The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 134 Breaking through the bottleneck

The Ancient One Master asked Richard why he didn't just run away when he faced Grugram and couldn't find a strategy. Although he vaguely prevaricated at the time, he actually thought about the problem seriously.

Yes, why stay and fight when you can clearly escape unscathed? Why does he make a special trip to fight the alien beast whenever he senses a vibration wave? Is it just because he has this ability?

Richard had never faced this problem squarely before, nor had he thought carefully about his reasons for fighting. But now, after a few instructions from Master Gu Yi, intentionally or unintentionally, he suddenly discovered that this was a very simple question. It's like a layer of window paper, it just depends on whether you want to poke it through.

In fact, this has nothing to do with any heroic complex, nor does it require you to have any great savior-like revenge or open mind. This is just a decision that any person with a sound mind and normal outlook would make under certain circumstances.

Just like the police will fight to the death against the heinous criminals, the firefighters will risk their lives to rush into the fire, and the soldiers guarding the border will stay at their posts for decades.

This has nothing to do with the determination of "even if there are thousands of people, I will go", it is just a responsibility.

They do this because someone has to do something.

The rest is very simple. This is why at the same time tonight, he appeared here again, standing in front of the alien beast Grugram, with the will to fight in his heart clearer than ever before.

Nexus had appeared in a pillar of light. The charging Grugram was stunned for a moment, looking left and right for a while, and seemed to be a little disappointed, as if to say: Hey, the big bald man didn't come yesterday. Not interesting.

Richard was slightly unhappy that this beast dared to ignore him. Oh, how dare you ignore me, uncle, come on, come on, let’s talk about your animal life

This time Nexus took the initiative and rushed in front of the alien beast. Grugram groaned and swept his head over like a slap. Nexus jumped away, grabbed its head with both hands, lifted its upper body off the ground, and struck its jaw with a heavy knee. Then he jumped sideways to the left wing of the alien beast before it could return to defense, punched it in the side of the face, and slashed down the alien beast's neck with the cutting knife on his elbow, dragging the golden light.

But Grugram's skin was so thick that it was unreasonable, and the golden cutting light caused sparks to fly on its neck, but the actual damage caused was very limited. On the contrary, the angry Grugram thrust his whole body forward and let out a low, strange cry. A powerful force suddenly penetrated the defense and pushed Nexus back two steps.

Nexus stabilized his body and rubbed his right palm on the weapon on his left wrist. Where the golden light flashed, a crescent-shaped energy blade flew towards the alien beast. But Grugram repeated his old trick. The golden light of the crystal on his back flashed, and his body once again turned into a translucent state. The energy blade passed through the alien beast's body, and a high curtain of fire exploded in the forest behind.

Grugram roared triumphantly, as if taunting him. Dude, why do you only have this little ability? Do you still want to hurt your uncle and me?

All the mages who were OB on Kama Taj's side couldn't sit still. Many people asked the Supreme Mage if they should go out to help, but they were all stopped by Ancient One.

What are you panicking about? Maybe they can handle it originally, but you guys won’t be able to handle it once you go and give it to them.

As for Gu Yi himself, he had no intention of taking action yet. He just kept looking at the side with his hands behind his hands, as if he was expecting something.

Richard calmly looked at the alien beast that had become transparent, and his brain was thinking quickly.

Grugram's virtualization ability is indeed very buggy. It switches its body to another phase through the phase change organ on its back. No matter it is physical or energy, any attack method is completely ineffective against it.

But there is only one moment when it is not invincible. Only at that moment it must release its disguise and return to the normal space.

That's the moment it attacks.

The moment Grugram's bloody mouth came, Nexus also moved. The sharp fangs of the alien beast were like sharp blades piercing the skin of Nexus' left arm, and the weapon on Nexus's wrist also cut into the opponent's disabled body at the same moment.

The majestic light energy quickly poured into the weapon on Nexus's wrist, and the blade seemed to be coated with a layer of golden light. With a slash that was filled with all his strength, the golden light left a scorching trail in the air. The alien beast's rock-like skin was immediately split open, and blood gushed out like a spring.

At the same moment, Grugram's teeth definitely bit through his skin and penetrated. The searing pain was clearly transmitted to Richard's nerves, and golden light particles flew out from the cracks in his skin.

But he ignored the pain and reached out to grab Grugram's long neck as he tried to shrink back. He grabbed the neck of the alien beast with one hand and supported its lower body with the other hand. Ignoring the pain as if his muscles were about to be torn, his arms suddenly exerted force, and the alien beast weighing more than 50,000 tons was actually forced by him. He was thrown away from the town!

Like a large landmine being detonated at the same time, the earth let out a dull scream the moment the alien beast landed. Grugram was smashed to pieces, his little eyes were filled with stars, and his body fell sideways like a bastard who had overturned his car and couldn't get up for a long time.

For the first time worth remembering, the red energy core on Nexus's chest began to flicker.

Richard couldn't help but feel melancholy. He didn't expect that a salty fish with a bourgeois mentality like himself would actually hit the light when the light came on. Before, he always thought of running away as soon as the light came on. Sure enough, no one in the world can escape the law of true fragrance.

But when he inadvertently turned around and saw the town behind him, and saw more and more frightened residents in the town who were frightened into the streets and pointed at them, even he couldn't help but feel something.

For a short while, he seemed to suddenly be able to understand what kind of belief Brother Zhun had in guarding the lights of thousands of families behind him without taking a step back.

Only when you put yourself in your shoes, when you actually stand in this position and see those people hiding in your shadow in fear, will you understand what it is like.

But he just sighed. After all, he is not a brother-in-law, and there is no reason to fight until his last breath to seek atonement. But at least what he can do is try his best to let this light realize its own meaning, and that is enough.

The moment he figured this out, an unknown force swept through his body. Richard felt as if a pure and warm light burst out from the depths of his body, traveled along his limbs and torso, and rushed into the core of his chest with joy.

It feels like a bottleneck that has been stuck has been broken, like a layer of shackles being opened.

The azure light briefly enveloped the silver giant's body, gently brushing over it like water waves. When he came back to his senses, the giant's entire body had turned red, and his energy and aura instantly increased dramatically.

Nexus' red youth form!

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