The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 138 The Attack of the Hand

Somewhere in New York, in a dark and gloomy room.

It was a young, thin-faced man. His face had typical oriental features, thick eyebrows, dry and white lips, and his face was as pale as a dead person. His eyes were closed and he was motionless. Only the rising and falling of his chest proved that he was still alive.

The man lay quietly in the rectangular sarcophagus, as if he was preparing for burial. The heavy coffin was covered with complex patterns and runes of unknown meaning drawn on it.

"Successful." The speaker was Alexandra, one of the four remaining "fingers" of the Hand. She said with a little excitement in her tone, "This host is unprecedentedly perfect and is the most powerful Black Sky. With him here, all enemies of the Hand will be swept away, no one is exception."

At this time, the three leaders of the Hand, Alexandra, Murakami, and Sowanda, were all gathered in this room, leaving only Botu missing.

"I don't dare to be so sure." Murakami, another leader of the Hand, reminded, "Remember, Madam Gao was defeated by that mysterious man. We still don't know anything about the strength of that mysterious man, let alone Needless to say, there is the mysterious man behind him."

He might have originally wanted to call her by his first name, but when the words came to his lips, it seemed as if he was affected by a force majeure, and he closed his mouth by some strange mistake.

Nowadays, the underground world of New York is unified by the Kingpin, and the Kingpin family dominates the entire underworld. Influenced by his own boss, the legend of "that lord" is now spread among relatively powerful gangsters in New York. It is an unwritten rule not to mention that lord's name. It is said that anyone who dares to mention that name directly will be killed. The people with the number eventually disappeared from the world.

Rumors may be exaggerated, and no one knows whether they are true or false, but most people would rather believe them than believe them, and no one would make fun of them with their own lives. Over time, "that gentleman" became a taboo that no one could touch.

The Hand is different from the small fish and shrimps in the underworld, but they have really suffered big losses at the hands of "that adult". Even the old witch Madam Gao, who had lived for hundreds of years, was dead, which had to make them cautious when facing that force.

But Alexandra didn't care at all: "Before, we stood still because we were not ready yet, but now we are. There is no need for me to be afraid of anyone, even that pretentious Shafrin."

"Be careful," Murakami interrupted, supporting his chin with both hands, "We cannot rule out the possibility that the other party is eavesdropping on our conversation. That person's power is everywhere, and they have eyes and ears everywhere, even in this room. Not completely safe.”

Well, he is really thinking too much and scaring himself. Murakami obviously doesn't know that the "ubiquitous force" he calls actually consists of just one person from top to bottom, and that person is currently busy making movies and marketing, and has long forgotten about their Hand Club.


After being reminded by her companion, Alexandra not only did not change her words, but emphasized it again.

"Since when do we, the Hand, have to look forward and backward like this? Now we have the strongest Black Sky, with enough power to sweep everything. No matter who stands in front of us, they will die!

I don’t care who that person is, but do you think about why he doesn’t allow others to mention that name? That's because he's cowardly, because it makes him insecure. The only thing this can explain is that that guy is actually just an ordinary person, a guy who hides his head and hides his tail, and doesn't even dare to show up in person, that's all. "

The other two Hand leaders looked at each other. They felt that what Alexandra said was not completely unreasonable, but they felt that her estimate of the enemy's strength was a bit too optimistic.

However, they are indeed very confident in the power of Black Sky. Black Sky itself is just a host, a carrier, a carrier of a powerful demon called "Beast" that their Hand believes in. It will use the host to exert power far beyond human understanding. Although the strength of MCU's American dramas is limited, in fact, "Beast" is a powerful being that even the famous Marvel Ghost Rider has been defeated, a real demon.

"Although Mrs. Gao died, her will remained." Alexandra said solemnly, "Her death is our most painful loss in these years, but we will not fall here. The Hand will always remember it. For what she left us, we will avenge her and move forward together with her!"

Her words immediately aroused responses from the other two people. The three of them expressed a few words one after another, such as how Mrs. Gao had devoted her whole life to the organization and made a huge contribution over the years. There was a hint in their tone that "if she lives, she must be elected as a leader."

If Mrs. Gao heard this under Jiuquan, she would be so angry that she would vomit blood. I don't think she saw how respectful these guys were when she was alive. Now that she died, they started to sigh. After a while, they might have to give her a title like "Hand Club Thumb". Show respect.

"Now, there is only the last question left." She paused and suddenly said to the darkness, "Really."

The red-clothed ninja walked out of the darkness, knelt down respectfully in front of the bosses, lowered his head and waited for orders.

"It will take some time before Heikong is ready. Before that, I want you to follow up and investigate the Chinese named Richard Lee. I want you to report to me any abnormalities around him."


The ninja nodded, then retreated into the darkness and disappeared.

Richard didn't know that he was being targeted by the Hand again. At this time, he was still working hard to be a successful businessman.

Recently, many manufacturers have indeed contacted us and expressed their willingness to launch various Spider-Woman-related peripherals. As the owner of the company that owns the copyright of Spider-Woman, Richard has held talks with these manufacturers and signed some cooperation agreements.

Gwen, who was a party to the agreement, had read most of the terms of the agreement herself, and Richard had sought her consent before signing - although in most cases she just nodded. Anyway, as long as Richard said he thought this could be signed, she had no objection.

Oh, except that one time.

To be honest, when a manufacturer proposed to produce a pillow with the image of Spider-Woman, Richard was a little moved. One is because the conditions offered by the other party are indeed very generous, and the other is because he thinks this is really promising. Find a painter who is a little more nerdy, draw a cute pattern on the pillow, and then set a high price that may seem unreasonable at first glance. I guarantee that countless nerds will rush to buy it, and the sales will be good and the cost will be high. Low.

However, he tried to say nice things to Gwen, but the little girl just refused to nod. Her stance on this issue is particularly firm, but she is not incomprehensible. Gwen felt chills running down her spine when she thought about the countless otakus who sleep on pillows in their own image every night and bleed all over the place.

Helpless, in the end he had to settle for the next best thing and agreed to produce T-shirts with the image of Spider-Woman on them. Gwen nodded in agreement, because she wanted T-shirts, aren't they just for wearing? What could be wrong?

(Thanks to book friends The Journey of the Time and Space Demon, kidboy88, Four Seven Assassins, and Disturbed Young Hearts 1 for their rewards!)

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