The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 139 Do you want to film?

The filming of the movie was in full swing, and the overall progress was quite smooth, but there was also a little trouble.

According to the script, the little boy who is the protagonist of the movie accidentally witnesses a transaction site of a terrorist organization, and then the organization will send top killers to hunt him down. Then Spider-Woman will appear at this time, and there will be a fight scene with the killer.

The problem lies with this "top killer".

To be fair, Richard feels that he has invested enough in this minor villain who only has one appearance in the entire film. It was rare that he did not skimp on the pay for this part. He took the advice of the old director and hired several experienced Hollywood action actors to star in the role. However, the auditions always failed to achieve the results he expected.

Friday night, Black Pearl Bar, a small bar located at the intersection of 32nd Street and 44th Street.

Although this place is shabby and small compared to most of its peers, this is the bar that Richard frequents the most. Because the proprietress of the bar always reminds him of the aunt who sold stinky tofu downstairs in his previous life, this place makes him feel friendly.

Richard sat at the bar as usual, ordered a glass of wine, and sat down, watching TV and chatting with the aunt behind the bar. After a while, a woman sat down next to him.

"Bring this gentleman a glass of whiskey," the woman said, giving Richard a faint smile, "and an olive branch."

Richard glanced sideways at her and raised his eyebrows.

This is a very beautiful and fashionable woman with an oriental face, a high nose bridge, gorgeous red lips, regular and pretty facial features, a burgundy silk skirt, and slender and perfect legs under the skirt. Attractive appearance.

But that's not the point. The point is that when Richard saw her for the first time, he instinctively felt that he had seen this woman somewhere, but he couldn't remember where for the moment.

The beautiful lady left a green banknote on the bar, and the landlady quickly delivered a glass of whiskey to Richard. Richard tilted his head and glanced at her: "Seriously?"

"Of course." The lady smiled and picked up the wine glass herself, "I just want to make friends."

However, before she could finish her words, she saw Richard pick up the wine glass, slurp it a few times, drink it all in one breath, and boldly said to the landlady: "One more glass."

The landlady took the empty glass and glanced at him: "Are you sure? Or whiskey?"

"Just the same cup as the one just now." Richard smiled. "Anyway, didn't this lady say she'll pay for it?"


Normally, this would be the point where the woman trying to strike up a conversation would be persuaded to leave, but not this one. She chuckled elegantly and seductively, and shook the cup: "You are indeed, as they say, a unique man, Mr. Li."

"Oh? You know me?"

"Of course I do," she said with a smile. "You are somewhat of a celebrity. A few years ago, you started from scratch and started trying to carve out your own world in this small place in New York. Look how long it has been. Now you live in When people in New York look up, everyone can spot the Daily Planet signboard at a glance among the buildings. That is your business card, Mr. Li, and it is your mark on this city."

She paused and blinked her spiritual eyes.

"Not everyone can do this," she said. "If you ask me, you are a legend, Mr. Li."

Richard nodded seriously: "Yes, indeed, I think so too."


It’s not that I’m praising you. Is it really okay for you to accept it with peace of mind like this?

And what’s with your attitude of “you can praise me all day long”?

But this woman's self-cultivation is really extraordinary. Even so, she still didn't have any extreme reaction. She smiled and said, "To be honest, I didn't expect to meet such a big shot like you in a place like this. It's an honor for me to get to know each other."

She said, stretching out her slender palm: "Erica Nakis, nice to meet you."

Richard looked at her in surprise.

Okay, now he finally remembered. Erica, one of the female cast members of Hell's Kitchen's famous superhero Daredevil. Richard remembered that she was a ninja, a killer, and had the same teacher as Daredevil. She also joined the "Shinsumi Kai", a killer organization with the ultimate goal of destroying the Hand.

It's just that Richard thought about it and couldn't remember how he was related to this "Zhenshen Society". If it must be said, he only had one conflict with the Hand, and he just killed an immortal old woman and a certain miscellaneous soldier with a certain surname. Even if they wanted to cause trouble for him, it would be the Hand who would come to find him. Is this really the case? What happened to Jun?

Maybe they learned through some channel that Mrs. Gao was actually killed by Richard, so now they sent Erica to betray her and lure him to the Zhenshun Society?

This does seem to be the most likely.

However, Richard was not very interested in wading into this muddy water. The previous killing of Mrs. Gao was just for personal reasons - Mrs. Gao's methods of killing compatriots and selling drugs made him very unhappy, so he took action to kill the old woman, just for personal reasons and for no other reason.

As for the Hand, it is a super organization entrenched all over the world. After so many years of development, it has penetrated into all areas of the world, and its difficulty is second only to the Hydra that lives inside Aegis. It's not too difficult to eliminate several leaders of the Hand, but uprooting the organization? That's obviously not practical.

So no matter what purpose Erica had in approaching him, Richard felt that it was better to keep some distance from her. There is nothing he wants in Erica. No one wants to have a professional killer hanging around them all day long.

Um, wait, a hit man?

Are we just short of a "killer" here?

Richard's expression suddenly became serious, and he looked at Erica with a completely different look. He looked at Erica carefully from head to toe, like a treasure appraiser appreciating a newly unearthed antique, which made Erica feel uncomfortable all over.

No, brother, although I'm here to set up a honey trap, you don't have to be so direct, right?

"Very good." Richard nodded seriously, "Very good, you are the person I am looking for."

Erica was confused. What's going on?

Confirmed through eyes that I met the right person?

"Miss Natchez," Richard looked serious, "can I ask you a question?"

Erica's heart skipped a beat. She wants to say that your progress is too fast, right? I'm not as impatient as you, haven't you heard that everything should be done step by step?

But she still nodded: "Just ask."

She was mentally prepared to agree to whatever request he made for the mission.

As a result, Richard asked: "Do you want to film?"

Erica: "???"

Thank you for your concern and support. This book is expected to be on the shelves on October 1st and will definitely continue to explode. At that time, please subscribe and support with monthly tickets.

Preparations are being made these days, and the strongest BOSS in this book so far will be ushered in soon after it is released, so stay tuned~

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