The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 101: Episode: Sure enough to dig the wall

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At the end of the seventh round of the Premier League, Leeds United have five wins, two losses and 15 points, ranking third in the Premier League!

Yes, the Leeds United team is now behind, and the results are still good.

The first place naturally is Chelsea's five wins and two draws with 17 points, and Liverpool also have five wins and two draws with 17 points, ranking second.

Ranked fourth is the Red Devils Manchester United with four wins, two draws and one loss with 14 points. Hull City and Manchester United have the same record and points, ranking fifth. This is beyond the expectations of many people. The promotion in Hull City is really too good. This season is going to set off a **** storm.

Arsenal and Aston Villa are now four wins, one draw and two losses, with 13 points, ranking sixth and seventh. As for Sheffield, Wednesday is very bad now!

The league is only in its infancy, but it is about to enter the stage of widening distance. At this time, no one wants to leave the team!

Now that the international match day is coming again, some players of Leeds United have left directly and returned to play. Zhong Cheng has to start worrying again. After all, people such as Compani and Cristiano Ronaldo have not recovered yet. If Leeds hurts a few more people, it's really over.

Therefore, Zhong Cheng now hopes that the Leeds United players will not be injured.

After Leeds United's players left, Leeds United ’s training base was much quieter, but Zhong Cheng still found a player from the reserve team and youth team to train with Leeds United players.

Both Pogba and Lukaku have come to the first team training.

During this period, the Leeds United team had two warm-up games. These warm-up games are the opportunity for these young players. These young players are very excited. After all, they have the opportunity to show themselves in front of Zhong Cheng. If they perform well, they are likely to be taken to the first team by Zhong Cheng.

These players are trying their best to show Zhong Cheng.

To be honest, Zhong Cheng still hopes that these young players can play well. They are the future of Leeds United. They want to see how these people perform?

And if there are any injuries to Leeds United, these young players can also stand up, so Zhong Cheng attaches great importance to these young players.

Especially Pogba and Lukaku, these two guys are training with the first team, but just go back to the reserve team and the youth team to play.

However, Lukaku's current height and shape are simply not like the youth team players, just like the adult team. However, the current Lukaku's foot technique is still relatively rough, and his playing method uses his own speed and body.

This way of kicking is unfavorable for the youth team. It is the best scorer every year and has scored too many goals. But after entering the adult team, this way of playing may also be useful, but it is still not enough.

If Lukaku wants to become a world-class player, he must hone his skills. Of course, he doesn't have to do the biochemical skills of Cristiano Ronaldo. At least you have to make the ball difficult to lose and simple. Strip ball breaks.

Zhong Cheng talked to Lukaku many times about these things and asked him to learn with Pogba.

Pogba's feet technology is actually good, this guy's physical impact is also very strong, this is simply super genius!

Zhong Cheng tied the two together. In the future, the two will definitely become the king's partner of Leeds United!

Now the two are still a little bit worse, both have to wait for the opportunity, and they must grow up slowly.

Albertini was admired on the side. Zhong Cheng's eyes were really scary. He found so many talented players. Pogba and Lukaku are really amazing. Al Bettiny believes that these two people will definitely be very, very powerful in the future, and will be on the top of the Premier League task.

Looking at these outstanding young people. Albertini firmly believes that the future of Leeds United will still be very, very glorious, Leeds United will stand up to at least ten years.

Albertini also wanted to learn from Zhong Cheng's super-perverted ability next to Zhong Cheng. If he paid for his tuition, he would be great in the future.

To be honest, Albertini also has a heart to become a head coach. After watching his brothers Rogers and Di Matteo go out to coach one after another, he also had this idea in his heart.

Of course, he is still a little worse now, and he has to study with Zhong Cheng for a year or two.

Albertini is full of confidence in his future!

Zhong Cheng looked at the team's training, then turned directly and patted Albertini's shoulder, signaled that the training was entrusted to them, and then Zhong Cheng went directly to the club building and returned to the office.

Albertini nodded slightly to Zhong Cheng: "Leave it to us, rest assured!"

As soon as Zhong Cheng returned to the office, Julia Oliveira prepared tea, delivered it, and said to Zhong Cheng: "Not long ago, Arsenal head coach Wenger called and asked for you!"

Zhong Cheng took the tea, and Wen Yan said for a moment: "What are you looking for?"

Julia Oliveira shook her head slightly and said, "He didn't say, but just let me see you, and let you call him back as soon as possible!"

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly and sat down in his place.

