The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 133 Your own choice

Richard decided to answer Master Gu Yi's questions more seriously, lest this mastermind's mentality would collapse.

"Well, in fact, the reason why I stayed just now was just because I felt that it was not time to retreat yet." He said, "Based on my observation of the situation, I thought I still had a chance of winning. The enemy's capabilities It’s not that it’s impossible to conquer, I just need to find a suitable method. Besides, it’s more or less my duty to defeat these guys.”

Because of him as Ultraman, alien beasts will appear. It is indeed difficult not to think this way in the current situation. Then the least he can do is to do his best to destroy these monsters that do not belong to this world.

"If you think that creature is your responsibility, it's not actually the case." Master Ancient One said leisurely.

Richard couldn't help but take another high look at the mage. As expected, she is worthy of being a boss who has lived for hundreds of years. Her ability to observe words and emotions is really powerful. She can always guess your thoughts like a roundworm in your stomach.

Master Ancient One continued: "I know that you are not from this world, and neither is the power in your body. But those creatures appeared much earlier than you. The first time I encountered that kind of creature was twenty years ago. , long before you came to this world."

Richard was stunned.

Before, he always thought that he traveled through time and came to Marvel first, but later he didn't know how he brought the alien beasts from the TV series here. But from what the ancient master said, it seems that the alien beasts were actually the ones who came first, right?

This means that the reason why he appears here, or the reason why Ultraman's light appears in this world, is actually to defeat the alien beasts?

From this point of view, perhaps it is precisely because of the appearance of Ultraman, a natural enemy, that the alien beasts scattered all over the place spontaneously gather towards him, appear near him and launch attacks. Because at the same time that Richard sensed the existence of the alien beast, the alien beast also sensed him and showed him as the primary threat.

"I don't know what you think, but I believe that everything in the world has its own reason." Ancient Master Mage said calmly, and stood up, "The creature that was repelled today is not dead yet, it is just... Recuperate and prepare to launch the next attack after recovering from the injury. Just tomorrow night, it will come again."

Richard looked at her: "But even if I don't come forward, you can still solve it, right?"

He thought that even if he didn't take action, it would be impossible for the ancient master to watch the door of his temple being pushed down by the alien beast, right?

The ancient mage did not deny it, and just shrugged: "I can, but it will definitely be accompanied by a lot of consumption. Magic has a price, and the more powerful the magic, the higher the price. And my ability is also limited. This Maybe I can fight it one time, but not the next time. In the end, there will always be times when I can’t do what I can.”

After a pause, she changed the subject again: "But of course, it's up to you what to do. As you said, when that creature shows up again, if you don't show up to fight, I naturally can't stand by and watch.

After all, having power does not represent an absolute obligation. Being strong doesn't mean you owe the world anything. Whether you stand up or live an ordinary life is your right to choose. I have lived for hundreds of years and experienced long battles that others could never imagine. If you want me to say, just be an ordinary person and choose the most ordinary life, there is nothing wrong with that. It's just that some choices are destined to leave some regrets in this world. "

Richard was a little surprised. To be honest, he didn't expect this big man to be so easy to talk to.

In fact, Master Gu Yi left a pretty good impression on him after this conversation. According to the worst-case scenario that Richard imagined, Ancient One might make things difficult for him because of his reputation as an "invader from another world", but that didn't happen.

Not only that, Master Gu Yi was also very polite throughout the whole process. She did not act like an elder, nor was she arrogant like the supreme leader in some novel sect, wanting to look at people with her nostrils. She only maintained an attitude of being on an equal footing with each other during the conversation. Richard could feel that she was quite easy-going, at least not hostile at all.

Thinking about it this way, he just choked so many words, and he really felt a little bit sorry.

Richard originally thought that she would use chicken soup like "with great power comes great responsibility" to fool him into dedicating something to the world, but it didn't work out.

The summary of what she said is probably, if you are willing to come out to work, that would be better. If not, then I have no choice but to risk my life and go out on my own.

It can be heard that Gu Yi seems to have a salty heart deep down in his heart, but unfortunately reality does not allow it. Thinking about it like this, the Supreme Mage is quite helpless.

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's go back and rest." Gu Qi stood up and waved his hand, "I have nothing to teach you here. If you want to leave, you can have something to eat tomorrow morning before leaving."

Richard thanked him and immediately left the hall and returned to his guest room.

In the end, he still didn't leave.

Just as the ancient mage predicted, Grugram returned at the same time and in the same direction the next night. After a day's rest, the injuries all over the body of the alien beast had healed, and it had regained its majestic momentum, pushing towards the town like a running field tank.

But this time, the mages of Kama Taj all noticed the movement here. A group of mages in the hall, together with the ancient mage, looked at the image of the alien beast advancing through a suspended magic circle, as if they were watching a live TV broadcast.

Immediately, a mage took the initiative to ask for help, saying that he was willing to personally lead several mages to intercept it, and he would definitely be able to come back with the creature's head.

This group of mages overestimates their abilities, but how can a master in ancient times not know the worth of his minions? If she doesn't take action, all the mages in this holy land combined may not be enough to hold one claw of the alien beast.

So she shook her head to stop her mage from going up to kill him: "Wait a little longer."

At this moment, just outside the town, Richard was standing directly in front of the alien beast, looking up at the stirring dust in front of him, holding the Evolution Truster tightly in his hand.

In fact, it's not like he never thought about just leaving. Anyway, with the Supreme Mage here, he thought this guy wouldn't be able to make any waves. But in the end, he didn't leave.

Some things always have to be faced by oneself. You can escape it once or twice, but in the end everyone has to face their own reality one day.

Richard smiled easily and said to himself: "Come on, round two. You won't be so lucky this time."

The Trustee of Evolution unsheathed, and white light illuminated the night sky, covering the earth in an instant.

(Thanks to book friends Lifetime 2D, kidboy88, Tianshenxian, and Kongkuangbo for their rewards!)

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