The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 104: Episode: Absent-minded Nasri

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The International Competition Day is over and the Leeds players are back.

When I returned, the Leeds players were very tired. Because the players of Leeds United are almost the main players of their respective national teams, they have played two games in this international competition. In addition to long-distance flights, it is actually very tiring.

But two days later, Leeds United will usher in the eighth round of the Premier League this season.

Zhong Cheng still has some concerns about the physical condition of these players!

Zhong Cheng immediately asked: "How are the health of these players? No one was injured on this international match day?"

The chief who was next to Zhong Cheng immediately said to Mark Pias: "Boss, the overall situation is still good, although a little tired, but not as serious as the last time. This time only David Luis was slightly injured. , Need to rest for a few days, the others are not injured! "

Hearing here, Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, not bad.

However, the injury of David Louis still made Zhong Cheng feel a little upset. Why do players get injured every time they go to the national team?

It's not bad, it's just a minor injury!

No wonder this fifa virus is so abominable, these all make sense!

Zhong Cheng asked sideways again: "Are there any problems with the physical fitness of these players? Can they play at the weekend?"

Leeds United's fitness coach Canales immediately said: "Boss, these people have played two games during the national team ’s match day, and they also fly long distances. The game may not be played well! "

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, he had already expected this!

In the next game, Zhong Cheng needs to use some young people. In this game, they have to carry it, but Zhong Cheng is still confident about these young players.

The Leeds United's coaching staff is heading to the training ground and will start training today.

When they came to the training ground, Nai Smith was already preparing, and this training could begin immediately. At this time, there were a lot of Leeds fans on the training field.

Seeing Zhong Cheng's arrival, the fans of Leeds United immediately shouted loudly, shouting Zhong Cheng's name, sang their brother who wrote for Zhong Cheng, and welcomed Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng waved immediately and waved to them.

Then Zhong Cheng led the team to train, but he stopped just after going out two steps.

Zhong Cheng immediately turned and asked Mark Pias: "How is Kompany's injuries? When can they fall to the ground?"

Zhongpani and Cristiano Ronaldo's injuries have been playing for a month now, and Zhong Cheng is a little anxious.

Mark Pias said immediately: "Boss, the other players are okay, their injuries have almost recovered, and they can resume training. But Vincent and Chris are seriously injured, although they are now recovering. Ideal, but it will take at least a month before they can recover from injury! "

Zhong Cheng frowned slightly, and the two were really injured for too long.

Zhong Cheng is more anxious, anxious to make Cristiano Ronaldo and others come back from injury. Of course, Zhong Cheng also knew that Cristiano Ronaldo was also very anxious.

Because this year Cristiano Ronaldo is likely to get the World Footballer of the Year, but now he is recovering. This may not be any performance in the past six months, which may affect the final selection. If Cristiano Ronaldo would be because of this, If he doesn't get the World Footballer of the Year award this year, he will definitely regret it for life.

So, at this time, Cristiano Ronaldo himself was very anxious.

However, anxiety is useless, the injuries are not complete, and they cannot come on the court.

Zhong Cheng said immediately and turned to Mark Pias: "Instruct them to let them heal well, do you know everything on the premise of healing them?"

Mark Pias nodded immediately and said, "Understand, boss!"

Zhong Cheng nodded to Mark Pias, and then strode toward the training ground.

Zhong Cheng is training with Leeds United players.

Today's training is still a long-term training subject for Leeds United. The three-on-three, three-on-two, and two-on-one regional offenses within the specified range are simulated during counterattack. Other players are doing adversarial training, and some players are doing recovery training.

The Leeds United training ground is a busy scene.

But Samir Nasri has some lack of interest, always holding his head up, a little dazzling, don't know what he should thank?

Stephen Mbia, who was with him, couldn't see it.

Stephen Mbia said: "Samir!"

Shouting, Samir Nasri still did not respond, and Mbia shouted several times in a row: "Samir Samir Samir ..."

In the end, Mbia was about to use the roar of the lion, and this awakened Nasri, who was so far away.

Nasri looked up in confusion, looked at Mbia and asked, "What's wrong?"

Mbiya said with a bitter smile: "What's wrong? I asked you what's wrong, okay? Look at you like this one, but what are you thinking about? Now you're training!"

Nasri then reacted. This is the training ground, not his home. He thought about all these miscellaneous things in his mind, but he didn't come to the right place.

Nasri immediately said, "Sorry, Stephen, it's troublesome for you!"

