The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 102: Episode: Great luck, eat chicken tonight

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A rush of alarm-like bells rang frantically, and Zhong Cheng's alertness opened her eyes instantly!

Suddenly weird things happened!

Zhong Cheng is full of people, including yellow people, black people and white people. These people are male and female, all wearing camouflage pants with small vests, and some barefoot wearing shoes.

At this time, these people are busy organizing their own-backpack!

Even no, this is definitely not a backpack.

The knowledge in Zhong Cheng's mind instantly told him that these things were not backpacks, but parachutes!

Why do they wear parachutes? Isn't it the ground here?

Zhong Cheng immediately looked around!

At this time, a voice came out through the speaker: "Put your parachute bag on as soon as possible, and the plane will soon enter the designated position. After entering the designated position, you can choose the skydiving place at will. However, you must skydive within the specified range of skydiving. If you have n’t skydived past the prescribed position, you will be ruthlessly killed, understand? "

Zhong Cheng froze instantly!

What's happening here?

Did n’t he just hang up diànhuà of Arsene Wenger, rejected Arsene Wenger, and just take a break in the lounge of his office? How come you are here now?

Yeah, you should be in your office, why did you appear on this plane?

Yes, this is a plane!

And everyone is all around. How did you appear here? What will you do? Why do you parachute yourself? Why are you obliterated without skydiving? Who are these guys, do they dare to shārén?

There are endless questions in Zhong Cheng's mind, but Zhong Cheng is not nervous at all!

Zhong Cheng is not a person without a chicken. Zhong Cheng has also received a lot of rewards through the system over the years. He has learned a lot of methods, such as some martial arts foundations, the essence of Bruce Lee ’s Jeet Kune Do, What other top special forces skills encyclopedia and so on.

At this time Zhong Cheng was like a special war veteran, although he didn't understand what happened? But he was very calm!

In order to prevent everyone from discovering his abnormal situation, Zhong Cheng immediately followed the trend and slowly put on a parachute bag. He was wearing a parachute bag while watching the others in the plane.

These people are acting alone, like Zhong Cheng, and there are several people in groups. The singles are silently organizing their own parachutes, and the companions are gathered together to help each other arrange the parachutes.

But Zhong Cheng also found through his careful observation that some people were obviously accompanied, but they were scattered and pretended not to know. However, their eyes met, and Zhong Cheng saw the problem.

So far, Zhong Cheng hasn't figured out what happened?

I'm obviously in my office, why is it here?

And now why are they skydiving? Where are they going?

At this moment, the aircraft's speaker immediately heard the voice: "This time the destination is an uninhabited island in the depths of the Pacific Ocean. We have carried out some construction on this trail, which has housing, food, and medicine packages. There are first aid kits, the main thing is w 有 qì …… "

Zhong Cheng froze on the spot!

Oh my god, what's the situation? What do these people do? And wǔqì?

Some guys in the plane laughed wildly with a quack, grinning and roaring: "This time the king must be me, I will survive in the end, you will all be my prey, my lamb, hahahaha!"

Many people stare at that giggling hunk like an idiot!

Yes, this arrogant guy is very tall and strong, Zhong Cheng visually observed that this guy should be more than two meters, with no clothes on his upper body, exposing his muscular body, looking like a little giant.

The main thing is that this guy looks very fierce and has a big bald head.

Although this guy is very strong and fierce, many people around him stared at this big man with the eyes of dead people, and even Zhong Cheng saw a strong killing from the eyes of these people.

Zhong Cheng took a sigh of coolness. Are these people desperate? Is shārén as ordinary as drinking water and brushing their teeth in their lives?

What the **** is this Tama?

The speaker on the plane continued: "You have to listen to the next thing, because the next thing will be very important!"

All of the people on the plane calmed down and listened carefully.

The speaker immediately said: "This time the bonus is very generous, and there are some exceptionally rich unexpected rewards. I think you should be very concerned about these rewards. Although I cannot tell you now, but I can guarantee that this reward is absolutely I won't let you down! "

The pedestrians in the cabin were all very excited, and all of them were flexing their muscles, and there were several guys screaming wildly: "This time it must be ours, definitely, hahaha! You just wait to go to **** Come on! "

There are countless white eyes staring at these arrogant guys, as if looking at a group of idiots.

Zhong Cheng is also carefully looking at these people. These people are not like ordinary people at first glance. From their sitting posture and tidying up the parachute bag, these people are at least trained.

What are these guys doing?

The voice in the aircraft speaker continued: "This time, you have a total of one hundred people. From the moment you landed, you have become each other's enemy and each other's prey! You will be dead on this trail below this jungle. Survival, in the end you can only have one team left! "

Zhong Cheng took a sigh of relief, but the **** guy wanted to kill the people on this plane?

