The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 105: Episode: Lifting the knot, bad luck

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The scorching breeze and pleasant climate!

The trees outside the window fluttered with the wind, like a team of saluting soldiers, solemn!

Zhong Cheng stood in front of his office window and watched quietly, his thoughts flying.

Nasri was sitting on the sofa in the office very anxiously, feeling sad in his heart!

Nasri knew why he was invited to this office by Zhong Cheng, just because he was in a bad state during training today, and he looked so defiant in training!

Nasri was a little nervous because he didn't know what he was going to face?

The office was so quiet, there was no sound.

Nasri could clearly hear his rapid heartbeat, and it was much faster than usual!

Nasri's forehead was almost sweating.

At this time, Julia Oliveira walked in with the hot coffee and handed the hot coffee to Nasri. Nasri immediately said: "Thank you!

This broke the suppressed atmosphere in the office.

Zhong Cheng motioned to Julia Oliveira to avoid it. Julia Oliveira nodded slightly to Zhong Cheng, then exited the office, closing the office door tightly.

Zhong Cheng turned around and looked at the trembling Nasri. He smiled slightly and said, "Don't be restrained, drink coffee!"

Nasri nodded slightly, and immediately took a sip of coffee, his face flushed instantly.

This is hot!

Nasri was already so hot that his face twitched, but he still spit it out, but swallowed the hot coffee hard, and tears came out.

This guy in Nasri has lost some ground.

Looking at Nasri, Zhong Cheng did not procrastinate any longer. Go on, Nasri did not know how many sins he would suffer.

Zhong Cheng directly inquired: "You have been in a bad mood recently? You are always in a hurry during training!"

Nasri was stunned for a moment, it seemed that Zhong Cheng had already been mainly to himself!

Nasri was nervous about the game, and immediately said: "I'm sorry boss, such a thing will never happen again in the future, I must train seriously!"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "I came to you today, not because of this matter!"

Nasri was stunned for a moment, a little puzzled, not because of what happened?

Looking at Nasri, Zhong Cheng said: "Did the Arsenal team contact you recently?"

Nasri suddenly stunned, as if something in his heart was hit by an instant, the heart shook: "How did he know?"

Although Nasri did not answer, Nasri's reaction had already told him.

Zhong Cheng said: "Arsenal coach Arsenal Wenger has already contacted me. They want to introduce you. What do you think?"

Nasri was stunned for a moment. Zhong Cheng didn't anger him. Instead, he asked him so calmly. Nasri was a little bit circulated.

Nasri looked up doubtfully and looked at Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng chuckled and said, "Recently, you often stayed alone during training, is it because of this thing?"

Sure enough, this guy Zhong Cheng knew.

Nasri immediately said: "Sorry boss, I shouldn't think about other things at work!"

Zhong Cheng waved his hand and said, "This is nothing? Everyone will encounter some problems. This is related to your future. I can understand it!"

Hearing Zhong Cheng say this, Nasri was relieved.

Nasri immediately said: "Thank you boss, I promise, it will never happen again in the future!"

Zhong Cheng shook his head slightly and said, "I came to you today, not to say that."

Nasri was puzzled and immediately looked up at Zhong Cheng. He didn't understand what Zhong Cheng meant.

Zhong Cheng said: "I came to you today to ask your opinion? Do you want to stay in Leeds United, or do you want to transfer to Arsenal?"

Nasri was forced again. Should he be so direct?

How should I answer?

To be honest, Nasri has been considering this issue recently. In private, Alsena Wenger has contacted him many times, and promised a lot of things. To be honest, he is very emotional because he knows that he really has no chance in Leeds United.

Trees move to death, people move to live!

Nasri wanted to go to the Arsenal team. After all, the head coach of the Arsenal team was Arsenal Wenger, his French compatriot. He firmly believed that Arsenal Wenger would not deceive him.

However, Zhong Cheng's reputation is also very loud, Leeds United is also very good, he is also reluctant. But when he thought that he had no chance to play in Leeds United, he didn't want to stay.

Yes, Nasri himself wanted to leave Leeds United.

But can you tell Zhong Cheng so directly now?

Obviously not. Isn't this just the face of Zhong Cheng and Leeds United? In that case, can he still leave Leeds United easily?

Nasri was full of thoughts in his mind, and he no longer knew where he was flying.

Seeing Nasri's reaction, where did Zhong Cheng still not know Nasri's idea? Zhong Cheng immediately said: "Okay, your idea, I already know. Since you want to leave Leeds United, I also keep you. But there is one thing I have to make clear with you, or Arsenal ’s The bid can satisfy us, or you can only stay in the reserve team for the next two years! "

Nasri was stunned. He really didn't expect Zhong Cheng to let him go so easily!