Mbia immediately shook his head and said, "This is not a problem for me, it is a problem for yourself. Please pay attention to it, the boss has been paying attention to you for a long time, so don't be lazy!"

Zhong Cheng noticed me?

Nasri was startled, and immediately turned his head to look at it, just hitting Zhong Cheng's gaze. Nasri's heart tightened, and he immediately turned his head, scared.

Looking at Nasri's response, Mbia was full of doubts.

The boss is really tough, but you Nasri should not be so afraid of the boss. The boss won't eat people, too, you're over-reacting, right?

Mbiya asked immediately: "Samir, aren't you hiding anything in your heart? You're in trouble, let me talk to my brother!"

Nasri immediately said: "It's okay, nothing is wrong!"

Mbia frowned, are you okay like this? He said, "It's okay how can you do this?"

Nasri looked up at Mbiya and looked down at himself, then smirked and said, "I didn't sleep well last night. Today I'm not in good spirits, I'm always a little shy!"

Mbiya naturally could see that Nasri did not tell the truth, but since it was seen that Nasri did not want to speak, Mbiya did not tear it apart, nor did he delve deeper.

Mbia said: "Then your kid can pay attention, others' bosses are discovering, otherwise there will be trouble for your kid to eat!"

Nasri nodded immediately and said, "Thank you for your reminder. After the training, I invite you to dinner!"

Mbia said with a grin: "Eat any time you want to eat, let's forget it today, your kid quickly go back to sleep, don't look like this tomorrow, you know?"

Nasri smiled and said, "Hehe, tomorrow will not, tomorrow will never!"

Mbia patted Nasri's shoulder, and then the two began to train and train carefully.

Zhong Cheng stared tightly at Nasri's training situation. Suddenly, a voice came from his side: "The situation in Nasri is a bit wrong today. ! "

Zhong Cheng doesn't need to look back to know that this person is Albertini!

Zhong Cheng is very familiar with Albertini's voice. Even now Zhong Cheng can hear Albertini's footsteps, why bother to look with his eyes?

Zhong Cheng said slightly, "Maybe something is hidden in this boy's heart?"

Albertini's eyes brightened, then he stared at Zhong Cheng with a sharp head, and asked, "Boss, listening to what you mean, you seem to know what happened to Samir today?"

Zhong Cheng turned his head with a chuckle and glanced at Albertini, without speaking, nodding slightly.

What was happening to Albertini? Do you really know?

Albertini immediately asked: "Boss. How did you know the pressure? Can you see it? Where can these be seen? You can teach me well, don't keep it with me!"

Looking at Albertini's appearance, Zhong Cheng could not help but laugh.

This guy really thinks he is a fairy. Can everything be seen through at a glance? Zhong Cheng smiled bitterly and said, "Your boy is misunderstood. I don't have such a great ability!"

Albertini immediately asked: "How did you know that? No, you talk to me first, Samir is always so anxious because of something!"

Zhong Cheng saw that Albertini broke the casserole questioning and said, "Things about his future are rampant, what else can be done?"

Upon hearing this, Albertini froze and thought about it.

When Samir Nasri came to Leeds United, he was regarded as a very important sign. However, when he came to Leeds United, this guy had not yet exerted his energy, and he was seriously injured when he showed his value. A good opportunity for the higher ranks.

After his return from injury, Leeds either promoted young talents from the youth team or introduced talented wing players from other clubs, and now Nasri has no place.

This season, Nasri has few opportunities to play games, and his future is bleak!

If this guy is thinking about his future now, there is only one possibility. Is this guy Nasri attracted by other clubs and wants to leave?

Albertini was shocked, and immediately turned to look at Zhong Cheng, with his eyes wide open and asking, "Boss, has a club offered us a price for Leeds?"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "The offer isn't enough, but someone already wants me to inquire about Nasri and revealed their intention to buy!"

Albertini sighed: "It really is!"

Albertini immediately asked: "Who is it? Your decision?"

Zhong Cheng didn't conceal, and said directly: "It is Arsenal, they have long coveted Nasri. As for my plan, I must first ask Samir what he means!"

Albertini immediately said: "Damn Arsenal, it's a real ghost, always digging into the corner of our Leeds United team. This **** Arsenal Wenger is really not a good thing! Huh, according to me, even Sa Mill wants to go, and we can't deal with him to Arsenal! "

Zhong Cheng said with a smile: "The twisted melon is not sweet. Since Arsene Wenger wants it, as long as he can afford the blood!"

Otaku late night benefits, you know !!! Please pay attention to WeChat public account online to see: meinvxuan1 (long press for three seconds to copy) !!

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