The Giant Creator

Vol 3 Chapter 119: Episode: The war is coming, never give up!

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Dead silence!

There's nothing in the dressing room!

Leeds United's locker room is dead!

Everyone was sitting low in their own positions, saying nothing, doing nothing, and just sitting so dumb, one by one as if they had lost their souls.

In the first half, Leeds United lost a zero to three!

This is something all Leeds haven't thought of.

More importantly, Leeds United is still one person off the field!


Leeds United are in despair!

How else is this game played? This game Leeds United is over!

Now the fans of Leeds United are worried that in the second half of the game, Manchester United is going to kill everything and play an extremely shameful end!

The fans of Leeds United are afraid to imagine it!

Is Leeds United really dead? Is it really rich for three generations? Is the Leeds dynasty about to collapse?

Leeds fans are very depressed!

In the locker room, the players of Leeds United team are the same, they are unwilling!

Zhong Cheng stood quietly in the locker room, looking around the expressions of Leeds United players. To be honest, he didn't expect this game to be played like this bird. This game was really unusual. The game lost the ball at the beginning, but also sent some points, was sent off, and Alexander · Pato's injury ...

These columns are too unusual, and generally don't happen!

This game is an unprecedented dilemma!

No no, this is not a dilemma, it can even be said to be desperate!

Now almost no one can believe that Leeds United can win. This second half of the game will be the Manchester United slaughter game.

But, just sit here and wait for it, do you do nothing?

Is there really no chance for Leeds United?

Do not! Zhong Cheng doesn't believe it!

Zhong Cheng doesn't believe Leeds United have no chance at all? There is still a chance for Leeds United, as long as the game is not over, Leeds has a chance!

Zhong Cheng stared tightly at the players of Leeds United, and took the expressions of all the players of Leeds United in his eyes. It will not work in this way, and it will definitely not work in this way!


Zhong Cheng applauded suddenly in the silent locker room. The applause sounded like a thunderbolt and directly bombarded the hearts of all Leeds players. What was embarrassing was a terrifying spirit.

The Leeds United players immediately looked up and looked at Zhong Cheng.

Zhong Cheng looked around the Leeds players and said lightly, "Do you remember a word?"

The players of Leeds United stared at Zhong Cheng in doubt.

Zhong Cheng said: "This sentence is that there is only a dead Leeds ghost standing, not a dead Leeds kneeling!"

All Leeds players were shocked, as if something had concentrated their hearts fiercely!

Zhong Cheng continued, very calm, without any impassion, he did not fight chicken blood, but just quietly told a very ordinary thing.

Zhong Cheng said: "Did we not lose at Leeds United? Are we afraid of losing at Leeds? No, no, we are never afraid of losing. It is normal for us to lose. But I am afraid of you I ca n’t face the loss, I ’m afraid that you are afraid to fail and lose the courage to charge! ”

Zhong Cheng continued: "Failure is not terrible! The terrible thing is that you do nothing and wait for failure to come! Don't lose the courage to charge because you are afraid of failure. Just go heroically and generously like a man. It ’s also heroic! "

The players at Leeds United are in deep contemplation, and their performance just now is a little bit-encouraging!

Watching the players of Leeds United begin to reflect, Zhong Cheng struck a hot iron: "Also, we may not fail in this game. Is the score of zero to three big? Think of Liverpool's Istanbul night, think of our year of Leeds United A game of three goals behind the Jedi ... "

Zhong Cheng said: "There are too many such examples, not to mention them! So do you still feel that it is difficult to get behind the ball to take the lead? Is anyone able to do it before? Is it impossible for you to do it? What's wrong? At least we've worked hard, instead of resentful as we are now, not even the courage to charge. Remember, you are a man! "

Zhong Cheng did not fight chicken blood from beginning to end, he said calmly.

But it is such calm words that contain endless power!

Yes, once the Leeds United team also achieved the feat of counterattack and counterattack with zero to three behind, why can't they this time?

The Leeds United players looked down at Zhong Cheng's words without talking.

Zhong Cheng watched the response of the Leeds United players. He nodded slightly, this is his Leeds United team. Zhong Cheng said nothing more.

Don't use a hammer for the rattle!

Zhong Cheng believes that the players of Leeds United will raise their heads to face the second half of the game!

This is not the end of the world. There is still a chance for Leeds United. Leeds United can also play against Manchester United.

For a while, the players of Leeds United looked up, one by one, and they were obviously full of murderous energy.

