The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 121 Enemies meet on a narrow road

How to upgrade the power of light?

This time it was a bit difficult for Richard. After all, Ultraman is not a cultivator. He can reach the full level sooner or later by practicing step-by-step techniques. He is not the type who can evolve by "absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth".

Richard carefully recalled the Ultraman TV series he had watched before and thought about what his predecessors had done. To sum up, it seems to be nothing more than the following points: ask someone to send you a plug-in, or directly ask brothers to work together, if that doesn't work, just merge together, or you can explode the small universe in an idealistic way that has no rules to follow.

Taken together, the last option seems to be the most reliable. At least the performance of the Ultraman series is that as long as the atmosphere is set and the BGM sounds, the combat system is not important. Even the true gods can give you a punch.

To sum up, it seems that the combat power can be adjusted freely according to the atmosphere.

But how to imitate such an illusory method?

Why don't you carry a stereo and play the execution BGM during the fight to create an atmosphere suitable for your own battle?

Okay that was a joke.

Richard felt a little dizzy. It would be great if there was an "Ultraman Quick Manual" or something like that. He would practice slowly according to the instructions in the book. It would be great to break through a small sky in three days and a large sky in five days. No matter what, it's better than groping around blindly like now.

While he was thinking wildly, Gwen next to him seemed to notice something and came closer: "Mr. Li, are you worried?"

Richard came to his senses: "What?"

"Because you never seem to talk much."

"Actually, it's nothing." Richard shook half the glass of wine in his hand and sighed, "I just suddenly felt that I was too weak, and I was wondering how to become stronger."

Gwen couldn't help but look sideways.

you? too weak? What about international jokes?

You can hit a hundred of me with one fist, so who am I? Bugs?

Seemingly seeing what she was thinking, Richard smiled wryly and waved his hand: "That's different."

Yes, how can it be the same? As a friendly neighborhood superhero, she usually just takes care of bank robbers, and maybe fights a few villains like the Green Goblin and the Sinister Six. But he is different. He has to deal with endless alien beasts, and he may have to fight Dark Ultraman in the future.

This was also the part that gave him a headache. It's great to have such powerful golden fingers when you travel back in time, but this makes most of the abilities that are easy to get from Marvel's local version meaningless. Like other time travelers, you can still think about buying super soldier serum, super spider genes, etc., but these things are not of much help to him.

If he gets into a fight with Zaki, can he still put a spider web on Zaki's face?

This issue still needs to be considered in the long run.

Richard glanced sideways unconsciously and found that little Peter had never taken his eyes away from Gwen for a moment while eating at the dining table.

Richard couldn't help but feel a little happy, this was such a die-hard fan. He smiled and asked, "Can I ask you a question?"

Little Peter was startled: "Me?"


Seeing that the producer wanted to ask himself a question, little Peter immediately became nervous. He hurriedly wiped the grease stains from his mouth and straightened his posture. Richard smiled: "Suppose your two idols, Iron Man and Spider-Woman, fall into the water together. Neither of them can swim and you can only save one. Who would you choose?"

This is a classic and old question, but Little Spider has obviously never seen such a deep routine before, so he was immediately confused by this question.

Gwen: "Actually, I can swim."

Richard: "You won't."

".Oh." Gwen responded obediently.

Peter said weakly: "But Iron Man can fly."

"The armor is flooded and has a short circuit." Richard said expressionlessly.

"But I think his armor should be waterproof"

"It's not waterproof." Richard thought to himself, why don't you just choose from so many questions and be done with it?

Little Peter scratched his head and struggled for a long time.

This is how to do ah? Iron Man is also an idol, and Spider-Woman is also an idol. Can’t I want both?

It's a dilemma.

After a long while, little Peter whispered: "Then I'll choose the heroine sister."

Gwen was a little embarrassed, but at the same time she was surprised to find that she seemed to be a little happy in her heart?

Richard nodded slightly. Yes, yes, children can be taught. It's just a pity for Stark. It seems that his future number one fan has already been booked in advance.

After the show ended in the evening, everyone went back to their homes.

There was nothing to do at night anyway, Richard wanted to go out for a walk before going home. Gwen also wants to go, but she still has unfinished homework assigned by the teacher (the helplessness of the student party)

So Gwen went home first, while Richard wandered aimlessly along the street.

Since there is no way to upgrade the power of light for the time being, I can only try my luck in Nepal first. He asked the Asgardian witch to explore the way for him before, but she hasn't moved yet. I don't know if she was caught by the Supreme Mage and kicked back to her hometown.

But waiting like this is not an option. Richard decided that if there was no news about Amora within this week, he might as well go to Nepal for a tour next week.

Richard was wandering around casually and passing by a certain alley when he suddenly noticed something inadvertently.

A handsome man in a suit supported the wall with one hand and forced a woman into the corner in a standard wall-dong posture. The woman has jet black hair, a black jacket, and dark blue jeans that cling to her slender and shapely legs.

Hey, wait a minute, is that Jessica?

Richard suddenly found things interesting.

Oh, how dare any blind guy dare to touch our Jessica?

Brother, you won the prize! Still a jackpot!

Richard didn't interfere, he just stopped and watched with interest at the entrance of the alley, counting the seconds to see how long it would take for Jessica to prepare to throw this guy out of the alley.

As he looked at it, he suddenly seemed to realize that something was wrong.

This man was wearing a purple suit, had a perky beard, and had a British face, and he looked familiar.

Richard raised his eyebrows, suddenly recognizing who this guy was.

Isn't this who Kilgrave is? That supervillain named Purple Man?

I remember that in the original work, Jessica fell under the mind control of this guy, and was forced by him to do many things against her will, and experienced the darkest period of her life.

So are we really enemies? Even though she came to be a reporter, Jessica still fell in love with Ziren.

(Thanks to book friends Chang'an Old Dream Can, Crazy Orange 222, 20190821173816488, 150225125115311 for their rewards!)

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