Zhong Cheng was really shocked. What a disgusting talent to do it.

But Zhong Cheng quickly discovered that the men and women on the plane didn't seem to be surprised at all. They seemed to have known this very early.

Zhong Cheng suddenly remembered, didn't that mean the crazy screaming guys before?

Do these people know that they came to kill each other in this thought?

The speaker continued: "Some rooms in this island have all the equipment you need to kill your opponents, but the premise is that you have to have enough sex, because not every room in every house has wǔqì. If others have luck Better, find wǔqì first, then you are in danger, quack! "

Zhong Cheng heard some scalp tingling.

The people on the plane were very calm and seemed not to be disturbed at all.

Zhong Cheng realized that this matter was definitely not easy.

The speaker continued: "This time is not the same as before, because we have joined the poison gas mode. Initially, the entire island was a safe area, but over time, the safe area will become smaller and smaller. Heading towards the safe zone, the final decisive battle will definitely begin in the safe zone, the winning team will safely leave the island, and everyone else will stay here forever. "

After hearing this, the people in the cabin were a little nervous.

Obviously, this rule was beyond their expectations, and they did not expect that they would be in such a bad situation. And the people behind this obviously do not want to have a fish that leaks the net, they are going to rush this group of people to the same place and let them encounter a life-and-death battle!

The people behind this are really too vicious.

The speaker continued: "One more thing, I want to inform everyone that even if you are a cat in a certain corner of the safe zone, it may not be safe at all, because there are shells bombing in uncertain areas at any time in the sky, so you want to live Come down, then you have to move forward desperately, move desperately, you know what? "

Zhong Cheng took a breath of cold air!

"Our code of action this time is-Survival of the Jedi!" The voice came from the speaker.

Zhong Cheng frowned: "Survival of the Jedi, I really hate it!"

At this time, the sound in the speakers is still not over, and some basic knowledge is introduced to people like the whole plane.

For example, everyone has a watch on their hands, which can display the time, some information about the bombing zone of the poisonous area and the safe area, which guides the survival of the survivors.

Zhong Cheng was very nervous, this thing is really advanced!

At this moment, the voice of the aircraft immediately sounded: "Now that you have entered the designated area, you can choose the place where you land yourself through the map on your watch. I can kindly remind you throughout your life that the place where you land is very important. Please be careful in selecting districts. Some places will definitely have more supplies, but there will also be a lot of landing teams. Some places may lack some supplies, but the landing teams will probably be very small. Step by step, everything depends on your decision. Well, my survivors, I wish you good luck! "

Immediately after the sound fell, a pair of beautiful girl groups chose skydiving. Their jumping position was relatively remote, and they could clearly see their advantages and disadvantages.

Zhong Cheng did not act immediately, but observed these people.

During this time, one after another chose skydiving. Zhong Cheng even saw five or six teams jumping in the container area of ​​a factory. Seeing these people, Zhong Cheng raised a brow. You don't need to look at it to know that there will definitely be a fierce battle.

With fewer and fewer people on the plane, Zhong Cheng also stood up.

No matter how he got here, he must act now, otherwise he will probably be obliterated. After all, he has seen the magical thing in the system, so there are some things you have to believe.

Zhong Cheng is single, so he chose a relatively low place to land!

Zhong Cheng thought that in this remote place only he should choose to skydiving. But what he didn't expect was that at the moment he parachuted, he immediately jumped off a team behind him, three men, one woman and four people!

Zhong Cheng took a sigh of relief, this team must have been directed at him!

Zhong Cheng did not understand why these guys followed him!

Zhong Cheng didn't think about it. He was outnumbered. He must now land as soon as possible and leave this right and wrong place.

Just when Zhong Cheng was about to land, Zhong Cheng's head was roaring, his body was very uncomfortable, and then his eyes passed out!

It didn't take long for Zhong Cheng to wake up instantly, his body suddenly held up, and his heart said, "Danger!"

Zhong Cheng turned up and was preparing to observe the surroundings, and instantly he found something wrong. Why are you back again? This is my office!

Yes, Zhong Cheng found that he was in his office again.

Zhong Cheng was in his heart for a while, what happened? Is this a dream? But why is this dream so real?

Zhong Cheng couldn't figure out what was going on?

Zhong Cheng immediately raised his hand and saw to his wrist to see how long he had slept this time. Suddenly Zhong Cheng's eyes widened and he was as big as a copper bell, because the dream watch now was quietly worn on his left wrist, and Zhong Cheng's cold hair stood upright.

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