The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 117: Episode: The Wave of Injuries Has Finally Passed

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Zhong Cheng came to the medical room and sat opposite Mark Pias.

Zhong Cheng said: "After a while, your medical team will go to Edinson to do a comprehensive examination and evaluation to see if he has reached the standard for playing!"

Mark Pias nodded slightly and said, "Understand!"

Zhong Cheng glanced at Kompany in the recovery room and asked, "How is his condition?"

Compani and Cristiano Ronaldo have been injured for almost two months. Zhong Cheng is still very concerned about them and hopes that they can recover as soon as possible.

Mark Pias immediately said: "Vincent's condition is very good, now he can start huódòng, and even wait for a day or two to resume training!"

Hearing here, Zhong Cheng's eyes are shining, this is good news!

Zhong Cheng groaned a bit, then said, "When will he be able to return to the game even sooner?"

Mark Piace frowned, thinking for a while, and said, "Look at his recovery training, if the recovery training is good, he can return to the field as soon as mid-November!"

Zhong Cheng is very excited. As soon as Kompany returns, Leeds United's defense will rise to the next level, so that Leeds United can put more energy into the counterattack.

This is really very good news for Leeds United.

Zhong Cheng patted Mark Pias on the shoulder in excitement and said, "Good job, you are amazing!"

Mark Piace said with a grin: "Boss, this is great? We have more difficult!"

Zhong Cheng froze slightly, what is the situation?

What's more, what's more?

Mark Piace smiled slightly and did not sell any more, he said directly: "Of course it is Cristiano!"

Zhong Cheng was shocked. Did Cristiano Ronaldo recover?

Looking at Zhong Cheng's heart, Mark Pias chuckled and said, "You are right, Cristiano's body has now recovered, and he can now be put into recovery training. You will be back on the court! "

Zhong Cheng was very excited to hear Mark Piyas himself speak about it.

This terrible situation is finally over. After waiting for these people to come back, Leeds United is about to take off!

However, Zhong Cheng was not too anxious.

Zhong Cheng still hopes that both Cristiano Ronaldo and Kompany will take care of their injuries. Don't leave any hidden dangers. If they hurt again, then Leeds cannot accept it!

Suddenly, Cristiano Ronaldo stepped out of the physiotherapy room and came to Zhong Cheng's side, staring at Zhong Cheng with his eyes staring, and said, "Boss, I can play, I know my own state very well! "

Zhong Cheng can see that Cristiano Ronaldo's eyes are all longing!

Zhong Cheng also knows why Cristiano Ronaldo has such a strong desire to play **, because Cristiano Ronaldo is the world footballer who wants to get this year. In the first half of the year, his performance was very amazing. However, in the second half of the year, sudden injuries and injuries stopped for two months. This is to gradually narrow the leading edge, and even to be surpassed by others such as Messi.

Time does not wait, Cristiano Ronaldo really wants to return to the game immediately, show himself well, let everyone see clearly, his Cristiano Ronaldo is the best candidate for the world footballer.

Zhong Cheng understands Cristiano Ronaldo's idea, but safety is more important.

Zhong Cheng stared at Cristiano Ronaldo and said, "You can rest assured that as long as you have no physical problems, you will definitely be the main force of our Leeds United team. You have that strength!"

Cristiano Ronaldo said immediately: "Boss, my injury is completely cured!"

Zhong Cheng can see that Cristiano Ronaldo is very anxious!

In the face of Cristiano Ronaldo's gaze, Zhong Cheng still relented. He turned his head directly to Mark Pias: "Bring Chris on while Edinson is undergoing a full inspection and see how he is doing?"

Cristiano Ronaldo looked so happy and immediately said, "Thank you, boss!"

Zhong Cheng suddenly stood up and patted Cristiano Ronaldo on the shoulder and said, "Needless to say thank you, thank you and I thank you, we Leeds United need you!"

Cristiano Ronaldo was very comfortable, listening to this.

Zhong Cheng immediately said: "If your injury is not a big deal, in the next round of the Premier League, you will play, so prepare yourself!"

Yes, Zhong Cheng didn't mean to let Cristiano Ronaldo play for Manchester United. Cristiano Ronaldo will be able to play in the next round of the game. Because of the tight time, this Haicang game will soon come. Today, Leeds United will have to Go to Manchester, Cristiano Ronaldo, they are going to stay in Leeds United training.

Cristiano Ronaldo felt a bit regretful, but not bad!

Cristiano Ronaldo immediately nodded and said, "Okay, boss. I will be ready for everything!"

Zhong Cheng patted Cristiano Ronaldo on the shoulder again!

Just before Zhong Cheng was about to leave, Julia Oliveira came in. She said to Zhong Cheng, "Boss, your reporter is here!"

