The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 140 Just a little cold

Richard's question immediately reversed his attack. Erica had not expected his move in advance, and the situation immediately changed from active attack to passive reception.

Brother, I am trying to trick you, can you be more serious? What is the operation of suddenly filming?

Erica suddenly began to wonder if they were not on the same channel from beginning to end.

But her mission from the beginning was to get to Richard. During their previous background check, they also discovered that Richard was busy filming a movie recently. If they could sneak in and play a role, they should be considered close to him, right?

After Richard briefly explained, Erica did not give a direct answer, but said that she would think about it. This is also very reasonable. Most people will need a period of time to weigh and consider this kind of thing.

Richard readily agreed. Anyway, the crew is short of a "killer" at the moment. Erica, who has acting skills, a good figure, and can even do it with real swords and guns, is exactly what they need now. In addition, if Erica was asked to act, he would only have to give her a symbolic remuneration. Anyway, she had ulterior motives and the remuneration was not afraid of her not acting, no matter how low the remuneration was. The savings would then be a huge kickback.

Of course, it must be reiterated here that all decisions made by Producer Li are for the sake of film quality and not for personal gain. Well, that's it.

After separating from Richard that night, Erica immediately went back to find her master to revive her.

Gunsou is a blind old man, a kung fu master of the "True Pure Society", and the master of Elektra and the future famous Daredevil. When Erica entered the door, the old man was facing the window with his back to the door, kneeling on the ground with his eyes closed and meditating.

"Judging from your steps and breathing," Gunsou said without raising his eyes when he heard her coming in, "things are not going well?"

Erica knelt down on one knee: "Yes. He looked very wary. I don't know if it was my imagination, but he seemed reluctant to let me get close. But he finally invited me to make a movie. .”

"Oh?" Gunsou asked, "Then have you agreed?"

"I said I need to think about it." Erica hesitated, "Because I think that starring in a movie may increase my exposure to the public. I wonder if that will be detrimental to our career?"

Her considerations do make sense. She has been trained by Gunsou since she was a child to be a warrior of the Shinsunkai, an ultimate killer who can quickly adapt to various identities and can lurk around anyone. For this status, becoming a movie star is undoubtedly not a good choice.

What if she accidentally gets angry while acting in a movie? In the future, she will pretend to be someone else to get close to the assassination target, but the gun is still tied in her skirt. People will recognize her and say, "Oh, I recognize you. Aren't you that person? That one." A star who plays a Hollywood movie? Your acting skills are amazing. I am your fan. Can I sign your autograph?"

That would be so embarrassing.

"Since he invited you, go ahead." Stickman said slowly, "This is your mission, isn't it? Or do you still have doubts?"

"No." Erica shook her head, "I didn't."

"Then there's nothing more to say." Gunsou said slowly, "Don't be fooled by his appearance. This person is far from as simple as he seems on the surface."


Erica contacted Richard the next day and said she had already thought of the terms she was willing to accept. So Richard arranged an audition for her that day.

At first, when Richard told the old director that he had hired a new person, the old director was very unhappy. He thought to himself, if you can find a talented player, you will be lucky enough to find a treasure. How many times do you want to encounter this kind of thing?

But thinking about the salary he received, the director didn't say anything in the end. He felt that if the newcomer was really not good enough, he would have to find an excuse during the audition and forget about it.

However, the old director was once again surprised. He never expected that the new guy Richard brought back this time was not a potential stock at all, but a super powerful guy! It's clearly Erica's first appearance, but her expressions and superb acting skills can put a lot of veteran Hollywood movie stars to shame.

When the old director asked Richard in surprise where he found such a genius, Richard just smiled and said it was a secret.

Never compete with spies for their acting skills, because their acting skills are all achieved through hard work.

The old director made a decision on the spot and decided to use Erica for this role.

So then came the issue of remuneration. The old director thought about it and felt that Erica only appeared once in the entire film and it wasn't too long. However, considering that she did have superb acting skills, it might not be appropriate to have too low a role.

The old director was still making calculations, so Richard smiled and said: "Newcomers, don't be too impatient. The most important thing about your first filming is to accumulate experience, it is mainly an opportunity, and the salary and other things are secondary. What do you think, how about one hundred thousand?"

The director lost his footing and almost fell. He wanted to say, brother, are you sending beggars away? Who will do it for 100,000 yuan? Are you trying to bully this girl's brain?

As a result, I never expected that the girl actually nodded and agreed immediately without blinking. The old director's thoughts suddenly changed, and he suddenly understood. He felt as if he suddenly understood what was going on. The producer must have reached some special agreement with this girl in private. Otherwise, how could she charge such a low price with her ability?

Firstly, Erica never pays attention to the film and television industry and has no idea how much the salary should be. Secondly, she doesn't care at all. This is not her purpose anyway.

Besides, she actually doesn’t need the money...

Once the character is determined, the next step is to design the character’s look. Richard said that although Erica was a minor role, her styling design was not sloppy at all. He personally proposed the design ideas and supervised the costume design team to complete the uniform design.

In the end, Erica was almost speechless and put on an outfit that was too hot to look down on. She was wearing a black cloak and a navel-baring outfit, with her slender arms and shapely thighs exposed. The only bit of leather on her upper body was as tight as one size too small, which was uncomfortable to look at.

Richard looked at the finishing effect of Erica's look and couldn't help but nodded slightly: "Okay, okay, this is the effect."

Gwen couldn't help but come over and ask: "Is this really good? Isn't it a little inappropriate?"

"How could that be?" Richard turned to Erica, "What do you think of this look? Is it suitable?"

Erica said feebly: "It's suitable, I think it's pretty good."

Yeah, it's pretty good, but it's a little chilly.

(Thanks to the book friends Jinshirenrenren and Jin Taiyi’s Guo Da for the reward!)

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