Zhong Cheng is very satisfied with the status of the Leeds players. They still have to play in the second half. Leeds United are unbeatable Xiaoqiang. Manchester United, the game has just begun. Are you ready?

Zhong Cheng seized the last minute to arrange for the players of Leeds United: "The second half of the game, Manchester United must have expected that we will fight back crazy, now they definitely think we have no courage to fight back, so the next half At first we pretended to be acting, seduced Manchester United, and then hit directly behind each other's line of defense, understand? Go fast! "

Leeds United players nodded and growled loudly: "I see!"

After hearing these shouts, Zhong Cheng nodded steadily. He is full of confidence in the players of Leeds United. The outcome of the second half is still unknown!

Zhong Cheng is standing at the door of the locker room and clapping with the Leeds players going out to give them strength!

Rain is coming from the wind, and the war is coming!

After all Leeds United players left the locker room, Zhong Cheng slowly turned around, walked out of the locker room, strode toward the court, and went to the Leeds United coach.

When he stepped out, Zhong Cheng happened to meet Manchester United's head coach Alex Ferguson in the player channel.

Seeing Zhong Cheng, Alex Ferguson smiled with a smile on his face, exuding joy that could not be concealed. Obviously, Alex Ferguson is very happy now, he thought they had won the game for Manchester United.

Alex Ferguson walked towards Zhong Cheng and said directly: "Mr. Loya, this time our Manchester United team has given in. The victory belongs to our Manchester United team!"

Zhong Cheng said lightly: "It is still unknown who the victory belongs to. You should not be too happy, otherwise I will be afraid that you will not accept it at the end of the game!"

Alex Ferguson closed his eyes tightly and stared at Zhong Cheng, then Haha smiled and said, "Sure enough, it is Loya, the lunatic, and you have the courage. To be honest, I appreciate your demeanor. I hope you will be able to perform like this by the end of the game! "

Zhong Cheng said: "I must behave like this, don't worry about you!"

After that, Zhong Cheng left first, striding towards the Leeds United's coaching bench.

Looking at the back of Zhong Cheng, Alex Ferguson sneered: "At this time, he still pretended to be the behavior of crazy Loya. I think after the game, can you still be energetic? ? "

Although he looked down on Zhong Cheng, Alex Ferguson still took it very seriously. As soon as he came to the coach seat, he immediately told the Manchester United players that they must not be taken lightly in the second half of the game and cannot give Leeds any chance.

Yes, Alex Ferguson is so cautious, he will not give Leeds any chance. In this game, their Manchester United team has won!

Alex Ferguson does not allow any accidents, and constantly reminds Manchester United players not to underestimate their opponents. They must go all out in the second half and must not be taken lightly!

The Manchester United players nodded firmly, but there was still some disapproval in their hearts. Now the Leeds United have been beaten by them, and now the Leeds United team is still one person away. What other storms does Leeds United want to launch in this game? It's just a joke.

Only Frank Ribéry and Joan Gourcuff are serious!

Sometimes a sound tiger is not terrible. What is terrible is the tiger that was injured, the tiger that was provoked!

Therefore, the current form is not as simple as everyone imagines!

Because they know Leeds United and Zhong Cheng. Zhong Cheng is a person who would rather stand on his knees than live on his knees. Zhong Cheng is a man who wants to die on the road of charge even if he wants to die.

Leeds will not surrender, this second half will be a fierce battle!

Frank Ribery and Joan Gourcuff were ready for the deadly battle, but they found that the teammates around them were a little bit drifted. Although there was a reminder from Alex Ferguson, these guys A little careless.

Both Frank Ribéry and Joan Gourcuff are newcomers, and they are quiet. If they say something that raises Leeds United at this time, it will affect the relationship between them and their new teammates, so even if they knew, they would only keep these words in their stomachs.

Frank Ribery only hoped that Manchester United's teammates could wake up early, take the Leeds counterattack, win the game, and don't make a big joke.

Now the players on both sides are standing on the court, waiting for the whistle to start in the second half.

Now Manchester United fans have begun again, slamming and humiliating Leeds United, they rarely have such opportunities. Now they are quickly seizing the opportunity and humiliatingly attacking the Leeds, let them cool down.

The words of the Manchester United fans are really too bad. They heard that the fans of Leeds United were about to explode and died. Damn Manchester United is broken, you wait for Lao Tzu, and one day we will return it to you ten times, and you wait for La Tzu.

Manchester United fans are still jumping wildly and roaring in excitement, as if humiliating Leeds United is the happiest thing in their life, they ca n’t stop for a moment!

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