Zhong Cheng froze slightly, what is the situation?

Julia Oliveira is waiting to be jealous!

Others saw excuses here and left, they didn't want to join the vinegar storm,

In fact, Julia Oliveira didn't mean to be jealous, but she was still nervous when she saw someone coming!

Zhong Cheng froze slightly and asked, "Who?"

Julia Oliveira snorted, "Who else? Of course it is your Yuqing mèimèi!"

Zhong Cheng froze slightly and smiled bitterly. Julia Oliveira even put Qi Yuqing in her eyes, I really don't know what she thought!

Zhong Cheng and Xi Yuqing are at best even ordinary friends, and this friend is also a reporter. Zhong Cheng is more or less active to distance himself from Xi Yuqing.

After all, Zhong Cheng didn't want to expose the team's affairs to reporters. Even his brother Kelly Fox couldn't come to the team's training base casually, let alone Qi Yuqing.

Zhong Cheng understood that Julia Oliveira was not so jealous, which must have been the egg of Christina. Don't look at Kristina, the woman was a super strong woman in front of Bérénmiàn, but she was really a small woman in front of Zhong Cheng, and she especially liked to eat flying vinegar. This was really a terrible image to her usual image. Goodbye.

It is also because of this contrast that Zhong Cheng feels very good toward the little woman. The relationship between the two is very good, even better than that of Julia Oliveira, who is with him day and night, and chase Isabella George .

Zhong Cheng nodded towards Julia Oliveira and said, "I'm here again for an interview, after all, the red and white roses are about to fight!"

Julia Oliveira snorted and said, "Why don't you come for an interview?"

Zhong Cheng said with a grin: "Okay, let's play here slowly, I'm going to be interviewed!"

Julia Oliveira gave Zhong Cheng a glance and said, "Go and see your little qíngrén!"

Zhong Cheng only shook his head with a bitter smile, and then strode away from the medical room.

Watching Zhong Cheng's pace, Julia Oliveira gave Zhong Cheng a pair of hygienic eyes again: "The guy with the wrong heart!"

Soon after leaving the treatment room, Zhong Cheng saw Tong Yuqing!

Wu Yuqing still hasn't changed, just like a prosperous white lotus, a slender woman, immaculate, only from a distance and not close!

Wu Yuqing is wearing a relatively casual outfit today, which makes it look very small and fresh, very artistic, which is very different from her usual professional outfit. To be honest, Zhong Cheng is still at the first level when he sees this kind of Tong Yuqing.

This Qiu Yuqing is really immortal!

Qi Yuqing saw Zhong Cheng coming, she smiled and extended her right hand to Zhong Cheng: "Mr. Zhong Cheng, we have met. Can I delay your time and make a simple interview with you?"

Zhong Cheng also smiled, held Qi Yuqing's right hand, and said, "Can I say no?"

Qi Yuqing gave Zhong Cheng a grimace and said, "No!"

Zhong Cheng shrugged slightly: "That being the case, let's get started, because I'll take the team to Manchester in a few minutes!"

Wu Yuqing was also a little surprised: "Go to Manside in advance? See Mr. Zhong Cheng attaches great importance to this game!"

Zhong Cheng gave a slight nod: "Of course, Manchester United are very strong, and they have been in a good shape recently. If we do n’t pay attention to them, we will definitely have a hard time in this game. You also know Alex Alex The old guy has a lot of conspiracy and we must treat it carefully! "

Pu Yuqing giggled and said, "It's the first time I've heard you describe a person like this!"

Zhong Cheng shrugged slightly and said, "Then you usually have less contact with me!"

Pu Yu stared at Zhong Cheng with a smile and asked, "Then I will get in touch with you in the future, how about staying with you?"

Zhong Cheng froze slightly, then said with a chuckle, "Is this a formal question?"

Xi Yuqing immediately made a contemptuous pack and said lightly: "Huh, the guy who has the heart and the courage! Forget it, I won't tell you this, let's formally interview!"

Zhong Cheng froze slightly: "Well! Isn't it just an interview?"

Pu Yu snorted quietly and said coolly: "It was just a chat between friends. Do you really think my question is so lethal?"

Zhong Cheng smiled helplessly!

Qi Yuqing said, "How confident are you in this game now?"

Zhong Cheng sat down opposite Qi Yuqing and said: "Now we are in a very bad situation for Leeds United, and we will do our best in every next game. This time against Manchester United, It is especially important that we must win at Leeds United. Moreover, I am very confident in this. In this game, we at Leeds United will win! "

Otaku late night benefits, you know !!! Please pay attention to WeChat public account online to see: meinvxuan1 (long press for three seconds to copy) !!

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