The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 297: Episode [297]: Introducing German Powerbacks

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Leeds United finally assembled!

Zhong Cheng looked at the players in front of his heart with emotion!

Who would have thought that Leeds United had just won the UEFA Champions League, and it was glorious, and it was time to chase after victory and create glory again. Did any players in Leeds choose to leave? Perhaps more people will leave in the near future!

Really impermanent!

Looking at these guys in front of me, who knows who will be leaving next?

Because Zhong Cheng is now renewing his contract with the players of Leeds United, Zhong Cheng learned that there are still a few of them who want to leave Leeds United.

Zhong Cheng is persuading now, but Zhong Cheng will not force it!

Zhong Cheng looked at the players of the Leeds United team and said, "Okay, let's follow Nai to train. Three days later, we will leave Leeds and fly to South Africa to start training before the new season!"

The Leeds United players applauded and followed Naismith to train.

Yes, before this season, Leeds United is going on a trip to Africa!

There are four games to be played in Leeds United Africa, that is, four games to be completed in Cape Town, South Africa.

After playing these four games, it is basically the end of July.

At the end of July, Leeds United will lead Leeds United to Germany for the 2009 Audi Cup.

2009 is the 100th anniversary of the Audi brand. In order to celebrate this birthday, the Audi company prepared the Audi Cup competition and invited the four big players in the world to participate in this competition. These four big players are the Bundesliga, Bayern Munich and Serie A. Giants AC Milan, Premier League giants Red Devils Manchester United and the new giants Leeds United!

This game is all weighted in the warm-up match before the new season. The strength of the opponents is very strong. This game should be paid attention to, and the bonus from Audi is also very generous. This champion Zhong Cheng Still want it.

Now Zhong Cheng is letting the players of Leeds United team earnestly train to find the state as soon as possible.

Of course, now Zhong Cheng is thinking about recruiting!

Now that Sedu Keita is gone, someone must be on top.

To be honest, Stephen Mbia is very good. He has a very strong body and strong defense ability, but the running speed is still a little bit. Although the coverage area is also large and very powerful, but in Zhong Cheng seems to be missing something.

At this time, Zhong Cheng is hoping to introduce a back.

At this time, Zhong Cheng really liked a few people, such as Hedilas in Germany, Schneiderlin in France, and Alu Diarra!

To be honest, Zhong Cheng is the most promising of the three of them is Hedila, then Schneiderlin, and finally Alu Diarra!

Now Zhong Cheng's first goal is Hedyla.

Sammy Hedila, born in Stuttgart, Germany on April 4, 1987, is a German football player. Hedila liked playing football at a very young age, perhaps inherited from his father, and his two brothers also enjoyed playing football very much.

When he was 7 years old, Hedila started a formal football career at a small local club, when the head coach of the team was his father.

A year later, the Stuttgart youth team threw an olive branch to Hetira's father and son. In the end, both Hetira and the son seemed to have come to the Stuttgart youth team. Hedila's father is engaged in the cultivation of young people. After each match, Hedila's father will call Hedila aside, indicating the advantages and disadvantages of Hedila, what is done well, and what is wrong. Under this kind of training, Hedira is getting better and better!

He joined the Stuttgart Reserve in 2005 and was promoted by head coach Amin Feige to the first team in 2006, when Hedir was only 16 years old.

It was in September of that year that Hedera played for the first time for the first team of Stuttgart and completed his club debut.

On October 28, 2006, in the ninth round of the 2006-2007 season in the Bundesliga, Stuttgart defeated Schalke: 0-0, Hetila scored twice, and in the 32nd minute, Hetila won the ball from the opponent and played Score a goal and harvest the first goal of the Bundesliga.

In that match, Hedyla made two passes and one shot, and became instantly famous.

In the last game of that season, Hedira was a header to help the football final opponents and helped Stuttgart to win the Bundesliga championship that season.

Hedira's ability is very comprehensive, the interception ability is very good when defending, the area covered is very large, and the pressure on the opponent is also very strong. But when attacking, his back plug was very fierce and full of impact.

And in the position of the back waist, Hedila's way of playing is very elegant and elegant.

But his defensive ability is really strong. To put it bluntly, he can do both dirty work and tidy work.

Of course, Hedila is best at defense!

Zhong Cheng's fancy to Hedila is his defense. His defense does not look fierce, but he is always stuck in a key position. His moves and interceptions are very powerful, and the area covered is also very large.

The main thing is that Hedila's ball dealers are very high, and often the selection is very high.

Don't look at Hedyla's elegant and elegant playing means that he plays a little soft. In fact, Hedyla's style is not soft at all. He should be tough when he is strong. This is a rough idea. Thin high ball defensive player.

