The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 120 How to become stronger

The golden light exploded the moment it hit, and the alien beast's body was blown into countless pieces from the inside out.

Tony's expression almost froze at that moment.

"Jarvis, tell me you recorded the data just now."

"Yes sir, clearly."

"very good."

After Tony went back, he would have to study the one-minute-long video a hundred times to find out what the principle of the golden beam was, how this giant had such a powerful power, and whether they could Are there any weaknesses, are there any solutions that can be overcome, etc.

If he doesn't figure this out, he may never sleep.

In addition, it's not just strength, that guy's fighting instinct is also quite terrifying. Especially the final fatal blow that hit the monster was simply the best expression of combat awareness.

After confirming that the alien beast was completely eliminated, Nexus retracted his hands and took half a step back. His figure gradually became blurred and transparent, and disappeared out of thin air after emitting a faint light.

Tony flew up in surprise and looked around: "Jarvis, where did he go?"

"Unable to detect the energy signature, the sensors are still jammed," Jarvis said. "He disappeared."

Disappeared? How can such a big guy just say no?

No, according to the scanning of the built-in instrument of Iron Man's armor, the existence form of that guy's body is even different from any animal known to mankind. Judging from the results of the detector feedback, the giant was not flesh and blood at all. In comparison, he seemed to be made of pure light particles, but he seemed to actually exist.

Judging from the science known to mankind, that should be completely impossible. At least Tony can't find a reasonable explanation for this form of life for the time being. If anything, this existence itself should be a miracle.

The fog gradually dissipated and they began to see things outside. Natasha Romanoff, the SHIELD super agent codenamed Black Widow, linked the communication through Iron Man's helmet at this moment: "Stark, are you still there?"

"Yes." Tony replied angrily.

Previously, Black Widow accepted Lu Dan's order and lurked around Tony disguised as a secretary. Tony was still angry with the spy lady.

"What happened over there?" Natasha asked.

"You didn't notice such a big movement? What? Because your boss only has one eye, so you usually only use your right eye to show respect?" Tony complained.

"The images on your side have been lost, and the communication has been disconnected." Natasha asked, "What happened?"

Communication interruption? So is it the influence of the white mist just now?

Tony felt it was very possible, after all, the sensors in Iron Man's armor were also affected by that thing.

"I think it's up to you to answer this question, Ms. Spy." Tony said in a low voice, "In fact, I feel like you still have a lot of questions to answer for me."

Defeating Garubus was just a matter of course. Richard happened to be passing by the expo pavilion when the alien beast appeared.

He was actually just on his way to attend a crew dinner.

After preparations a while ago, the main members of the crew have finally been determined. Because he saved a lot of money on the salary, and the budget given by Stark as an investor was very sufficient, Richard estimated that he could save a lot of miscellaneous local funds later, so he waved his hand to express the meal. I asked.

This quickly raised the young producer's image in everyone's mind. Everyone praised Mr. Li for being young, promising and magnanimous. He looked like he was someone who could achieve great things. Richard also accepted it with a smile, and said very generously that everyone should eat freely and eat hard, since it is not my money anyway.

Then he and the old director toasted to the crew to celebrate the official launch of the movie. Richard said that everyone present was the best option that he and the director finally determined after careful consideration and careful selection. They have complete confidence in everyone.

The director felt miserable. He wants to say, boss, you have confidence, but I don’t!

When the director took a look at the leading actors, he realized that Spider-Woman was just a young child. At any rate, they were willing to come and star in a friendly role, which was an attention-grabbing gimmick in itself. But what's the point of letting a silly elementary school student play the leading role? This kid looks like he's never even acted in a class play, right?

Also, although the actor of Iron Man is an actor who does not have to show his face, it does not affect anyone in principle, but is there really no problem with this unknown actor in a dragon suit that even the author is too lazy to name? No matter how you look at it, it seems unreliable!

When the old director asked Richard to mention this issue, Richard just smiled and waved his hands and said it was okay. You may not have noticed that although the leading actors are not famous, they are all capable! I only invited them to join the crew when I saw their potential, and it was definitely not out of consideration for saving money!

The old director was helpless. Who lets the boss have the final say?

He wanted to say that I couldn't take this piece, but in the end he didn't say it. I can't help it, there are too many digits on the check.

So the director had no choice but to smile apologetically and say something against his will: "Mr. Li is the youngest and most promising filmmaker I have ever worked with. Although most of you are novices, if we hadn't discovered the shining points in you, we would have I will not invite you to make this movie. Now that the movie is about to start filming, I have absolute confidence in the movie!"

Damn it, this movie is fucked. The director thought.

However, after the official filming, the old director unexpectedly discovered that, dragon suit armor aside, the elementary school student and Spider-Woman actually had acting talent. Although they had absolutely zero experience in the field, they learned quickly, and it didn't take long for them to rehearse in a decent manner, and they looked like professional actors.

Although there is no precedent in the industry for amateurs to participate in the first movie and perform extremely well and immediately become popular, but after all, they are in the minority. The old director immediately couldn't help but look at Richard with admiration. It seemed that the young producer really had two skills, and he could spot good prospects at a glance.

As for the dragon armor, let us ignore him. This is indeed the one brought over by Producer Li to save money.

But those are things for later.

In the evening, while everyone was eating and chatting, Richard sat at the table, swaying half a glass of wine, and was lost in thought.


Counting today's one, three alien beasts have appeared. And the frequency seems to be getting higher.

He didn't know where these things came from or what their purpose was, but there was no doubt that it had nothing to do with him. It's even possible that the timing of the alien beast's sudden appearance today might be related to his passing by.

But since the battle against Pedron, the power of light seems to have shown no signs of further upgrading.

Richard put down his glass and looked down at his right hand.

So what can we do next to continue to become stronger?

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