The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 117 Something is wrong (fifth update!)

".I have been paying attention to you since you first appeared." Little Peter reorganized his words with a serious look on his face.

"Um, thank you for your support?" Gwen was a little embarrassed. Although she knew Peter didn't mean it that way, this poor opening always gave people the illusion of being confessed.

But where did this kid learn to talk like this? You can't just figure it out yourself, right? His understanding is quite high. I think this boy will be a good girl in the future (not to mention that little spider will have many confidante in the future)

"When I grow up, I will definitely become a person like you!" Little Peter showed off a golden sentence for primary school students' writing.

It would be fine if he said this casually to others, but it struck a knowing blow to Gwen. Gwen still clearly remembers that her Peter was lying on her knees before he died, and when he was so angry, he said the last words, "I just want to be like you."

It was because of that sentence that she decided to act chivalrously and not let this ability go to waste.

So Gwen also knelt down in cooperation and touched his head gently.

"Your words will definitely work." She smiled and said, "No, one day in the future, you will definitely become a better person than me."

"Yes!" Little Peter nodded vigorously with a face full of joy.

Richard looked at the adults and children immersed in the interaction, and was suddenly speechless.

I believe it won’t be long before Gwen discovers the consequences of FLAG’s indiscriminate insertion. In a few years, she will really become like you.

So this won't be the motivation for Little Spider to go out and do heroic things in his pajamas in the future, right?

Doesn't this mean that Uncle Ben finally doesn't have to die?

If you think about it carefully, the chances seem quite small. In the original work, Spider-Man lacked responsibility and let go of the gangsters he could clearly stop, and Uncle Ben died because of this. If the little spider was affected by Gwen and his mood changed in advance, there is a high probability that he would not let the robber go by then, and Uncle Ben would not have to die.

In this way, they can be considered as indirectly contributing to a good thing.

Preparations for Richard's movie are in full swing, and the plot of the movie "Iron Man 2" is also progressing step by step.

The first problem facing Tony Stark is that the military, together with Justin Hammer's company, is putting pressure on him to force him to hand over Iron Man technology.

However, the military clearly entrusted this matter to the wrong people. Hammer is just an ignorant clown with little money and no understanding of technical issues. How can he be Stark's opponent?

The final result was completely as expected. Hammer was severely humiliated by Stark in court. It can be said that he was completely defeated. Stark has repeatedly emphasized that Iron Man is not a private weapon, but a set of high-tech prosthetics that he made on his own when he was bored. There is no reason to hand it over to the military and government.

The big guys across from him were so angry at his words that they glared, but there was nothing they could do.

Have you ever seen anyone’s prosthetic arm that can fly, shoot lasers, and shoot missiles? Where's the liar?

Tony even made a high-profile statement in court, saying that everyone can rest assured that no one will be able to imitate Iron Man and arc reactor technology for at least the next fifty years!

Stark is quite confident in his own technology. However, the better the pretense is, the louder the slap in the face will be.

No, Stark had just said these words a few days ago, and his pussy was still hot after he had finished pretending. A vicissitudes of life old man wielding an energy whip stopped in front of him, waving the whip with the intention of splitting him in two. Half.

Everyone took a closer look, holy shit, isn't that thing this uncle is wearing on his chest just an arc reactor?

Iron Man almost defeated the uncle and threw him into prison. Next, Hammer Industries saw an opportunity and secretly took the old man Ivan Vanko out of the cell and arranged for him to work for him. And Tony's good friend Colonel Rhodes couldn't stand his behavior of peeing in the Iron Man armor. Oh no, he was wearing Iron Man armor and messing around at the party, so he made a scene and snatched Tony's Mark II. The suit was transformed into the "War Machine" by Hammer.

Next, with the help of SHIELD, Tony solved the problem of new elements, completed a new generation of arc reactor, and developed a new Mark VI suit. The power and performance of Iron Man's armor were thus improved to a higher level.

In the end, Justin Hammer led the bunch of unmanned robot soldiers that his old uncle Ivan Vanko helped him build on the stage at the Stark Expo, and was led by the war machine driven by Colonel Rhodes himself. Unexpectedly, Ivan hacked the war machine and all the drones, and fought with Iron Man at the expo. The two sides engaged in a fierce aerial battle, and finally fell into the no-man's land near the exhibition for a decisive battle. The war machine system was restarted and out of control. The two good friends worked together to destroy all the machine soldiers, and had a final battle with Ivan Vanke, who arrived thousands of miles late and died. They successfully eliminated the BOSS and ushered in a happy ending.

Well. If there were no problems with the script, it should be like this.

However, for some unknown reasons, things did not end after Ivan Vanko fell.

After defeating Ivan, Brother Tony and Roderick walked side by side while bickering. Rhodes said that Tony's actions in the battle just now were too exaggerated and flashy. Tony ridiculed that Rhodes's armor modification level was too low, as if he had modified an F-22 into a World War II glider.

After taking a few steps, Tony stopped.

Rhodes turned his head in confusion: "What's wrong?"

"Rod, did you hear anything just now?"

Rhodes looked confused: "No? What's the sound?"

Could it be an auditory hallucination?

Tony believed that his instincts were always accurate. So he frowned, his helmet and mask fell down with a click, and the scanning system of the armor's built-in computer was quickly activated.

"Jarvis, scan this area for me." Tony quickly ordered, "Tell me if there are any enemies left."

"Okay sir, the scan is being performed."

Seeing his strange reaction, Rhodes couldn't help but feel a little nervous, so he also closed the visor of his helmet and started scanning.

A white mist began to appear faintly in the air, looming like swirling clouds and smoke, and visibility dropped sharply.

After just a short while, Jarvis gave the answer: "Extremely strong life response detected."

"Extremely strong?" Jarvis' wording made Tony stunned. "How strong?"

The next moment, he knew the answer.

As if a huge drumstick hit the ground, the entire area shook dully. The soil was turned up, and trees were kicked down by their roots like toys. The seemingly endless shadows gradually turned into entities under the dark night, and the huge demon's body blocked the bright moonlight.

The three-headed demon stood in front of the two of them, seeming to let out a heavy roar through its nasal cavity.

Alien beast Garubus!

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