The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 118 Garubus (sixth update!)

"Rhode, did you see what I saw?" Tony looked up at the behemoth, his eyes dull, and his outlook was shattered.

It’s not like there are no creatures of this size in the Marvel world, but how has Iron Man, who has just debuted, ever seen such a domineering thing? To this day, he still feels that his armor is omnipotent. The existence of this thing is simply an impact on his world view.

Rhodes licked his dry lips and lowered his voice: "If you are referring to a monster that is two hundred feet tall and can chew the two of us like chocolate in one bite, yes, I saw it too."

Tony swallowed: "Either this, you go first and attract its attention. Then I, um, support from the side and see if I can find any loopholes."

Colonel Rhodes was unhappy: "Why should I go first? Didn't you just brag that you were the most powerful of the two of us? I think you are more suitable for this job."

"That's because I didn't see your big gun just now." Tony lied with his eyes open and patted the barrel of the machine gun on the shoulder of the war machine. "This thing is powerful at first sight. Now I think you It’s the heavy firepower.”

Colonel Rhodes gave him a look of disdain.

Ha, superficial brothers.

But in fact, he also knew in his heart that Tony was just trying to adjust the tense atmosphere by saying this. Neither of them would allow the other to go up and die first.

The alien beast Garubus doesn't care that much about them. From its point of view, both of them are meant to be eaten anyway, so it doesn’t matter which one comes first! The alien beast roared, and swooped down at the two of them with a paw. Neither of them dared to neglect, and the propellers on the soles of their boots ignited one after another, flying to the left and right.


The giant claw fell hard into the ground, exploding into a cloud of dust. Iron Man and War Machine swept to either side of it, each pouring firepower on it.

The surrounding white fog seemed to be getting thicker and thicker, and visibility continued to decrease. While controlling the Mark VI to circle around the alien beast, Tony continued to use the armor's built-in computer to scan the components of the fog.

"Rhode, these things are not ordinary fog." Tony looked at the content analysis results on the screen and couldn't help frowning, "There are some substances I have never seen before. Maybe they are substances outside the earth. The sensor's understanding of Functionality makes a difference.”

"That's a good analysis, but if you have this skill, maybe you should talk less and do more, it might be more helpful." Rhodes said and raised the height, and the rain of bullets turned into a storm of metal and cut towards the alien beast. .

The war machine continued to suppress fire at all times, but the effect was not very obvious. All kinds of bullets he carried all over his body bounced off Garubus' rock-hard skin. The effect of the micro-missile was slightly stronger, but it was only able to blow up the alien beast until it roared twice. Maybe Barely scratched a little bit of skin.

To sum up, I tried very hard to deal damage from the beginning to the end, but I couldn't do any damage at all.

In fact, War Machine looks like it is very powerful and tough, but in fact it is not as good as Iron Man in all aspects. First of all, most of his weapons are produced by Justin Hammer, and the trademark itself makes them look inferior instantly.

And most of his weapons are live ammunition, which are far less powerful than energy cannons with recoil technology, and are also severely limited by ammunition capacity issues. The whole body of his war machine only has a small amount of capacity. With that volume of space, how much ammunition can be stored in it?

Not everyone is a fat blue man with a fourth-dimensional pocket to solve all unreasonable situations.

As for Iron Man's recoil technology, although it is powerful, at this stage, it is still limited by factors such as reactor energy and output power, and its power is still very limited. The recoil cannon can cause damage to alien beasts, but it only stays at the "annoying" level, which is slightly stronger than the "tickling" level of bullets fired by War Machine.

If I have to use a metaphor, the effect is actually similar to the laser shooting of most defense force fighters in Ultraman.

"What the hell, why is this thing's skin so thick?" Tony complained while beating him.

"Where's the laser weapon you just fired?" Rhodes shouted while firing, "Give it one shot to chop off its head!"

When dealing with the robot soldiers just now, Tony showed off his cutting laser weapon, killing all the robot soldiers in an instant with one move, which was quite powerful.

Tony rolled his eyes helplessly: "That one is still in the development stage. It's a disposable weapon. It's gone after one use."

Rhodes suddenly showed a disgusted face: "You see, I have told you a long time ago that your durability is really bad. You will fall off the chain at the critical moment."

Tony was instantly furious. What do you mean, you black man? Do you doubt my ability? Believe it or not, I'll let you take a look when I get back tonight. Uh, forget it.

But he still had to quarrel, and Tony immediately sneered: "Heh, why don't you show your 'ex-wife' to this big guy? He will definitely know that he is wrong right away."

This time Rhodes shut up.

MD, this is so embarrassing. He shouldn't have believed Hammer's deceitful lie in the first place, saying that the "ex-wife" missile could blast even an armored tank into the sky once it was fired into the soul. As a result, Rod bought his "ex-wife" and happily came to show off to Tony. Bang, the missile fell into the water and misfired, without even releasing a single P.

Rhodes felt that Tony would be able to laugh for a year after he returned.

But that will have to wait until they can get back alive today.

Tony hit Garubus on the head twice with his recoil cannon, and while speeding up, he shouted: "This thing is a little thicker, but its movements are very slow! We have to concentrate our firepower on the key points." parts that can hopefully cause fatal trauma."

Before he could finish his words, the alien beast's huge black claws clawed down on the head. This claw came so fast that Tony didn't even have time to react. He was swatted down by the alien beast like a fly, and fell into the pool below with a "plop".

Alien Beast: Huh? Did someone just say the word "retarded"? I seem to have not heard clearly.

"Tony!" Colonel Rhodes shouted, hurriedly providing suppressive fire from the air.

".I'm fine." Tony shook his head and climbed up from the pool, feeling like stars were shining in front of his eyes.

Good guy, your hands are really strong. If I hadn't had the black technology to absorb shock, this slap might have caused a hiccup.

Colonel Rhodes raised his altitude, keeping a distance out of the alien beast's reach and firing wildly at its three heads. He shouted: "I found that this big guy can't fly, and it doesn't have any long-range attack methods! We just need to maintain a high level of fire suppression, and then..."

Before he could finish speaking, the head on the left side of Garubus' shoulder suddenly opened his mouth, and a fireball shot through the air with a whoosh. Colonel Rhodes didn't finish the second half of his sentence. He was so frightened that he quickly moved sideways to dodge, but was still hit by the fireball on his right leg. The propulsion device at the bottom of his right leg's combat boot was instantly burned, and he lost his balance and fell into the water.

Alien Beast: Huh? What did that human say just now? Does it mean that there is someone who "doesn't know how to work remotely" or something like that?

Six updates! I have been in retreat for a whole day during the Mid-Autumn Festival. I have never typed so many words in one breath. I originally wanted to write four updates, but I never expected that I would actually write so much. I feel like I am going to kneel down. . .

Next week, I will vote for you. Please continue asking for votes. . .

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