The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 132 If you don’t want to borrow it, get out!

"In other words, what do you want?" Master Gu Yi looked at him and asked.

Richard tilted his head and thought for a while: "Let me think about it. Are you constipated if you eat well and sleep well?"

Master Gu Yi: "."

It should be said that he is worthy of being the Supreme Mage. Faced with such an out-of-line answer, his face is still calm. It's just that Richard felt that the archmage's eyelids seemed to twitch for a moment, but maybe it was an illusion.

In fact, of course he knew what the Supreme Mage wanted to ask. Most likely it was one of those "why are you fighting?" questions that every protagonist must face once. But he felt that he was very naive as to why, he was just trying his best. If something happening in front of him is clearly within his ability, then he will do it without hesitation. But making him self-sacrificial and selfless like a passionate protagonist? He can't do it yet.

Richard never presented himself as a hero because he wasn't one. He is just an ordinary person who inexplicably traveled through time and gained extraordinary powers, but this does not mean that he becomes a hero.

He yearns for those heroes and respects what they have done, but it is precisely because of this that he clearly understands that the word "hero" means multiple weights. Not just anyone can bear this weight.

The ancient mage seemed to know what he was thinking, and no longer struggled with the topic: "I saw you learned the introductory spell from Casillas?"

Richard thought to himself, "Weren't you at home when I wiped you?" Could it be that the bald man pretended not to be there during the day but was actually observing secretly?

Sure enough, no one with a bald head is easy to deal with. Like Fury's braised egg, and Gu Yi's salted egg, both of them are extremely sinister.

But he still said it truthfully: "Yes."

Unexpectedly, Gu Yi shook his head: "Magic is not a path suitable for you."

Richard was stunned for a moment. He thought that his extraordinary talent was a super genius suitable for practicing law. Before, he even wondered whether the old bald man would directly appoint him as the next Supreme Mage as soon as he was in a good mood. From then on, there would be nothing wrong with Strange. , I didn’t expect the old bald man to give him a PASS directly?

Gu Yi seemed to have noticed his doubts again, and continued: "Do you know what the principle behind our practicing and performing magic is?"

Richard thought for a while and recalled his knowledge of the magic system in Marvel comics and Casillas' explanation during the day.

"Spells are like source code, used to program the rules of the real world?" he asked tentatively.

"Yes, but the magic power required to perform magic comes from multiple dimensions." Ancient One said, "When we perform magic, we need to draw energy from various dimensions and fields, and these energies are from higher-level gods or demons." Lent to us. Magic spells are like the way ordinary humans communicate with gods, like a kind of prayer, a process of using god's power to realize people's wishes. But you are different."

Master Gu Yi paused, glanced at Richard, and said meaningfully: "Gods often only fulfill people's wishes, and will not fulfill the wishes of another god."

Richard suddenly understood what she meant.

He also knew the principle mentioned by Gu Yi. Unlike magic in other systems, the magic power required by mages in the Marvel world to cast spells is "borrowed". To use the spells of the corresponding faction, you must borrow the magic power of the god of the corresponding faction. For example, for the Supreme Mage lineage, most of their magic power comes from a certain god known as the "Trinity", Emperor Weishan. Emperor Weishan has always responded to the requests of the Earth's mages.

But Richard is not that kind of ordinary human being. He has the power of Noah in his body. Although the power is still dormant, it should be at the level of a god.

It's no wonder that he felt that strange feeling when he extracted the magic power before. It must be because the big guys whose power he borrowed were unhappy.

This feeling is like Zeus of Olympus knocking on the door of Odin's house in the Nordic god system: "Odin-san, lend me your power!"

Then Odin will say: "If you don't want to borrow it, get out!"

The same is true here. It's okay if Richard borrows his strength once or twice, but maybe Weishan Emperor won't say anything with just a little drizzle of magic power. But if you borrow too much, people might think, where did this foreign god come from so shamelessly? What do you mean if you don't have to come to my place every day to eat and drink with all your magical power?

That would be a bit embarrassing.

Therefore, the road to learning magic is visually unavailable.

"But you don't need to take this path in the first place." Gu Yi took a sip of tea and continued, "Everyone has their own opportunities and their own path, and magic is not your choice."

Richard remembered that the ancient master had the all-seeing Eye of Agamotto. He must have read countless possible futures like watching a TV series. Even if he couldn't directly teach the spell, he would definitely be able to give him a few pointers to help him avoid wandering. detour. So he asked: "So what is my path? Can you tell me a little bit about it?"

Gu Yi looked at him, his eyes twinkling slightly.

"Your future has various possibilities." She said slowly, "You can cause the ultimate destruction and become the ultimate disaster in this world, or you can make the future more brilliant than ever before. I have seen too much There are so many possibilities in the future. Believe me, most of them are so bad that you can’t even imagine them. But in the end, I found that all the most perfect futures require your participation.”

She looked at Richard: "Want to know why?"

Richard thought for a moment: "Because... I'm handsome?"

Master Gu Yi: "."

She didn't know why, but she suddenly didn't want to talk to this person.

But she continued according to the lines: "Because that's the kind of person you are. Whether you want it or not, you are a good person. You have never been the kind of person who would abandon innocent people."

I'm going to give you a good person card right now? Or from an old bald man who is hundreds of years old?

Richard said he couldn't accept the card: "The person you are talking about is definitely not me."

Just kidding, I picked up a hundred yuan in elementary school and never handed it over and kept it all to myself. In junior high school, I put a blackboard eraser on the class door to ambush the teacher. Until I graduated from high school, I never helped an old lady cross the street or help an old man who fell on the road. Look at me. Where do you look like a good person?

The ancient mage seemed to have expected that he would say this, and immediately asked: "Okay, then you only need to answer me one question. Just when you were fighting that monster, when you were unable to conquer its virtualization ability and fell into Why didn't you turn around and leave during the stalemate? What drove you to stay and continue fighting?"

Richard pondered for a while and thought about this question carefully: "Because... elite monsters have more experience?"

Master Gu Yi: "."

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