Richard could clearly feel that power was pouring out of his body like a gushing flame, and unprecedented power was flowing through his limbs. He felt as if all the physical energy in his body had doubled. No, it might even be more than that.

It was impossible to tell just from the performance of the TV series. Richard originally thought that although Nexus's youth form had an increase in power compared to his juvenile form, the extent must be very limited. Only after experiencing it personally did he understand that the youth form brought about a qualitative leap and a completely different kind of power. For Nexus, this form means a watershed. Not only does he have more skill choices and more powerful light skills, but it also means that he has gained Noah's unique purification ability and certain spatial abilities. A comprehensive upgrade.

He feels like he can do anything.

I don't know if he instinctively sensed the threat, but Grugram suddenly turned his head and seemed to want to just slap his butt and leave. Just like what happened last night, the crystal organ on Grugram's back began to flicker again, and a special energy field enveloped its whole body, causing it to become blurry and transparent again, and it seemed to appear out of thin air again. disappear.

But this time it can't run away.

Nexus rubbed his right hand against the weapon on his left wrist. His arm cut a golden arc in the air, and his right fist was wrapped in an illusory golden light. He raised his right hand to the sky, and a golden stream of light shot through the sky towards the sky, opening a huge barrier under the dark sky. A hemispherical light shield descended from the sky, covering the sky and the earth like a huge cage. The virtual state of Grugram was wrapped in golden light, and the virtual body immediately appeared, trapped in the golden light with nowhere to go.

Light particles were flying all over the sky, the golden hemisphere gradually dissipated, the night returned to tranquility, and Nexus and the alien beasts had disappeared.

Meta realm, the signature skill of young Nexus. Nexus can use his light to carve out a subspace independent of reality, a realm of light called the "Meta Realm." Maintaining this space consumes a lot of money, but in this area Ultraman's various abilities will be enhanced, and his opponents will be suppressed accordingly.

In fantasy terms, this is called being able to open up space and form a small world of its own.

The most important thing is that this way the other party is equivalent to being imprisoned in this barrier. Like the bug named Baigba Zun last time, if Richard could release the Meta Domain at that time, it would not be able to escape even if it flew ten times faster.

Grugram was fortunate enough to be the first alien beast invited into this realm. Now it is located in a space where brown rocks are piled up. The colorful aurora is reflected in the sky, like a colorful curtain hanging from the horizon. The crystal-like organs on its back were extinguished like a misfire at this moment, and its spatial ability was obviously disabled as a result.

The field of light has suppressed the beastly nature of the alien beasts, and Grugram's current state is... well, in layman's terms, it is a thin blue mushroom.

Grugram roared angrily, as if he was trying to drive away the unhappiness in his body through his high-pitched and continuous roar. It rushed forward dragging the stirring dust, unstoppable.

Because he knew it was a powerful alien beast, Richard chose to avoid its sharp edge and attack it from the side every time. But this time it was different. This time he chose to face each other head-on.


Like thunder rolling, the bodies of Ultraman and the alien beast violently collided, and the smoke and dust filled the air from the soles of both sides. It was a collision of pure power, without any bells and whistles, without any room for trickery, just like two speeding trains hitting each other at top speed.

It was also the first time after so many rounds of confrontation between the two sides that Grugram was suppressed in the field of power it was best at. After a round of collisions, Nexus stood calmly on the spot, while the alien beast was knocked dizzy and stepped back in a daze, with stars in his eyes as if he couldn't even find his direction. .

Nexus stepped forward, lowered his center of gravity, and his right fist came out from zero distance like a cannonball, instantly detonating on Grugram's strong lower abdomen. Peiran's fist power exploded, and the air flow cut out like countless blades against the reddish-brown ground. The hurricane stirred up a dust curtain ten or twenty meters high.

The fist wind instantly penetrated the smoke screen, and the alien beast's huge body roared out of the smoke, with a spiral airflow rolling up behind it. It flew across the ground for more than a hundred meters, and its body blasted through a reddish-brown mountain peak like an electric drill.

Even Richard himself was surprised by the power he unleashed. Although there may be a bonus to himself from the Meta Field and a suppression of alien beasts, the effect is still far beyond expectations.

From this point of view, it seems that Nexus was suppressed by Grugram in the original TV series because he was too seriously injured and was exhausted due to continuous fighting. Otherwise, the basic ability of the youth form should be able to completely crush Grugram. That's right.

The alien beast is still making its last attempt. It raised its head and spit out several fiery balls of light from its mouth. But Nexus waved his hand casually, and the scorching flames were immediately dissipated with his bare hands.

Grugram then accumulated strength for a moment, focused all his energy on his neck, roared and sprayed out a scorching ray of destruction from his neck. Nexus raised his hand lightly, and the light blue barrier in front of him absorbed all the rays without even a single crack.

Nexus crossed his palms in front of him, made a gesture with his right hand, and released his mental energy, causing a hurricane in the Meta field! The golden energy mixed with the black whirlwind, and under the control of Ultraman's mind power, it formed an inverted tornado, rolling towards Grugram like an overwhelming force. The 50,000-ton alien beast was helplessly swept up to an altitude of hundreds of meters by the hurricane. It was trapped in the center of the tornado and was ripped apart by the energy flow. Finally, it fell heavily to the ground of the Meta Field, like a streak. He was as immobile as an old salted fish that had been dried in the sun.

Final blow.

Nexus crossed his arms downward to form a "V" shape, and then separated them in front of him, and several blue lightnings spread out between his forearms. His arms pointed diagonally towards the sky, and finally intertwined into an "L" shape. The blue light flow rushed out from the edge of the upright arms like a long river, and poured violently into the body of the alien beast as if ignoring defense.

The ultimate light!

Grugram's movements immediately stopped, and a few seconds later his body exploded from the inside out. The body was shattered from the molecular level into particles that filled the sky, and completely disappeared.

(Thanks to book friends Chasing the End, I Am the Big Salted Fish, Qi Qi, 20181202192547345, Gluttonous Devouring the Starry Sky, Seeing the West Lake from Ten Miles, and Wanshui Common People for their rewards!)

According to the original plan, the upgrade of the red youth should be put on the shelves, but I didn't expect that it was almost 300,000 words and it was still not on the shelves. I felt that it would not be good to delay the plot any longer, so I had to give up. . .

Today is the first update. I will have to adjust my rhythm later and prepare for the explosion.

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