Arsene Wenger's call is definitely not a good thing. This guy definitely came to dig the wall?

Apart from this, Zhong Cheng really didn't expect what Arsene Wenger would find for himself?

Therefore, Zhong Cheng ignored the meaning of Arsene Wenger, but just smiled and said, "Let him wait, I will deal with something else!"

Julia Oliveira nodded slightly and said she knew.

Julia Oliveira had just turned around, and before leaving, the telephone ring on Zhong Cheng's table rang, but her voice was very urgent.

Zhong Cheng had just taken a sip of tea and hadn't swallowed it, so he called.

Zhong Cheng smiled slightly, and this **** Arsene Wenger was really anxious!

Julia Oliveira also turned around and smiled slightly, apparently also feeling a little funny about Arsene Wenger's acute.

Zhong Cheng put the tea in his hand on the table, and then answered the phone.

Mr. Arsene Wenger's husband came on the phone immediately: "Hello, my name is Arsene Wenger. Is it Mr. Loya Jong?"

Zhong Cheng slightly bowed his head and said, "Yes, I am! Professor, do you call me for anything?"

Zhong Cheng didn't want to talk with Arsene Wenger, and opened the door and said,

Arsene Wenger froze slightly, and then smiled and said, "Mr. Loya is really quick and happy. Well, since this is the case, I won't get in touch with you! I want to take someone from your club!"

Sure enough, this guy is here to dig the wall!

Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly. Except for this matter, Arsene Wenger would never call herself!

Zhong Cheng said immediately: "I said, Professor, are you too anxious, now it is available in October, and there are still two months before the winter transfer? You can't help it now?"

Arsene Wenger frowned slightly, no hurry!

The players of Leeds United are really too popular. If she is slower, these players can be transferred to other clubs. He doesn't want to lose these players.

Arsene Wenger said immediately: "Oh, who tells you the Leeds United squad is good for us? If I don't hurry up, our Arsenal team will not play!"

Zhong Cheng said with a slight pout, "But Mr. Professor, we Leeds United have no idea of ​​selling players. I think you should run for nothing this time!"

Arsene Wenger said immediately: "Well, no no no, don't say that. You don't sell players, it doesn't mean they don't have the idea of ​​leaving, right?"

Zhong Cheng frowned instantly, and her face was a bit ugly.

Has Arsene Wenger contacted his own player in private, this player wants to fight against the water?

Hearing Zhong Cheng didn't speak, Arsene Wenger knew that Zhong Cheng had misunderstood, and he said immediately: "Mr. Loya, rest assured! We also have a good reputation to contact your club's players in private, and there are no players in your company who want to backwater meaning?"

Zhong Cheng froze slightly, then said, "What do you mean?"

Arsene Wenger immediately said: "Yes, your club is overstaffed in certain positions, and some powerful players have no chance of playing. If these players are not able to play, is this right? What about some violent things? "

When hearing Arsene Wenger's words, Zhong Cheng understood who Arsenal Wenger was for.

Zhong Cheng said with a grin: "Professor should be Samir Nasri?"

Recently, Samir Nasri has received very few opportunities in Leeds United. Samir Nasri would have been the first substitute for Gareth Bell and Cristiano Ronaldo, but I don't know if Marco Royce has risen strongly during this period, and there are also Hulk and Eden Azar's eyeballs around him, Samir Nasri really has no chance.

And waiting for Cristiano Ronaldo to recover, Samir Nasri will have little chance. So, at this time Samir Nasri had the idea of ​​leaving and that was normal.

To be honest, Zhong Cheng also understands that Samir Nasri has no chance in Leeds United. Because next season, De Brauner on loan will also return to the Leeds United Club. At that time, Samir Nasri has to lean back and there is almost no chance.

Therefore, leaving Samir Nasri is indeed irresponsible to Samir Nasri.

Zhong Cheng groaned for a while and then said, "Yes, Samir Nasri is really not suitable to stay with us in Leeds, but why do I have to sell Samir Nasri to your Arsenal team? Your Arsenal team is a direct competitor of our club! "

Arsene Wenger said with a grin: "Don't you say that on the Loya online, our two clubs have had a lot of transactions recently, but your club is still in front of our Arsenal team, do you think a Samir · Can Nasri affect anything? "

Arsene Wenger also said: "And a Samir Nasri is optional for you, it is very important for our Arsenal team, you can make a price!"

Otaku late night benefits, you know !!! Please pay attention to WeChat public account online to see: meinvxuan1 (long press for three seconds to copy) !!

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