The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 118: Episode: A difficult situation no one has thought of

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January 1, Old Trafford, Manchester, England.


Just 15 minutes after the start of the game, Leeds United was behind by zero.

Zhong Cheng was confident in this game!

Then in the tenth minute of the game, Manchester United scored a penalty!

In other words, fifteen minutes in the first half of the game, Leeds United not only trailed by zero to two, but also lost one person on the pitch. Leeds United will be ten to eleven in the next seventy-five minutes!

After all, this is a difficult dilemma in Zhong Cheng's coaching experience. Yes, Zhong Cheng's Liz United career has encountered very few dilemmas. In general, it is smooth sailing.

Zhong Cheng thinks this game is very unusual and dangerous.

Obviously, the succession of events at the beginning of the game really gave the Leeds a surprise.

Yes, in this case, it is necessary to stabilize first, only to stabilize the military heart first, and then there will be a chance in the next game!

Manchester United's crazy attack is like a group of hungry wolves!

"His! I didn't expect this game to turn out like this, this game is really too difficult for Leeds United!" Eddie Gray kept shaking his head.

Not Eddie Gray's pessimism, but reality is so cruel!

The fans of Leeds United are uncomfortable, very uncomfortable.

Leeds United is ready to take away the victory in this game. This game turned out to be like this, Zhong Cheng shook his head helplessly. He couldn't help but glance at it. Eddinson Cavani, who was preparing to play on the sidelines, really couldn't help shaking his head.

Alexander Pato was very miserable, and Leeds United had no choice but to make a substitution!

The anger in Zhong Cheng's heart was about to burn his entire body to ashes.

Originally, Edinson Cavani thought that with the current state of Alexander Pato, he should wait at least a few games before he can return. I do n’t know, he just returned from the injury today and sat on the bench. After sitting for more than ten minutes, he returned to the game.

Because the current situation is very bad, very embarrassing, he is likely to be involved in the defense, not an offense!

Eddinson Cavani looked grim and solemn!

"You are finished, Leeds! You are trash, dregs, hahahaha!"

"A bunch of scum, just swallow the dung behind our ass!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! We are champions, we are champions, Leeds United are stupid!"

Leeds's face was very ugly, and his heart was very angry. <>

The fans of Manchester United blasted their anger and hatred for a few years, and greeted the Leeds madly. This time they were cool and cool!

But now Manchester United really have the capital of Yaowu Yangwei, they are indeed leading, and still lead by a large score.

Zhong Cheng came to Marc Pias and asked in a very low voice, "How about Alexander's injury? Is it serious?"

Zhong Cheng's brow was almost wrinkled together!

This kind of fracture is very psychologically harmful to the players, especially this young player. Many young players and geniuses are destroyed by these serious injuries, and many of them are falling straight and disappearing in front of everyone.

Alexander Pato is still very young and has a bright future. He must not affect his future career because of this injury!

Of course, Zhong Cheng's heart was full of anger. For the anger of Manchester United central defender Vidic, this **** guy was so stubborn that he directly shoveled Alexander Pato's leg, really **** it!

Watching Alexander Pato was carried out on a stretcher, Zhong Cheng's heart was very uncomfortable and very angry. What was this game playing?

Zhong Cheng is really very angry!

Zhong Cheng stared at the Manchester United fans in the stands. Leeds United will not lose to Manchester United this season. Leeds United will gather Manchester United even if they do not win the championship this season!

On the court, Manchester United's offensive was really too fierce. Like a group of fierce cheetahs, they furiously rushed to the restricted area of ​​Leeds United and surrounded Leeds United in the restricted area.

Mark Lawrence also did not expect that Leeds United will encounter such a difficult situation in this game. This game is just like God does not want Leeds United to win, and gave them a hell-level copy!

Mark Lawrence doesn't think Leeds United really have a chance to win this game.

And at this time, Manchester United's wing Frank Ribery suddenly received a pass from Gourcuff in the middle, and then Frank Ribery suddenly dunked and directly cut into the restricted area of ​​Leeds United. Step forward from the corner of the penalty area and shoot straight away.

Three to zero!

Frank Ribery is trying to kill the old master!

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