The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 106: Episode: Head to Madrid, Spain

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A zero to one loss to Hull City was unexpected.

Of course, this is also reasonable!

After all, Leeds United's main players are either injured or truce, it is no wonder that Leeds United can beat Hull City. Hull City's strength this season is still very strong, otherwise they will not be ranked fifth in the Premier League!

I do n’t!

Now Hull City is not ranked fifth in the Premier League, their rankings have rushed forward.

After this round of games, Chelsea topped the Premier League table next year. Their points are 20 points. Liverpool also ranked second in the Premier League with 20 points.

In third place, they became the Red Devils Manchester United. They scored 17 points. Hull City and the Red Devils Manchester United had the same points, also 17 points, ranking fourth in the Premier League.

Arsenal score 16 points, ranking fifth in the Premier League!

Next is the Leeds United, which scored five points, three losses and fifteen points, ranking sixth in the Premier League.

Seventh is Aston Villa, their points are fourteen points.

The current Premier League is just such a situation. It is very chaotic.

Although Leeds United have lost this game, it is the third league game lost in the Premier League this season, and it is also driven out of the top four because of losing this game.

The Premier League competition this season is really too fierce!

Of course, in this game, Zhong Cheng didn't care too much, after all, Leeds United was not the main lineup.

However, at this time, a lot of media jumped out to attack Leeds United.

It is claimed that the Leeds United team is now going downhill. It is not rich for three generations, but it is not as strong as three seasons. After three consecutive championships, the Leeds United team is no longer available. There is no previous strength and dominance, and the control is greatly reduced.

If in the first two seasons, even without the main force, Leeds United would not lose somehow. And now? Leeds United loses at every turn, leaving the main players is nothing, Leeds United is finished.

This season, Leeds United will completely collapse, and the era of Leeds United has passed.

Yes, a lot of media and famous people have stood up, using this kind of words to hold Leeds United, claiming that Leeds United is finished, Zhong Cheng's set is no longer working. Now all the Premier League teams have studied Zhong Cheng's garbage tactics, and now Leeds United is finished.

This is Zhong Cheng's own pot, this guy is still complacent, holding his old-fashioned, thinking he is the first in the world!

Now Leeds United play off!

And madly patted the breast, claiming that Leeds United is finished this season, and the top four will not go in!

Such words are now circulating in the British mainland.

Zhong Cheng did care about these, let these guys collapse!

Every year and every season, there are always some people who can't rest, they have to jump out and pretend.

Now Zhong Cheng has asked him to pretend to do this. In the end, everything still depends on strength. In the final results, Zhong Cheng can always hit the faces of these people.

Over the years, the face lost here at Zhong Cheng cannot be retrieved, and his face has been completely lost. There is no credibility now, and now Manchester United don't want to have any relationship with this newspaper.

This newspaper is now pointing to live against Zhong Chengzuo.

Now Zhong Cheng really doesn't have the heart to care about these things, because Zhong Cheng now has bigger things to do, that is to go to Spain to face Atletico Madrid.

The next two games are very important for Leeds United, because in the Champions League, Leeds United will play two consecutive matches of Atletico Madrid. If Leeds United have won both games, Leeds United will almost put this group Won the first.

Of course, if Leeds United lose both games, Leeds United will be dead.

This is a moment of life and death, Zhong Cheng naturally wants to go all out.

Otherwise, Zhong Cheng will not let all of their main players leave the Premier League just ended. Zhong Cheng is preparing for this game.

Now many media are reporting on the next Champions League game day.

Of course, many media have actually focused on this match between Leeds and Atletico Madrid. To be honest, they can understand it. After all, this group is the super death group and the group with the most suspense.

There will naturally be more attention!

Moreover, now that this group has reached the most critical moment, in the end what kind of rhythm this group will rely on, the next two rounds of competition!

Now Atletico Madrid is seriously preparing for this game!

This game is really very important for Atletico Madrid. Atletico Madrid also knows that the next two rounds will focus on the next fate of their team.

For Leeds United, they also think that Leeds United is very strong, and they naturally have to take it seriously.