Zhong Cheng now understands why Real Madrid looked after Hedyla.

And in the memory of Zhong Cheng's previous life, Zhong Cheng knew that Hedila had suffered a relatively serious injury after joining Real Madrid, which later affected his speed and body, so he was slightly slower in the later.

Without that injury, Hedila will definitely be more comprehensive, his mobility at the back waistline will be stronger, and his achievements will be even higher.

Now there are not many clubs in Hedila. It's really good.

And Zhong Cheng is also very clear that the Bundesliga players are very cheap, even in this chaotic transfer market, the Bundesliga players are still very reasonable.

Zhong Cheng can understand that Hedila's current value is at most about 7 million euros.

In the memory of Zhong Cheng's previous life, Hedyla transferred to Real Madrid after a very good performance in the World Cup. But at that time, Hetila's transfer fee was only 14 million euros.

Hetila does not yet have the brilliance of the World Cup's outstanding performance, and his body is only 7 million euros, even less than 7 million euros.

Therefore, it is a very good time to introduce Hedyra at this time!

As for Snyderlin, this is also a very good back. When Zhong Cheng recruited young French players before, he saw Schneiderlin. When Zhongcheng found Schneiderlin, People have already played football in the Ligue 1 league, and last year, Schneiderlin was transferred to Everton.

Originally, Zhong Cheng wanted to recommend Schneiderlin to Di Matteo, and asked Di Matteo to recruit Schneider Lin into the Leiden Oriental Club. Later, David Moyes kept asking Zhong Cheng to talk about Deb Lawney's affairs, so Zhong Cheng recommended Schneiderlin to David Moyes.

David Moyes brought Schneiderlin to Everton.

Fellaini went to Leiden East, not to mention that Fellaini performed very well in Leiden East, and was very outstanding in the position of the lower back.

Of course, Fellaini is still a bit short of wanting to come to Leeds.

However, Schneiderlin is really good, but it is a little bit young. Zhong Cheng is planning to let Schneiderlin stay at the Everton club again!

And Alu Diarra is an extremely powerful back.

Zhong Cheng, who has a black and hard back, prefers this because their defense is very tough. And the running ability is very good, the coverage area is large. But he also has many problems, just like Mohammed Sissoko in the new year, sometimes the defense is more rash, the movement is relatively large, and easy to foul.

This is where Alu Diarra's biggest problem lies.

Alu Diarra was once known as a super low-back character. Many people have compared him with Vieira. In 2000, Alu Diarra also joined the Bundesliga. Bayern Munich. Later joined the Reds Liverpool.

Alu Diarra is a former genius.

Although he did not succeed at Bayern Munich and Liverpool, his performances in the French national team are still very good. And since joining Bordeaux in 2007, Alu Diarra has stood up, performed very strongly, and is Bordeaux's core midfield defensive player.

It is also because of his outstanding performance in Bordeaux that he is now returning to the French national team and has performed very well in the French national team.

Of course, Alu Diarra still has not reached the level of the main back of France.

Therefore, although Zhong Cheng is more optimistic about this one, Zhong Cheng is generally not likely to introduce this one. Although he is very cheap, even if he comes to Leeds United, he will only have one substitute player.

Now Zhong Cheng's goal is Hedyla!

In Zhong Cheng's view, it should be easy to win Hedyla without much problem.

Sure enough, after the Leeds United team quoted to the Stuttgart Club, the Stuttgart Club was willing to sell Hedyla, and Hertila's father also strongly endorsed Hedyla's joining Leeds, which is a very good team.

Hedira himself is very happy to join Leeds United.

And Zhong Cheng has told Heidila that if he can maintain the current level, Heidila will go to Leeds United is the main back, taking over the position of Sedu Keita. Of course, if Hedila himself is not sure, the main position will be deprived at any time.

Hedila is agreeing to transfer to Leeds United.

Leeds United quoted 8 million Euros to Stuttgart and officially introduced Hedyla from Stuttgart. Hedila and Leeds United signed a four-year contract. Hedila's weekly salary after joining Leeds United It's about 40,000 pounds, but this is how much Hedila now earns N times his weekly salary.

Soon, the official website of the Leeds United Club was updated. The Leeds United team imported Hedyla from Germany with a transfer fee of 8 million euros!

After seeing this deal, all media reporters and fans gave Zhong Cheng a new evaluation-pull!

In Nima's more than half a month, you have spent 195 million euros. In the end, you spend 8 million euros? Is this the Leeds United's super move this summer?

Many people despise Zhong Cheng!

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