Nasri smiled bitterly in his heart. It turned out that in Zhong Cheng's heart was not as important as he had imagined. He was really self-conscious.

At the same time, Nasri did not expect that Zhong Cheng would be so ruthless. If he could not leave, he would be beaten into the cold palace. Zhong Cheng was too cruel.

However, Nasri was still grateful to Zhong Cheng. At least Zhong Cheng didn't set up any checkpoints for his departure, as long as the Arsenal team bid to satisfy them.

After Nasri's complexion kept changing, he stood up and bowed to Zhong Cheng to thank and said: "Thank you Mr. Loya for letting me go. You can rest assured that the Arsenal team's bid will never be low! "

Looking at Nasri, Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, it seems that Alsena Wenger has been in contact with Nasri many times, otherwise Nasri will not be so determined!

Zhong Cheng nodded slightly, and then said: "Okay, since you have made up your mind, I can only bless you! Again, you are a very good player, with potential and strength, unlimited future, Be a good boy, do n’t you fall into my name of Bole, you know? "

Nasri nodded slightly, "I understand, I will not let you down, definitely!"

Zhong Cheng said: "Well, then you go back to training! Even if you want to leave, you have to wait until the winter transfer, so during this period, you still have to train and perform well. I believe that the Arsenal team is also Not willing to buy some waste! "

Nasri nodded firmly and said, "Got it, boss. I know what to do!"

Zhong Cheng immediately waved his hand and motioned for Nasri to leave.

Nasri suddenly solemnly bowed to Zhong Cheng, and then turned and left.

Looking at Nasri's back, Zhong Cheng was also filled with emotion!

This was supposed to be one of Leeds United's super wings, but unfortunately, because of a major injury, his relationship with Leeds United disappeared in an instant.

The world is impermanent, it is nothing more than this!

After Nasri returned to the training ground, his spirit came up in the first place. During the training, he did not appear to be in a trance or unwilling state. Instead, he trained jīqíng soaring and worked very hard, which surprised everyone.

Everyone is curious about what Zhong Cheng said to Nasri?

Zhong Cheng would naturally not say this, nor would Nasri himself, so this became a secret.

Two days soon passed, Leeds United ushered in the eighth round of the Premier League this season.

Leeds United went away to challenge the Hull City team.

Although the Hull City team is newly promoted, their performance this season is very good. After seven rounds, their points are the same as Manchester United ’s 14 points, ranking fifth in the Premier League. This is really It is beyond everyone's expectations.

This is a super dark horse!

Many people even saw the shadow of Leeds United from them!

This time, Hull City played against Leeds United. This is a dark horse showdown. Who is the biggest dark horse? Countless people in England are watching this game.

To be honest, Hull City has a very big advantage in this game. Because the Hull City team does not have the fifa virus, and the Leeds United team is poisoned by the fifa virus, the chance of the Hull City team winning this game is very great.

In this game, some of the main players of Leeds United were high-handed free cards and did not play.

Zhong Cheng excluded some very young players and some substitute players, so everyone supported the Hull City team in this game.

At the beginning of the game, Leeds United was in a defensive posture, and Hull City attacked frantically.

However, Leeds United ’s defense is very sharp. Although the attack of the Hull City team is fierce, it is still entangled by the Leeds United defense. The Hull City team has occasional opportunities, but they all have a reputation for breaking the goal of the Leeds United team. , Leeds United's defense is very powerful.

In the first half, Leeds United also had a counterattack, but they were unlucky.

At the beginning of the second half of the game, the atmosphere was the same as the first half. Hull City was still on the offensive. Leeds United was dead, and it seems that Leeds United is in control of the whole game. Hull City really does not have too many opportunities.

Of course, Leeds United's counterattack also threatened the goal of Hull City.

But in the end, Leeds United lost the game on the road, losing to Hull City 0 to 1. At the end of the game, the Hull City team sent a corner kick. Under the chaotic and complicated situation in the penalty area, actively defending Alexander Pato helped out, and the football hit his footing. There was a change of direction and he rolled into the goal of Leeds United.

Zero to one, Leeds United lost to Hull City away.

This is really an ending that everyone didn't think of. The person Alexander Pato himself was in a daze. How could this be the case?

Seeing that the football was flying towards him at that time, Alexander Pato actively rolled his legs to prepare for the big foot, but just when he was about to turn to football, he felt that someone behind him pulled himself and his body shook Suddenly, the football immediately wiped his right leg and flew over, then directly hit his foot, and changed direction, the football rolled into the goal.

Alexander Pato was instantly shocked.

Alexander Pato wanted to complain that the guy behind him reached out to him, but the guy behind him was very smart, just pulled him, and then let go directly, without pulling him down, just letting his body shake a few times, This caused the goal to drop!

Alexander Pato feels unlucky to be home!

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