!

These media believe that Zhong Cheng will never miss Ibrahimovic this time, and they will definitely bring Ibrahimovic to Leeds United.

It is also claimed that Zhong Cheng is preparing to start with the Liverpool team. He is preparing to pack Liverpool ’s Fernando Torres and Stephen Gerrard. He has now cashed out so much, some money, and Leeds United has never Bad money!

And now the other two teams in Yorkshire are frantically waving their bills, should it be your turn to Leeds United now?

Yes, a lot of media reporters are making big moves for Leeds United. They are trying to introduce a famous player, otherwise they will not be able to control the scene.

And now the fans of Leeds United are in a panic. Leeds United has sold the absolute main force, and there is no supplement yet. This is wrong. Did they lose their ambition after winning the Champions League?

The fans of Leeds United were very anxious and painful. Every day, some people go outside the building of the Leeds United Club to express their opinions, hoping that the Leeds United team can introduce one or two powerful players as soon as possible, so that they can rest assured.

At this time, Gerald Krasner was madly falling into the rock, causing trouble for Zhong Cheng.

Gerald Krasner kept releasing news that they were preparing Sheffield United to introduce Leeds United's Compani, Patrick Evra, Gareth Bale, Lichsteiner and Diesel Go Milito, and there will be news soon.

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