The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 116 The best match (fourth update!)

Ahem, although it's good to be able to save money on the film's salary, producer Li Da said that he was definitely not doing it to get kickbacks, but probably made this decision out of consideration for the film's performance.

Gwen was a little dazed by his deception, and finally agreed in a daze.

Anyway, no one will know who she is unless she takes off the mask. Furthermore, the fact that "Spider-Woman herself stars" can barely be considered as playing herself in a movie, which is not an opportunity that everyone gets, and it sounds like it would be quite interesting.

The point is that this way Gwen can still get a salary. Coupled with the commission from the licensing of Spider-Woman's image, she will be considered a moderately wealthy woman when the movie is released!

As for Iron Man, since he doesn’t show his face anyway, just find an experienced stuntman to do the motion capture. Then all the appearance shots will be synthesized with CG special effects. The worst case scenario is to hire a voice actor to dub him.

Next comes one of the most critical aspects - the script.

Producer Li, who wrote the screenplay, said he also took care of it himself. In his previous life, Producer Li had a dream of being a writer before he officially joined the job and became a hard-working reporter. However, after posting 7749 works on the Internet, he gave up treatment and started looking for a job.

Although I have read all the books, after all I have been in the industry for so many years, have I never eaten pork or seen a pig run away?

Besides, most Hollywood plots are actually routines, especially in certain types of movies. (For example, the title "XX Rescue" in a specific format). Richard wrote a rough story in just a few days.

The storyline is actually quite simple. The protagonist is set as a teenage child who ran away from home due to family conflicts and accidentally witnessed a transaction site of an evil organization. Because the boss's face was seen, it was time to send a top killer to hunt down the little friend, but was stopped by Spider-Woman who happened to be passing by.

Afterwards, the organization used their huge resources to confuse right and wrong, and slandered Spider-Woman and the protagonist as wanted criminals who stole national secrets. After hearing the news, Iron Man came to arrest him, and fought two battles with Spider-Woman. It was not until the end of the film that the two sides resolved their conflicts, cleared up their past feud, and jointly defeated the final machine weapon eliminated by the organization, thwarting the villain's conspiracy.

An extremely simple and crude Hollywood routine plot, the plot can be explained clearly in one sentence. But no one cares about the plot of this kind of movie anyway, as long as the money is spent and the special effects are enjoyable enough, that's it.

Of course, he could only write an outline. Details such as line design and rhythm control still had to be polished by professionals. Compared with the plot itself, the rhythm of the movie is more important, and what is important is a degree of relaxation. But that's the part that experts have to worry about.

The script is finalized, and then the most important thing is who will star in this child.

Because there will be a lot of scenes between this little friend and Gwen in the movie, it is best to be someone who is familiar with Gwen, or a grateful child who has been rescued when she was doing heroic things.

Hmm. Wait a minute, does this happen to be the best option?

One day later, Richard came to Queens, New York, and appeared in front of the home of future Spider-Man Peter Parker.

He thought this was a very good idea. In her own world, Gwen decided to become Spider-Woman because she failed to save her best friend Peter Parker. If there is anyone she wants to save most in this world, that person must be Little Peter. .

No amount of acting can compare to true feelings. Richard believes that the scene between Gwen and Peter will definitely be exciting, it is simply the best match!

The only question left is whether Spidey and his family can be persuaded to agree. But again, Stark's money played a huge help in this project.

Marvel viewers all know that Spider-Man's family situation is relatively difficult, and the pressure of life in a place like New York is really not something to be overcome. Richard offered a huge sum that Peter's Uncle Ben and Aunt May had not been able to earn in many years, and it was difficult for them to refuse. In addition, little Peter was full of yearning when he heard that he could act in a movie, and the two parents couldn't help him.

Until Richard mentioned that Spider-Woman herself would also be participating, little Peter whistled so excitedly that he almost jumped up to the ceiling. So it wasn't until this moment that Richard knew that Spider-Woman was still Peter's number one idol. The young man's bedroom wall is covered with popular rock stars, while the little spider's bedroom wall is covered with Spider-Woman posters and one or two Iron Man posters.

In the end, Peter's insistence could not be overcome, and Uncle Ben and Aunt May finally agreed. Just out of concern, Uncle Ben carefully "vetted" the authenticity of Richard's identity as a filmmaker. Richard showed him a dozen supporting documents, and it took a lot of effort to finally convince Uncle Ben that he was not a human trafficker who came to deceive him.

After completing the final formalities and signing a series of agreements, Richard led little Peter to join the crew two days later.

Little Peter came to the set with excitement and apprehension. When he saw Spider-Woman in uniform for the first time, he almost fainted on the spot with excitement.

Damn it! Spider-Woman herself! It can still move. It doesn't work anymore. It's too much happiness. Peter feels like he's going to faint with excitement.

Peter was still preparing the opening remarks for his first meeting with his idol, but Gwen actually noticed him first, said "Huh" in surprise, and asked: "Are you Peter???"

Of course she couldn't forget Peter. Peter was not only Gwen's best friend throughout her life, but also an eternal pain in her heart.

But now little Peter couldn't bear it even more.

Damn it? Spider-Woman knows my name? ?

Who can withstand this?

Dizzy, dizzy

Gwen came closer, and little Peter trembled a little when he heard his own voice: "Do you know me?"

Gwen suddenly realized that she must have never seen Peter in this world, so she changed her words: "I um. I have seen the cast list, so..."

Richard couldn't help but laugh as he listened. Interesting, the list hasn’t been finalized yet. I haven’t seen it yet. How did you see it?

Little Peter raised his head: "Are you Spider-Woman? I mean. The real one?"

Gwen nodded: "I am."

Little Peter took two deep breaths: "My name is Peter Parker. It's a great honor to meet you. You are my big fan. No, I mean I am your big idol. No."

Little Peter turned his head and covered his face.

Oh my gosh, it's so embarrassing to be thrown into grandma's house.

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