At present, Atletico Madrid's results are still very good. In the league just ended last round, Atletico Madrid also won a big victory. Compared to Leeds United, their status is now very good. This game Their winning face is great.

Yes, at this time, the outside media are more optimistic about Atletico Madrid.

Even the British mainland media believes that Atletico Madrid has a better win. They believe that Leeds United has now shown a weak momentum and there is really no way to die with other national league teams.

Anyway, at this time, many media are not optimistic about Leeds United.

Mainly because the main force of Leeds United is either injured or has physical problems, Leeds United is really finished this season.

Of course, Zhong Cheng is very clear that the Leeds United team is really very difficult this season. It is the most difficult season in these years, but Zhong Cheng still thinks that the Leeds United team has a chance.

Yes, Zhong Cheng has not lost his confidence, he is still very confident about the future.

For this upcoming game, Zhong Cheng is still very confident. Although Atletico Madrid's strength is good, Leeds United will win this game.

Zhong Cheng brought the Leeds United players to Madrid more than a day in advance to prepare well for this game. This game is very important.

Atletico Madrid is also seriously prepared.

Atletico Madrid's head coach Aguirre is very serious now. He still knows about Leeds United. His assistant has collected a lot of information about Leeds United. More importantly, he also got some good things from his good friend Diego Simeone.

Diego Simeone's fitness coach Oscar Ortega was once the coach of Leeds United. He still got a lot of news about Leeds United from him.

So, now Aguirre is very confident.

In the face of media reporters, Aguirre said: "The strength of Leeds United is actually very good, and many teams are underestimated. If the players of Leeds are not injured, Leeds United will be stronger this season than in previous seasons. So, we are very lucky this season! "

Aguirre continued: "The Leeds United team is very powerful, but I still know them well. We have collected a lot of information about them. We have made full preparations for this game, this game, We Atletico Madrid will win! "

Yes, Aguirre is really very confident now.

The media reporters at the scene were all stunned. I really did not expect that Aguirre would have such confidence. It seems that the status displayed by Leeds United in the last game is that Aguirre is confident.

Aguirre also said: "Of course, our state of Atletico Madrid is not the best, but we are still in a good situation. We are confident to win here. After all, this is the home of our Atletico Madrid! "

Atletico Madrid fans are very confident about the team. Even Calderon and Real Madrid and Barcelona cannot easily take away the victory, let alone your Leeds.

And now Atletico Madrid is very strong. Which of the twins, Diego Fran and Aguero, is not the best?

Atletico Madrid fans can't wait any longer and all want to see this game start.

Now that Leeds United has come to Madrid, when Leeds United came to Calderon to step on the field, Atletico Madrid fans also wanted to check the news. But Leeds United was completely closed to training, and even media reporters did not let it in.

Now Leeds United has no good relationship with these media, Zhong Cheng naturally will not give these guys a good look.

Now Leeds United players are seriously preparing for this game.

The players of Leeds United all know that the biggest goal of Leeds United this season is to make a breakthrough in the UEFA Champions League, so now the first project of Leeds United is the UEFA Champions League, the league can lose, the UEFA Champions League is absolutely Can't lose.

The players of Leeds United are seriously preparing for this game against Atletico Madrid.

The Atletico Madrid team is still very strong. Now the players of Leeds United are struggling to prepare to play Atletico Madrid severely at the Calderon stadium and win the game.

After finishing training, Zhong Cheng was interviewed by some media reporters when he came out.

Zhong Cheng said, "For this game, we are very confident in Leeds. Yes, Atletico Madrid have been in a good shape recently, because they have not met a strong team. To be honest, La Liga is a Everyone knows very well. If Real Madrid and Barcelona meet, Atletico Madrid really has no chance to win. "

The brows of reporters frowned, and Zhong Cheng was full of fighting power.

Does Zhong Cheng look down on the entire La Liga? What this means is that apart from Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the other teams in La Liga are all scum!

Zhong Cheng dare to say it!

Zhong Cheng continued: "For this game, our Leeds United team is fully prepared. I believe we can get three points at Calderon because these three points are for us The team is very important. We must win. Of course it will be difficult, but we are fully prepared and we will win! "

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