The giant of light in the marvel world

Chapter 157 Finding clues (second update)

The movie grossed hundreds of millions at the box office on the first day it was released. As the first work of a new production company, it can be said to be a miraculous success.

The film's reputation is also surprisingly good. The largest domestic film and television rating website scored a score of 8.4 on the first day. Of course, there must be extra points due to the popularity of superheroes, and based on experience, the score will always drop slightly over time, but according to the current situation, the final score should be at least 7.5 points, which is very good for a movie that focuses on visuals. This is already a pretty good result for a commercial blockbuster.

Of course, even those top movies with a score of 9 or higher cannot achieve zero negative reviews, and Planet Pictures, a fledgling new company, cannot avoid such a fate. Naturally, some experts and colleagues jumped out to accuse their movie of being just a fast food movie, with no connotation or value, and the plot was just mediocre. What's more, they make this movie worthless, as if going to see this movie is a complete waste of two hours of life.

Richard just smiled and said it didn't matter at all. You can scold me all you want, but our hands are cramping when we count money here.

The movie's success also boosted the popularity of the characters. Many manufacturers have already signed contracts with them before. The Spider-Woman model from a famous North American manufacturer was officially launched on the same day as the movie was released, priced at more than 400 US dollars, and the price has been getting higher and higher as time goes by. high.

Gwen herself felt incredible when she saw the price: "It's so expensive? Would anyone really buy this kind of thing?"

Richard was happy: "Don't underestimate your fans. Don't say 400, believe it or not, if we set 4,000, there will still be people buying it?"

Gwen said nothing, but she clearly didn't believe it.

Spend 4,000 dollars to buy a model to take home as a display? Isn't that a fool?

In addition to Spider-Woman and Iron Man, there is another character who unexpectedly became popular through the movies, and that is our killer lady Elektra.

First of all, Erica's appearance is far above the average. She was directly promoted to be an idol without even wearing makeup. In addition, Miss Killer has a good temperament and a great figure. Coupled with the "cool" uniform designed by a certain producer under the supervision of a certain producer, Miss Erica's popularity among male audiences soared like a rocket.

While the movie was being released here, Fury also took the information Richard left him seriously and sent his best agents to investigate the human experiments on the alien beasts.

This process can be said to be full of difficulties. During the investigation, it encountered huge resistance from all parties. Even Fury himself received warnings from his superiors more than once to stop the investigation, but Fury ignored all these warnings. .

In fact, the top government officials can't do anything to him. If it were an agency like the CIA, it might really be unable to withstand the pressure and not be able to continue the investigation, but SHIELD is different. The director of Braised Eggs emphasized that he would not eat anything without salt and oil. He had to find out what he was sure about. Even the king of heaven came and could not change his mind.

At best, those big guys can only scare Fury with a few empty words, but how can Nick Fury be scared away with just one or two empty words? Luodan is that ruthless alien who can hold a gun to his head without changing his expression. How can a few officials eat him?

On the contrary, it was the reactions of these guys that convinced Fury that there was definitely something fishy going on here. So no matter what the superiors said to him, what Fury gave back to the lower-level agents was just one order - investigate for me, and investigate to death! If the sky falls, I will hold it up.

And his men did not disappoint him. In the end, all the clues pointed to a name that Fury was very familiar with and seemed to deserve to be here.

General Thaddeus Ross.

This general who was obsessed with gamma ray enhancement and created the Hulk and Abomination was undoubtedly the leader of the military's human body enhancement and an absolute radical. He firmly believes that under the current situation, future wars will become super-powered sooner or later, and super-powered armaments will become a major trend in the future. It is no secret in the military and political circles that General Ross is obsessed with various methods of human body enhancement. If it were the old man's words, he might actually make a crazy attempt to transform humans into beasts.

"You have crossed the line, Director Fury." General Ross's face appeared directly on the projection screen in Fury's office. He pointed at Fury fiercely through the screen, "This is not your job, take care of it." Just mind your own business."

"When the military's small actions involve world security issues, that's my responsibility." Fury narrowed his eyes, "I don't think you understand what you are doing."

"Of course I understand, I'm trying to protect the world with my own hands. Instead of pinning my hopes on a group of unruly guys in strange clothes like you." Ross said coldly, "I know you are not afraid of pressure, Fury, but You can't go too far. I didn't do anything against the rules, and none of the charges you tried to accuse me of are true. So take care of your people, Fury, or next time, I won't ask you so politely. ”

After saying that, the old man's image disappeared.

Arrogant, hot-tempered and incapable of showing any sense of proportion, this is General Thaddeus Ross.

You can imagine how much some of the big guys above them yearned to control those extraordinary powers, so they tried to protect him even when Ross brought up big troubles like Abomination. Maybe the hateful accident in the eyes of some people was actually a successful sample display, which made them more interested in Ross's research.

The problem now is that SHIELD can guess what Ross is doing, but he has no evidence. In addition, Ross has the permission from above. Even if SHIELD discovers a problem, SHIELD can only express strong opposition within the system. SHIELD and the military have always disliked each other, but all they can do is scold each other and cannot directly intervene in each other's affairs.

But it's only on the surface that you can't interfere.

What you need in this case is not an agent or a general, but someone who is outside the system, unfettered and free of worries.

After the call with Ross ended, Fury immediately called Richard.

"It's me. Last time you asked me if anyone was using fragments of alien beasts for illegal experiments? I have a little idea here. I also have some information you may want to see. If you are still interested, We can talk today - in person."

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